Message Box pop up not cleared properly -

I have an application in I am using the msgbox inside the execution of a loop. Now the message box pops up fine, but when i click on "Ok" in the pop up, the message box
any help will be much appreciated.

I'm guessing that the end of the question is the same as the subject, namely, that in a loop, the message box pops up but when OK is clicked the message box is not "cleared properly".
It sounds like the loop is running tightly enough that the system cannot process any messages and refresh the window.
Without seeing any code, however, this is just speculation and an appropriate solution cannot be given. You might try adding a .Refresh() call after the message box to the form/window or whatever to get the screen to update.
Please provide more information if possible.


How can I trap an error when Access starts up, before the first form is loaded?

I have an Access database with linked back end tables that I relink at runtime, depending on user input. My problem is that at startup they have the wrong link and I get an error message. I just want to stop the error message coming up. It happens as soon as Access starts, before any form is loaded, so trapping it in the form load event is too late! Any suggestions, please?

Access VBA: How do I make the VBA editor stop auto-filling values?

I already turned off auto-syntax check but this problem still persists. Whenever I try to modify a time, let's say from 08:30:00 AM to 08:30:05 AM, Access sometimes fills in a zero after I backspace to clear the 0. It forces me to have to quickly change the value otherwise it gives me an annoying pop up message saying syntax error....but the editor caused the error, not me!
How do I fix this? Please help me fix this.
This happens when code is running, which forces Access to constantly compile the VBA source code.
Typical example: a form is open that uses the OnTimer Event (has TimerInterval > 0).
To prevent this: Close all forms while editing code (Design view is ok).
If it's not forms, press the "Stop" button in the VBA toolbar (the blue square) to stop all running code.

Prompt on exit for another program VB.NET

I would like to make a message box to promp to exit. The problem here is, I would like to get information when ANOTHER program(e.g. chrome.exe) is closing.
Is it even possible to achieve?
Thanks in advance, Kaarel.

How to capture response from Cancel or Ok Button in two different Applications?

With my Application ( I am trying to scan Excel files some of which have ActiveX Components.
When running my Application, I am getting a pup-up window in Windows Vista Environment with Office-2007 having button OK and Cancel button to proceed.
But my problem is the scanning is not proceeding even after I keep on pressing the OK button. Now I want to continue with my application while pressing the Cancel button; i.e. just to skip the file. Is it possible to capture the response from the cancel button? (As this is a message box from another application, i.e. either from Vista or Office-2007, I'm not sure).
My main motive is to just ignore the message box to proceed....
Can anyone please help me out there....
Thank you....
The DisplayAlerts property of Microsoft.Interop.Excel.Application may help here.
If set to FALSE then Excel automatically chooses the default option on pop-up boxes.
Whether or not this applies to ActiveX controls I don't know but it may be worth trying.

VB.Net MessageBox.Show() moves my form to the back

I have an MDI application. When I show a message box using MessageBox.Show(), the entire application disappears behind all of my open windows when I dismiss the message box.
The code is not doing anything special. In fact, here is the line that invokes the message box from within an MDI Child form:
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0} saved successfully.", Me.BusinessUnitTypeName), "Save Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly)
Me.BusinessUnitTypeName() is a read only property getter that returns a string, depending upon the value of a member variable. There are no side effects in this property.
Any ideas?
Remove the last parameter, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly.
From MSDN:
DefaultDesktopOnly will cause the
application that raised the MessageBox
to lose focus. The MessageBox that is
displayed will not use visual styles.
For more information, see Rendering
Controls with Visual Styles.
The last parameter allows communication of a background Windows Service with the active desktop through means of csrss.exe! See Bart de Smet's blog post for details.
Remove the MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly parameter and it will work correctly.
DefaultDesktopOnly specifies that "The message box is displayed on the active desktop" which causes the focus loss.
These answers are correct, but I wanted to add another point. I came across this question while working with someone else's code. A simple message box was causing the front most window to move to the back:
Turns out, there was a BindingSource.Endedit command before the MessageBox. The BindingSource wasn't connected to any controls yet, but it caused the window to change z-positions.
I am only including this note since my search brought me to this question and I thought it might be helpful to someone else.