How to build and archive iOS application? - objective-c

How to build and archive or archive only iOS application?
I want to archive to .ipa file but cannot select "Product>Archive" or "Product>Build for>Build for Archive" menu (is disabled). I am using Xcode 4.1 on OS Lion. Have any special configuration to building with archive option I don't known?
Thanks in advance.

Please select device from target then simulator as -


Xcode workspace with iOS and macOS

I have an iOS app which I need to build a supporting app for macOS. I was hoping to share code between them, specially the DataModel.
As the iOS app was using Pods, there was already a workspace.
I pulled in the macOS project into the workspace, and I can see all its files with no problem. But I don't seem to be able to figure out how to 'use' the class files from the iOS project in the macOS project. Would it have anything to do with Modules?
Or should I just make a new Target that is a macOS application?
I'm using Xcode 8.3.3 at the moment, and the projects are in Swift.
Select the source files you want to use and tick the "Target Membership" for your macOS target in the Inspector:
To use common code in different projects, make an extra project for your common code which builds as a Framework and include this framework in the iOS and in the macOS.
This tutorial might be helpful.

ERROR ITMS - 90167 No. app bundles found in the package on macOS Sierra

I am using Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra which I just updated yesterday.
Since I updated, I can't upload any more builds to Testflight; I always get this error message.
ERROR ITMS - 90167 No. app bundles found in the package
I see from research that this problem only happens in the macOS Sierra beta, but I worry it's going to continue through the final release
After a deep search and investigation, I finally decided that there is nothing wrong with our build. There was a problem when uploading our build with Apple iTunes Connect, which is that server denied uploading our build on Xcode 7.3.1 on macOS Sierra. But, uploading with Xcode 8 is working just fine. Just use the Application Loader from Xcode 8 if you are not ready for Migration to Xcode 8, or if some of your project's third party libraries don't support Swift 2.3.
So, how do I pass this?
Simply, just install two version on Xcode: one to continue your development.And one for uploading the submit.
Here is how :
Create an archive from your Xcode 7.3.1 and export an .ipa with with your production profile. Then upload that .ipa via the Xcode 8 Application Loader. This is inside the Xcode app bundle:
You can also get to it inside of Xcode:
Xcode menu > Open Developer Tools > Application Loader
This is the only solution until Apple fixes it, believe me.

How to test my app on ios 7 using Xcode 6 simulator

I'm trying to test my app with ios7 using Xcode 6's simulator but I can't find the option to change it. Currently it only loads ios8 while my deployment target is set to 7.
Also according to this message from Apple:
Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
Does this mean that new apps cannot run on ios7 anymore?
Thank you for your help.
First, Change Deployment Target to 7.You can change Deployment target from target under Deployment Info.
Go to Xcode Preferences, Select Downloads tab and download iOS7 Simulator.
Now go to Xcode, you can find iOS7 Simulator on target device list, if not than quit and restart Xcode.
Hope it will help.
The deployment target is the minimum version of iOS that your application will be expected to run on. It effects how your app is BUILT and not where you run it. You need to choose an iOS 7 device from the run destinations menu and then do a Build&Run to build, install, and run the app on the iOS 7 device.
If you don't have an iOS 7 simulator device in the run destinations menu, go download the iOS 7 runtime from Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads
Yes you can, go to xcode(7) preferences>select Components here you can download Simulater and Documents also.

Retrieve ipa file from worklight proejct

Does anyone know how to get the .ipa file for my iPhone environment within IBM worklight?
Inside your iPad environment -> native folder you can find the xCode project file named YourAppNameipad.xcodeproj. Open the file will open the xCode with your current project.
Else right Click your app folder RunAs -> Run As xCode project will open the project in xCode.
After that you can follow the normal procedure to build the IPA.
Select iOS device
Product -> Archive
Please read the training materials IBM provides.
Worklight Studio, the Eclipse plug-in, does not generate the .ipa file for you.
Only Xcode does that, and so in order to "get" the .ipa, you need to actually Build the Xcode project that Worklight Studio generates, in Xcode.
Read here how to get the .ipa file from Xcode.

Xcode doesn't create iOS .app release file (products). How to fix this?

I've updated to the latest version of Xcode 4.5.1 and I have some troubles. When I build debug version of the project and run it on iOS simulator everything works just fine. But when I switched to release flavour in project schema and build project nothing happened. I mean project runs on simulator, but Build folder of my project remains empty.
I tried to follow this advice
Why doesn't Xcode 4 create any products?
but in the created folder DerivedData there are only logs and indexes folders and no .app files.
So the question is: How to get executable on real iOS6 device .app file in Xcode 4.5.1? I'm really a newbie and the delivery/deployment process in iOS is unknown to me.
Change your choice of deployment devices to an actual iOS device (don't use the simulator). After that, execute an "Archive" build (Product -> Archive). This option will be grayed out if you don't choose to deploy to an actual iOS device.