Prompt on exit for another program VB.NET -

I would like to make a message box to promp to exit. The problem here is, I would like to get information when ANOTHER program(e.g. chrome.exe) is closing.
Is it even possible to achieve?
Thanks in advance, Kaarel.


How to make an input box in VBS that is always open?

I'm writing a VBS program where there is a while loop, but it's not easily breakable because it's not seen in the task manager easily (Not enough time to find it in the background processes because of the program). So, my solution was to make a simple input box that is always open which allows you to break the loop by typing Q. But, I can't find a way to allow the code in front of the input box code to run without having an input in the input box (Yes, No, Cancel). Any help? I'm new to VBS.

Button not displayed while running the program

I am using 2008, I added a button from design view in one of my forms.It shows in the form design view, I gave it the click code to load another form but after I run the program and look in that form, it does not show the button that I added while I run the program. what is the problem? And What are the solutions?
As you can see, I added a Back Button here
THis image is while I run the program. Back button is not displayed here.
I would suggest running something like this in order to see if the control is there. Listing if it is Visible would also be helpful.
Private Sub GetControls()
For Each GroupBoxCntrol As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf GroupBoxCntrol Is GroupBox Then
For Each cntrl As Control In GroupBoxCntrol.Controls
'do somethin here
End If
End Sub
The only way I can help you without you providing us more information like code or error info if exist (or maybe a warning), I will suggest you to copy the code from your button then delete the current button and a new one. Then paste the code back to new button.
And make sure you don't hide or change the visible property button somewhere in the code. If you are working with positioning in the code make sure you don't move your button.
Thank you for your support. The problem was that it was running the old .exe file. I deleted the old .exe file from the /bin/debug directory. And after I ran the program, it created me a new .exe file and hence my problem was solved.
Thank you again.

Access VBA: How do I make the VBA editor stop auto-filling values?

I already turned off auto-syntax check but this problem still persists. Whenever I try to modify a time, let's say from 08:30:00 AM to 08:30:05 AM, Access sometimes fills in a zero after I backspace to clear the 0. It forces me to have to quickly change the value otherwise it gives me an annoying pop up message saying syntax error....but the editor caused the error, not me!
How do I fix this? Please help me fix this.
This happens when code is running, which forces Access to constantly compile the VBA source code.
Typical example: a form is open that uses the OnTimer Event (has TimerInterval > 0).
To prevent this: Close all forms while editing code (Design view is ok).
If it's not forms, press the "Stop" button in the VBA toolbar (the blue square) to stop all running code.

Message Box pop up not cleared properly

I have an application in I am using the msgbox inside the execution of a loop. Now the message box pops up fine, but when i click on "Ok" in the pop up, the message box
any help will be much appreciated.
I'm guessing that the end of the question is the same as the subject, namely, that in a loop, the message box pops up but when OK is clicked the message box is not "cleared properly".
It sounds like the loop is running tightly enough that the system cannot process any messages and refresh the window.
Without seeing any code, however, this is just speculation and an appropriate solution cannot be given. You might try adding a .Refresh() call after the message box to the form/window or whatever to get the screen to update.
Please provide more information if possible.

excel pop up window?

Hay guys..
I'm building a new table using Excel. I want to use VB (maybe) to create a code that once a box (at the excel sheet) is "0" nothing happens but as soon as the box turn to "1" a window popup. in the window I wish to write "You now have more than 50 points".
Is it possible? If I can't use VB, How can I do it?
I'll be happy for some help with the code as well, I don't know VB so well...
Check out the Worksheet_Change Event. You can then use something like Msgbox("You now have more than 50 points.") to display an alert if the criteria is met.