WCF - Instantiating an object in DataContract constructor - wcf

I have two classes as below:
public class Address
public string Line1
public string Line2
public string City
public string State
public string Zip
public class Customer
public Customer()
CustomerAddress = new Address();
public string FirstName
public string LastName
public Address CustomerAddress
What will happen if i generate proxy of my service that uses Customer class? If i understand the concept correctly then i think the constructor in the Customer class will not be called at the client side and it may give different behavior.
How do i get rid of that constructor in the Customer class and still have the CustomerAddress property of type Address so that it behaves as a dumb DTO object?
What is the general guideline or best practices that people use to avoid this situation?

If you use the default DataContractSerializer to serialize your objects, then, yes, your constructor is not serialized, and any logic you may have in it will not be called by your client when the object is deserialized.
Regarding your question about removing the constructor logic and having the nested Address class be populated, that will be taken care of by the DataContractSerializer. If I have code like this:
Customer c = new Customer() {
FirstName = "David",
LastName = "Hoerster",
CustomerAddress = new Address() {
Line1 = "1 Main Street",
City = "Smallville",
State = "AA",
Zip = "12345"
and then return that from a service method, that Customer object will be serialized properly along with the Address information. The proxy on the client that's generated will know about Address and will be able to deserialize the stream coming from the service method to properly construct your Customer object. Your Customer will be a dummy DTO -- no logic, just properties.
Check out Aaron Skonnard's MSDN article on WCF Serialization where he talks about the DataContractSerializer.

If you generate the client (using svcutil or "add service reference"), then the generated DataContract will look like:
public class Customer
// empty default constructor
public Customer()
public string FirstName
public string LastName
public Address CustomerAddress
Your implementation details are not carried over. All that is generated is what goes into the WSDL, which is just the [DataMember] properties in this case.
I mention this because your original question asks: "What will happen if i generate proxy".
If this is an object being sent from the server to the client, then you can just always initialize CustomerAddress before sending it to the client. Infact, if your original code is on the server, then that constructor will be run, and WCF will serialize the CustomerAddress and basically never send a null (unless you set it back to null after the constructor).
If you want to make it so that the client always sends you a CustomerAddress, then you could:
have the server check for null, like if(x.CustomerAddress == null) x.CustomerAddress = new Address();
mark the DataMember as required, then the server will return an error if the client did not pass anything: [DataMember(IsRequired=true)] public Address CustomerAddress;
Otherwise, I don't think there is any way to force the generated WCF client to initialize that field for you.

You'd better define all the data contract classes in a assembly and have both server project and client project reference to the assembly so the initialization behaviour can be shared. When generating service reference, you can instruct the code generator to use existing data contract classes.


Can't serialize nested nHibernate entity for WCF web service

I'm trying to use nHibernate, Spring and WCF together. I've got an Order object, and that contains a Customer object.
I can call a WCF method findOrder on my service, and providing the Order's Customer field does not have a DataMember annotation, the Web Service returns the Order I wanted. It does not contain the Customer details though, as expected.
But when I try to include the Customer as well, the WebService fails, and looking in the WCF trace logs, I can see this error:
Type 'DecoratorAopProxy_95d4cb390f7a48b28eb6d7404306a23d' with data contract name
is not expected. Consider using a DataContractResolver or add any types not known statically to
the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the
list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer
Pretty sure this is because the Customer contains extra nHibernate details, but I don't understand why WCF would be happy to send the Order, but not the Customer.
Can anyone help me understand?
Order object
public class Order
// Standard properties
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual Enums.OrderStatus Status { get; set; }
[StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "Order name must not be more than 20 characters long")]
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Customer Customer { get; set; }
Customer object
public class Customer
public virtual int CustomerId { get; set; }
private string name = "";
You should use a data transfer objects (DTO) to get your data over the wire. This is good practice anyway as you do not want to let your domain model leak into (and out of) the boundaries of your application.
Think about things like every change in your domain model results in a change of your data contract, resulting in a new wsdl, resulting in a change on the client. In addition you are telling the consumer of your service too many insights of your aplication.
Despite all this architectural bla bla. NHibernate uses proxies to enable lazy loading, those proxies are of another type than you serializer expects. You can disable lazy loading for your domain to get the application working. This is imho a bad idea.
<class name="Customer" table="tzCustomer" lazy="false" >

Problem with sending object via wcf service with private fields

I have a class Car
public class Car
private Member _owner;
public string OwnerName
get { return _owner.Name; }
public Car(Member owner)
_owner = owner;
I'm using it both at Silverlight application and wcf service
So, at application I call WCF service to give me instance of car class, but when I get it at application, I see that _owner is empy.
I know that it is empty because of private, but how can I deal with it?
I'm using this class in my app as model (MVVM) if it could helps :/
For a start none of your properties are marked as DataMembers. The class isn't marked as a DataContract. If this is getting returned from a WCF service I would expect to see:
public class Car
private Member _owner;
public string OwnerName
Does Member have to be private? Could it be converted into a property?
Keep in mind that a [DataMember] property needs both a set and a get (so that WCF can read into and from the object).
From a WCF serialization point of view, your Car class actually looks something like this to the WCF service:
public class Car
public string OwnerName { get; set; }
//other public properties here....
The WCF serializer uses the .NET class definition as a template for serializing its contents as a simple data transfer object. When the WCF service sends back a Car instance, only the public properties will contain values. The serializer ignores all methods in the class. Also, later versions of WCF don't require the DataContract/DataMember attribute markup.
The _owner variable is never initialized because it is not part of the public properties of the Car class. You'll need to modify the structure of the Car class (maybe add a public Owner property of type Member) to get all the data sent from the WCF service to your client.
When you are using the default Data Contract Serializer with WCF services it serializes and deserializes only the public properties of the class. Also another thing to note is that while deserializing the object graph the constructor is not called. You can have a public property with getter and setter.
Here is a very nice article by Jeremy Likeness explaining the problem similar to yours. From Architecture as well as best practices point of view you can use a POCO class generally called as DTO (Data Transfer Object) when transferring objects between the service layer and the clients.

WCF - Exposing parameterized constructor

I have a WCF DataContract called RecipientDto defined as:
public class RecipientDto
public string Name
private set;
public string EmailAddress
private set;
public RecipientDto(string name, string emailAddress)
Name = name;
EmailAddress = emailAddress;
//Initialize other property here
I want to have constructor of RecipientDto being exposed to the client as it involve some basic initialization of other properties (not shown here).
Please guide how can I achieve this.
Thank you!
You cannot achieve that unless you share assembly with your DTOs between client and server. Metadata (WSDL + XSD) can describe only data transferred by DTO. They cannot describe any logic defined in DTO on service side.
What you could do is the create a second source file for the RecipientDto class, that contains a second declaration of the class with the "partial" keyword. Add your constructor to it and include that file in your client project using Visual Studio's "Add Link" functionality available on the "Add existing item" dialog. If you only need that constructor on the client then just define that second source file directly in the client project.

Wcf classes public property vs property with get;set

When creating a wcf class I used to do
Public class Customer
public string Name {get;set}
I have been told that is better to do
Public class Customer
public string Name ;
basically removing the get and set as will be lighter
Is this the case?
any suggestions
When you use auto-properties (using only get; set; and no backing variable), a member variable is generated randomly (you can use Reflector or ILDASM to see it). This variable, depending on the serialization scheme could be serialized.
If you rebuild, member variable name could be re-generated which can cause error in de-serialising objects serialised using old DLL. In the same way, a DLL shipped to the customer could have the OLD generated member variable so WCF communication could throw exceptions.

How do you send complex objects using WCF? Does it work? Is it good?

Can I have a data contract of this shape??
public class YearlyStatistic{
public string Year{get;set;}
public string StatisticName {get;set;}
public List<MonthlyStatistic> MonthlyStats {get;set}
I am assuming here that class MonthlyStatistic will also need to be a DataContract. Can you do this in a web service?
To use the same model for web services, mark your class as Serializable use the XmlRoot and XmlElement in the System.Xml.Serialization namespace. Here is a sample using your example:
public class YearlyStatistic
public string Year { get; set; }
public string StatisticName { get; set; }
public List<MonthlyStatistic> MonthlyStats { get; set; }
You will have to do the same thing for your complex object properties of the parent object.
Yep, thats standard WCF serialization right there. Are you trying to say the MonthlyStats collection has a property called WeeklyStats, or that each individual MonthlyStatistic has a WeeklyStat collection? If its the former, that doesnt work in WCF natively. You will have to do some fiddling in order to get it to work. If its the latter, its perfectly fine.
Yes, you can send the data contract you mentioned above back and forth from a WCF service. Like you said, MonthlyStatistic and all its members will have to be defined as data contracts themselves or be built in types (like strings).
You can even send and receive more complex types like when you have a base class but want to send or receive an object of a derived class (you would do that using the KnownType attribute). While receiving (de-serialization), from Javascript, there's a trick using which you have to specify the type for WCF. If you are interested, feel free to ask.