How to get UINavigationController to rotate, but not the subview? - objective-c

I downloaded the free iPad application "SketchBook Express" by "Autodesk".
In it, they have a drawing surface, and (what I believe is) a UINavigationController. What interests me is that the navigation controller bar rotates with the iPad, but the content of the drawing does not. So if I put the iPad from portrait to landscape, the nav bar moves to the new top, but the sketch I've drawn is now on its side. I would like to implement something similar for my program, but I have been unable to.
I've played with shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: but so far I've just figured out it is only called once. I made a subclass of UINavigationController and had that return YES, and had my subview controller return NO. That did not do the trick.
Is there a simple way to do this?

What rotates is probably contained by a UIViewController (or UINavigationController)'s view.
Other things (that don't rotate) are probably contained by a view that is not contained by any UIViewController (or a controller that returns NO in shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation method).
This means that you could try setting your drawing view as a subview of the keyWindow.
Other things could be in the view controller as usual.
Is not I have tried, this is just an idea. And I would be interested in knowing if this worked. :)


Rotate only subview of a uiviewcontroller

I read up other questions and it isn't very clear, as to what I could do about this problem.
Decided to ask anyway.
So I have a UIViewController, wherein I block auto-rotation.
I bring up one of the subviews added to the controller. Now, I rotate the device. And this UIView should change orientation, I will use autolayout to support all orientations on this view alone.
Is this possible?
What I tried is to, listen for device orientation changes, and then send the orientation to the subview and then was thinking probably transform, but that won't be accurate and it is probably a lot of work.
Any clue?
So, there isn't any direct method without using another view controller to hitch the view to. Add a new UIViewController and make your UIView the view controller's view. Add your rotation parameters/methods to the newly made view controller.
So its not the best solution because I have to now present that view from a view controller which is adding more code. That's kinda fundamental to a UIView. It can't handle itself unless you write hacks and override your view's behavior.
Another solution is to listen to changes in interface orientations and then relayout your view based on that change.

ios7 custom VC Transition: Overlap a Modal Form Sheet View

i want to use the new UIVC Custom Transition API in my iPad App Project. And i despair of it -.-. what i want to do, sounds very simple at first. My "FirstViewController" (simply the names) is a normal FullScreenVC. From that VC i open a "SecondViewController"modally with the default Presentation style Form Sheet. Everything allright. The SecondViewController is a normal UiTableViewController. So from inside the SecondViewController I want to open a "ThirdViewController" modally as well with a custom transition. This ThridViewController have to overlap the SecondVC with the Form Sheet Presentation and the content of the second view controller have to be dimmed as well. But i get many problems inside the animateTransition-method in the the Transition Delegate. My best idea by now is, making a UIView Snapshot of the from View. Create a new UIView with black background and alpha 0.5 and put it as a subview inside UIView Snapshot. Then transfer the frame and the center of the fromView to the toView and add the UIViewSnappshot as a subview to the toView and send it to the back. finally adding the toView to the containerView.
But when i do this, I get two s*** problems. The First is, that the Transition don't recognize that i am using a Retina display, because i put the center of the fromView to the the toView. But the toView dont overlap the fromView, better its nit at the same postion. Its almost at the left down of the screen and not in the middle of the screen. The second problem is, that the toView content seems to be transculent. In Storyboard and in code i write "be opaque and white bgcolor". But at runtime the see the controls of the view but the bgcolor is the bgcolor of the dimmed View behind it. Why?
At the moment i think i'm a dump guy :( What in hell im doing wrong?

Presented View Controller Has Wrong Frame When Orientation Changes

I have a custom UINavigationController (only customized to standardize colors and a few other things) that I use throughout my iPhone app. When I rotate my phone, everything works fine. Unfortunately, when I use said controller with presentViewController, things get weird after rotating.
Do I have to do anything special with a view controller that is presented to make it play well with orientation changes?
Something similar happened with my app.
I was presenting the view controller from a ChildViewController. I changed the presenting view controller to the parentViewController instead of the childViewController, and it worked properly.
I hope this help you!

Poor UITableView performance when in UIPopoverController with custom background

I have a following situation (testing on iPad, iOS 5.1):
There is a UIPopoverController with UINavigationController inside and custom popover background view (subclass of UIPopoverBackgroundView).
There is a generic UIViewController (let's call it VC1) as the root VC in the Navigation Controller.
I push another UIViewController (VC2) with UITableView on the Navigation Controller stack.
Table scrolling is choppy (looks like 10-15 fps). For testing purposes I use a simplest possible UITableView, without images etc. so it's NOT caused by bad UITableView implementation.
Scrolling is not choppy if the VC2 is the root view controller of
Navigation Controller, even with the custom Popover background.
It's also not choppy if pushed as the second VC but I don't use custom bg view class for UIPopoverController.
I log each of the overriden methods inside my UIPopoverBackgroundView subclass, and they aren't called constantly or anything, which could theoretically cause performance hit. I'm going to debug the problem further but maybe someone has already solved it before?
Or maybe someone has good suggestions on how to find the culprit? I tried looking into time profiler for offending function calls, but I didn't find much there...

Is there a function to know the useableSize of a view?

It must take into account:
statusBar (which can be 40 points if you have hot spot)
Basically at viewDidLoad I see that my view has a size of 320*480.
I wonder where did iOS decide that as the screen size of my screen. I use UIStoryBoard.
So, on viewDidLoad, I intended to resize that.
I am not even sure if this is the right approach.
Note: the issue I am facing doesn't seem to happen if I do not use storyBoard.
At viewDidLoad, when I use XIB, the content of self.view is correct, namely 416, instead of 480, due to UInavigationController and UITabBar
Try overriding the UIViewController viewWillLayoutSubviews method. The view's frame will be set by then.
In the viewWillLayoutSubviews method, the view controller's main view is the size you need to know. It has been adjusted for status bars and nav bars and tools bars and tab bars. It also takes into account orientation. There is no single method where you can ask what the size will be. Besides, there is no need to ask such a question. Create all the subviews you want in viewDidLoad. But lay them out based on the view's size in viewWillLayoutSubviews.