Monorails. Although I use Rescue attributes, 500 "Error processing action" is still thrown - castle-monorail

In my monorails project. I use attribute Rescue
[Rescue("generalerror", typeof(System.Exception))]
but the error 500 "Error processing action" still is thrown. How can I hide it?

Hm, do you have a view called "generalerror.vm" or equivalent? (.vm is NVelocity suffix).
If you don't specify ExceptionType, then it will catch it for all exceptions as well, so you don't need to specify it explicitly.
If your rescue is on a separate controller, then you need this syntax:
[Rescue( typeof( RescueController ), "Index" )]
Where "Index" is the action on RescueController that would be invoked upon failure.

Make sure have view called "generalerror" place it in Views/Rescues


Cache files always created with wrong permissions in Yii 2

I get this error in my log files every time a cache file doesn't exist it seems. On the first page load, I always get this error
[message] => filemtime(): stat failed for [...]/runtime/cache/my/myapp03eab921185f7b68bbca50d8debc0dda.bin
[file] => [...]/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/caching/FileCache.php
[line] => 113
It doesn't happen anymore on next page loads but that one time is really annoying since the slack bot watcher is spamming our channel with this useless warning. Is there a way to avoid that, or is it a permission problem?
The "runtime", "cache" and "my" folders all have 775.
Turns out the issue is that I'm using error_get_last() that is also getting warning-level errors. So it's a different issue entirely, not Yii-related
Make sure that you don't have enabled scream in your php.ini. Warnings from this filemtime() call should be suppressed by # operator, but scream setting can override this operator and generate warning anyway.
if (#filemtime($cacheFile) > time()) {
// ...
You must be getting this in PHP 7.1. try to run this with PHP 5.5 and see if you are getting the same error.
To reproduce you need to delete all files from runtime/cache directory
Then start app again(reload page) and look into runtime/cache. It is empty
Yii2 doesn't make cache again
Got same issue in Yii. The error was on the same string (FileCache.php:113)
if (#filemtime($cacheFile) > time()) {...
In my case reason was that my custom php error handler (heir
of the class yii\base\ErrorHandler) didn't check if
error type need to be handled according error_reporting().
Custom handlers allways gets every error, even muted by Error Control operator (#)
error_reporting() settings will have no effect and your error handler will be called regardless

Rails 3: How to report error message from the controller's "create" action?

In my "create" action on a form, I successfully save (1) MyObject to my local database and (2) OtherObject to a third-party database via its Ruby API. When something goes wrong with the save to the third party, I get an error in the form of a Ruby exception.
My question is: How do I stop the form submit and report the exception message to the client?
If this is not possible, what would be the best alternative?
Depending on whether you want to rollback your local database call, you might want to consider using Transactions. Something along these lines:
def create
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
#myobject = MyObject.create!(params[:myobject])
# call third-party
rescue Exception => e
flash[:exception] = e.message
raise ActiveRecord::Rollback # Raise this to cause a rollback on MyObject
# redirect_to or render... might have to pick depending on if you got an exception
This will store the exception message into the flash which you can use to display to the user. Note Do not store the entire Exception object into the flash, you will definitely see overflow errors if your exception objects are too big.
If you're not too concerned about rolling back the MyObject creation, then you can just use a simple begin...rescue similar to what I showed in my example. You may need to determine whether you want to do a redirect_to or render depending on whether an exception occurred, but you can always conditionally determine that based on whether flash[:exception].nil? is true or not.

How can I print debug string in Rails?

Are there simple ways to print debug strings in Rails? Something like the OutputDebugString() function in Windows.
"To write in the current log use the logger.(debug|info|warn|error|fatal) method from within a controller, model or mailer:"
logger.debug "Person attributes hash: #{#person.attributes.inspect}" "Processing the request..."
logger.fatal "Terminating application, raised unrecoverable error!!!"
You could also use raise object.inspect.
Or, if you want more powerful debugging tool, take a look at pry:
binding.pry in your code and you'll be able to debug ALL THE THINGS!

Rails3: Make update/create fail from model?

There's got to be an easy way to do this, but I cannot find an answer...
When some creates or updates a WorkRequest in my app, I do other processing, including creating a Workflow object. I do some checking to make sure, for example, there isn't more than one Workflow already created for this WorkRequest. If there is, I want the update/create to fail with an error message. I just can't see how to do this. I tried returing false from my before_update callback method, but this did not work.
Do I raise an error and rescue it in my controller? What is the right way to do this in Rails 3?
Any help would be much appreciated.
This is why you have validations. You can implement an own validation like this:
class ...
validate :my_validation
def my_validation
if workflows > 1
errors.add(:workflow, "cannot be more than one" )

Ruby on Rails - Suppress an error message

I am using Rails 3 and AJAX and have a parent object which is being created through and AJAX request. This parent is sent with children and saves them all. However, if a child has an error, Rails will stop the request. Is there any way to tell Rails to ignore this? I understand the proper thing to do is find the problem within the Javascript sending the request and fix it. However, for the sake of learning, is there a way to tell Rails that some errors might be ignorable?
To save without validating use: => false)
Also, don't forget you can create conditional validation rules if needs be. For example, add a virtual attribute (an instance variable that is not persisted to the DB) accessible via bare_bones?. Then modify a validator like so:
validates_presence_of :nickname, :unless => "bare_bones?"
Then, in your controller you would do something like this:
#parent = params[:parent]
#parent.bare_bones = true
Hope this helps.
You are looking for exception handling.
#code that may contain errors
#what to do if an error is encountered