How to Make Alternative Use of Interfaces for Wcf Contracts - wcf

Lets say I have 3 assemblies, Example.Core, Example.Contracts, Example.WcfServices. In my contracts assembly I define an interface and add some operation, e.g. ICalculator, which has operation Add(double a, double b). In my WcfServices assembly I have an implementation of ICalculator explosed as a Wcf service.
Now my question is my Example.Core assembly how do I program against that interface while keeping everything decoupled (to allow me to have an alternative implementation of the interface). If I have a class that needs an ICalculator I can create one from say a ChannelFactory and use it, or I can inject an instance in the constructor. If I create one in the class then I am putting dependencies in my class on ChannelFactory/Wcf and I really don't want to do that. If I inject an instance in my constructor then how will the injecting class manage and tidy up the wcf service? It seems that although I have an interface I have no clean way of using it. I have looked at something like NInject, but I am not convinced that it would clean up the ChannelFactory if it faults (at least I haven't found any documentation that shows it knows when to call Abort rather than Close on the channel).
What I have ended up doing is implmenting my interface again and using the method described in this question: creating WCF ChannelFactory<T> and just recalling the methods on the service. This "smells" a bit to me as I am wrapping all my calls again just to ensure the channel is properly closed/aborted.
Has anyone any patterns/methods that cleanly have two implmentations of an interface, one of which is a Wcf service?

I have used a variation of the answer linked in Mark's comment and this article here to come up with a solution that has worked for me.
Given the service contract you defined, step 1 will be to define an interface implementing your service and IClientChannel.
// Service Contract
public interface ICalculator
Add(double a, double b);
// Interface to expose Close and Abort
public interface ICalculatorChannel : ICalculator, IClientChannel { }
Step 2 involves creating reusable code that will handle creating the proxies and implementing the code to close or abort connections.
public class ServiceClient<T> where T : class, IClientChannel
private ProxyGenerator _generator = new ProxyGenerator();
public T CreateProxy(string endpointConfigurationName)
return _generator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithoutTarget<T>
(new WcfInterceptor<T>(endpointConfigurationName));
The T in ServiceClient<T> will take the ICalculatorChannel defined in step 1. The ProxyGenerator is part of the Castle project. Its usage here is to allow us to intercept the calls to the WCF service and perform pre and post actions.
public class WcfInterceptor<T> : IInterceptor where T : IClientChannel
private ChannelFactory<T> _factory = null;
public WcfInterceptor(string endpointConfigurationName)
_factory = new ChannelFactory<T>(endpointConfigurationName);
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
T channel = _factory.CreateChannel();
invocation.ReturnValue = invocation.Method.Invoke
(channel, invocation.Arguments);
As you can see, the Intercept method encapsulates the channel and the call to close the channel. The closeChannel method will handle the decision to call Close() or Abort().
private void closeChannel(T channel)
if (channel != null)
if (channel.State != CommunicationState.Faulted)
Now we create a class to wrap up the usage of this ServiceClient.
public class Calculator : ICalculator
private var _calcualtor = new ServiceClient<ICalculatorChannel>();
public void Add(double a, double b)
var proxy = _calculator.CreateProxy("endpointConfigGoesHere");
return proxy.Add(a, b);
Notice that the implementation of add no longer has to deal with the WCF connection concerns. The consuming class only has to know about the Service Contract. The ugliness of of dealing with faulted connections is now taken care of for us by the ServiceClient class.
The client need only take on one dependency now.
public class MyClient
private ICalculator _calculator;
public MyClient(ICalculator calculator)
_calculator = calculator;
And IOC can populate the client:


Running WCF service method during start of Windows Service

I have got WCF service running as Windows service and I need to run a method of the WCF Service when Windows Service is starting. Is it possible in any way?
public interface IWebMonitorServiceLibrary
void TestMethod();
[ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class WebMonitorServiceLibrary : IWebMonitorServiceLibrary
#region properties
#region events
public WebMonitorServiceLibrary()
private void Initialization()
public void TestMethod()
You don't explain why you want this initialization code to run, but given you almost never want to use a single-instance WCF service, the proper way would be to use dependency injection (see How do I pass values to the constructor on my wcf service?).
Create an object in which you store the things you want to initialize, which you initialize on your Windows Service start:
public class SomeSettingsYouWantToInitialize
public string SomeSetting { get; set; }
public class WindowsServiceInstance : ServiceBase
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
private void InitializeWcfService()
var settings = new SomeSettingsYouWantToInitialize
SomeSetting = "Foo"
Then (using whatever dependency injection framework you use), inject that into your service's constructor:
public class WebMonitorServiceLibrary
public WebMonitorServiceLibrary(SomeSettingsYouWantToInitialize settings)
// do stuff with settings
Generally, no. This is because by default (and following best practice) you will have configured your service to run per-call (or per session), which means there can be multiple instances of your actual service running in your service host.
Therefore, any requirement for you to be able to return an instance of the service from the service host will involve some nasty plumbing code and is not advised.
Specifically, however, there are two approaches you could use to do what you want.
The first involves running your service in InstanceContextMode.Single - this means there will be a single service instance which will handle all requests. If you do this then you can simply create the service instance and then pass it into the servicehost when you start the windows service:
var service = new MyService();
var host = new ServiceHost(service);
You then have access to the service instance and can call the operation directly.
The second thing you can do for when you don't want to run a singleton service you can make your service implementation just a wrapper around a static instance of a shared class that actually process the requests. As an example:
public class MyService : IMyService
private static IMyService instance = new MySharedServiceClass();
public static IMyService Instance
get { return instance ; }
public bool MyOperation(string something)
return instance.MyOperation(something);
Then you can call the method on the class like this:
var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService));
var instance = MyService.Instance;
I would still avoid doing this if at all possible. Think to yourself why do you even want this method called on startup? Surely it would be better to have this code directly in the windows service if it's something that needs to be run on startup?

Transition from Entityspaces(Tiraggo) into Servicestack Ormlite

at this moment we are migrating from Entityspaces(Tiraggo) into Servicestack Ormlite.
One point is the way to open and close the DBConnection.
I apologize for the comparission but it is useful for the question. In Tiraggo, inside my wep application, in the global.asax.cs I put this:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Tiraggo.Interfaces.tgProviderFactory.Factory = new Tiraggo.Loader.tgDataProviderFactory();
In web.config exists the section for Tiraggo, the connectionstring and the ORM does the rest.
During the use of the classes we just do this:
User user = new User(); user.Name="some"; user.Comment = "some"; user.Save();
I dont open, close a DBConnection. It is transparent for the programmer. Just create the instance classes and use them.
I define a class, a repository and that's all. No DB definition or interaction. Everything happens in a webforms app, with the datalayer inside the same app.
When we are migrating to Servicestack ORMLite, I see the open of the DBConnection is too inside the globlal.asax.cs, but it references a Service no a class or repository.
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Hello ServiceStack", typeof(HelloService).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container) {}
So my first question is: how can I use it if I dont have a Service (HelloService), I have just classes or repositories. So I cant use this technique for DBConnection my DB.
I also see that accesing the Db, I need a open connection. I try to do this:
using (var Db = DbFactory.Conn.OpenDbConnection())
return Db.SingleById<Anio>(id);
Later, I found a sample like I was looking for, the Pluralsight video ".NET Micro ORMs" Steve Mihcelotti, and he just open the connection, but never Close it, never use the "using" syntax.
So my 2 questions are:
1) Is there a way for open the DbFactory(dbConnection) like all the samples using servicestack ormlite, but without using a Services ( I dont use Services, I want to use Ormlite but just with classes and repositories)
2) Is there a way for connnect to the database in each trip to the class or repository without using the "using" syntax, or
3) the only way is the one showed in the Pluralsight video, ie. open the connection throw the using syntax in each Method (trip to the class)
I hope I was clear.
The nice thing about IDbConnectionFactory is that it's a ThreadSafe Singleton which can be safely passed around and referenced as it doesn't hold any resources open itself (i.e. DB Connections).
A lazy pattern which provides a nice call-site API is the RepositoryBase class:
public abstract class RepositoryBase : IDisposable, IRepository
public virtual IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; }
IDbConnection db;
public virtual IDbConnection Db
get { return db ?? (db = DbFactory.OpenDbConnection()); }
public virtual void Dispose()
if (db != null)
This is the same pattern ServiceStack's Service class uses to provide a nice API that only gets opened when it's used in Services, e.g:
public class MyRepository : RepositoryBase
public Foo GetFooById(int id)
return Db.SingleById<Foo>(id);
Note: This pattern does expect that your dependencies will be disposed after use.
Another alternative is to leverage your IOC to inject an Open IDbConnection with a managed lifetime scope, e.g:
container.Register<IDbConnection>(c =>
The life-cycle of the connection is then up to your preferred IOC.
Without Using an IOC
Whilst it's typically good practice to use an IOC to manage your Apps dependencies and provide loose-coupling, if you don't want to use an IOC you can also make DbFactory a static property, e.g:
public abstract class RepositoryBase : IDisposable
public static IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; }
IDbConnection db;
public virtual IDbConnection Db
get { return db ?? (db = DbFactory.OpenDbConnection()); }
public virtual void Dispose()
if (db != null)
Which you can just initialize directly on startup, e.g:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
RepositoryBase.DbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(
connectionString, SqlServer.Provider);
Note: If you're not using an IOC then you want to make sure that instances of your repository classes (e.g. MyRepository) are disposed of after use.

WCF - call method from service implementation

What I'm trying to do is the following:
1) I have the following WCF service contract:
public interface IUploadService
ServiceData Upload(Request request);
public class Request
public long AbnNumber;
public string Email;
2) This contract is implemented like this.
public class UploadService : IUploadService
public bool Upload(Request request)
// Some code
In the "Some code" section I would like to call a validation class to validate the clients request, so something like this:
var result = validation.ValidateRequest(request);
So my question is: Is it a bad idea to create an instance of my validation class inside the Upload method? Like this:
public class UploadService : IUploadService
public bool Upload(Request request)
var validation = new Validation();
var result = validation.ValidateRequest(request);
I know you can get around this by creating a constructor but as far as I know you can't create a constructor inside a WCF service implementation class, or am I wrong?
I'm new to WCF so if I'm totally heading the wrong direction please let me know.
Personally I like as little as possible in my service methods. I would have a separate project to handle the Upload. This then allows you to reuse this code more easily, and to test the functionality without creating the service.
As to whether you should create your Validation like this it really depends on what it does, but generally I would make sure the Validation class implements an interface containing ValidateRequest(Request) and then inject that. You can then mock it in your tests if you need to.
So your service code would look like
public class UploadService : IUploadService
private readonly IUploadHandler _uploadHandler;
public UploadService(IUploadHandler uploadHandler)
_uploadHandler = uploadHandler;
public bool Upload(Request request)
//would possibly do some mapping here to create a different type of object to pass to the handler
and the handler in a different project would look like
public class UploadHandler : IUploadHandler
private readonly IValidation _validator;
public UploadHandler(IValidation validator)
_validator = validator;
public bool Upload(Request request)
return _validator.ValidateRequest(request);
So my question is: Is it a bad idea to create an instance of my validation class inside the Upload method?
It comes down to whether you will be using Singleton or Per Call services. Usually it is better to have new instance of Service created for every request, and in that case it is OK to create all instances in your operation.
Interesting discussion on this topic Should WCF service typically be singleton or not?
If you decide to not to create Validation class for each then request there are two options:
Make it singleton
Create custom ServiceHostFactory for your service and initialize your Service in it (with constructor). Useful links on this topic:Extending Hosting Using ServiceHostFactory, Integrating StructureMap with WCF

Passing callback objects to WCF service methods

Is it possible to pass callback objects (with callback methods) to a wcf service method?
Let's presume i have the following class:
class Callback
public Callback(){}
public int GetSomeData(int param)
return param;
Is it possible somehow to make a call like :
WCFServiceProxy proxy = new WCFServiceProxy();
Callback myCallback = new Callback();
and have the service call GetSomeData() implemented on the client side?
Or what would be a working solution for this?
see Duplex Services
Yes, you can do that. You have to define a secondary interface that serves as the callback contract.
public interface ICallback
void InvokeCallback();
public interface IContract
void DoSomething();
public class MyService : IContract
void DoSomething() { }
That's the basic approach. I would strongly suggestion looking at Juval Lowy's website, His downloads section has several examples of how to do this.

Injecting an unrelated contract into the WSDL created by WCF's MEX provider

I am implementing a WCF service (Contract A) that will eventually make calls to a standalone service (Contract B) hosted by the client. At design-time when the client queries my service's WSDL to build its proxy, I'd like to include the WSDL for Contract B so the client can build its service around that. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to inject Contract B into the WSDL emitted by the service. Since the contract is an interface and doesn't have the [DataContract] attribute I can't add it as a known type. Is there any other way to inject a contract into emitted WSDL?
Here's an example:
public interface IServerService
void GiveTheServerMyServiceUri(string uri);
void TellAllClientsSomething(string message);
public interface IClientService
void ReceiveMessageFromServer(string message);
public class ServerService : IServerService
private List<string> knownClients;
public void GiveTheServerMyServiceUri(string uri)
public void TellAllClientsSomething(string message)
foreach (string clientUri in knownClients)
// 1. Create instance of ClientServiceProxy using client's uri
// 2. Call proxy.ReceiveMessageFromServer(message)
At first it seems that this is a textbook example of a duplex contract. However, for this particular application, for a variety of reasons, I need a bit more separation between client and server so I was hoping to just give the client an interface to implement (via the WSDL), let it host its own service, then just tell me the service's url.
I don't see that this makes sense. Unless your service is implementing the service contract of the other service, then don't do this.
On the other hand, your service can implement the other service contract, and become a client to the other service. It can then delegate calls to the other service contract to that other service.
I just tried this to make sure. I created a new WCF Service library project. This created a Service1 implementing IService1, with two operations. I modified the [ServiceContract] attribute to use a specific namespace (http://localhost/service1).
I then added a new service, which gave me Service2, implementing IService2, with a single operation (DoWork). I updated the [ServiceContract] to use http://localhost/service2/.
I then updated Service1 to implement IService2 as well as IService1, and to delegate IService2.DoWork to the Service2 service. I did also have to add a new endpoint implementing IService2, and I had to specify a relative address, so that the two would not conflict (since they were in the same project). Here's the result:
using System;
namespace WcfServiceLibrary1
public class Service1 : IService1, IService2
public string GetData(int value)
return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
if (composite.BoolValue)
composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
return composite;
public void DoWork()
Service2Reference.IService2 svc = null;
svc = new Service2Reference.Service2Client();
if (svc != null)