Making UIToolbar Disappear - objective-c

This is a pretty straightforward question, so I don't think I need to post code. I have an app in which a toolbar appears when a specific view is pushed by the navigation controller. However, when I go back to the previous view, the toolbar remains on the view. I've tried calling [toolbar removeFromSuperview], as well as toggling UIToolbar's "hidden" property, within the view's viewDidUnload to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-(void)[UINavigationController setToolbarHidden:(BOOL)hidden animated:(BOOL)animated]
Call that when appropriate. viewWillAppear: is a good choice. keep a flag as to what state you think it should be in


Subview of Scrollview doesn't register touch events

I'm struggling with this problem, and although there are quite some threads on this issue I've not figured it out yet.
I want to load a button into a subview of a scrollview. If I test this subview alone, the button works fine. Also, when I add the button to the scrollview directly, it works fine. But the two combined I don't get any touch event on the button.
My view hierarchy:
UIButton (A)
UIButton (B)
So button B works fine, A doesn't.
I've tried messing around with the attributes like Cancellable Content Touches, but so far no luck. I'm loading the subview from the storyboard with:
ViewVC *viewVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ViewVC"];
From the posts I've read, this should just work, so either I'm missing something vital, or I've messed up some attributes along the way. Should I use a delegate to pass the events, or should this be done automatically?
Give your views some colours, and check if one of them is obscuring the other preventing it from being touched. Maybe you UIView is overlapping your UIButton(B), preventing it from being touched.
How are you sure you're adding it?
Make sure you're calling addSubview: on your UIScrollView with your subview as the parameter?

How can I do an animated switch to UISplitView?

I have looked at the sample generated by xcode when creating a new UISplitView app on the iPad along with countless other tutorials and the documentation from the apple developer site. I have not seen an example where the UISplitView used was not the root of the application. Is this even possible?
What I am trying to accomplish: I have a UITableView to start out and once an item in the list is selected I would like to display a splitview with two different sets of information that is based on the item that was selected.
I curious if this type of implementation is even possible, or just frowned upon, and why. If it is possible, how would I go about implementing and hooking up a UISplitView to behave in this way?
Edit: I'm updating this with what I have. I can now switch to my UISplitView, though the transition is not animated. What is the way to correctly switch to a UISplitView so the transition is animated?
Code for switching right now:
[appDelegate.window addSubview:appDelegate.splitViewController.view];
appDelegate.window.rootViewController = appDelegate.splitViewController;
EDIT 2: In hopes of bumping this back up so more people see it, I have managed to switch from my navigationController to my splitViewController, but when I add the button to be able to navigate back, nothing I do makes a difference and I seem to be locked in. I tried reverse mirroring the code to switch to the splitViewController, but that had no affect, and I am completely out of ideas. Can anyone shed some light on this?
You should always use SplitViewController as a rootViewController: Split view controller must be root view controller
There may be some hacks around it, but when Apple have a strong recommendation and design guidance, I suggest to try to re-think your design before going against the platform -it should save you effort in the long term.
I recommend using the MGSplitViewController, it also works as a non-rootViewController, even nested into an another MGSplitViewController, and there's i.e. a one-liner for the animation to blend in the Master-View, if that is what you want.
In your UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath method you would have something like:
UISplitViewController *mySplitView = [[UISplitViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:mySplitView animated:YES];
[mySplitView release];
Probably you'll want to subclass UISplitViewController just like you would other view controllers and set in there the master and detail views and so on.

Hittest for backBarButton Item, UIBarButtonItem

I'm trying to determine when a UIBackButton is pressed in a sublayer of a navigation app. Would HitTest be used for that? I've seen reference to HitTest, but not exactly sure what it is and how to code for it. Any help is muchly appreciated. Thanks!!
No. Hit testing is the (recursive) process by which UIKit determines which view receives touch events. You shouldn't need to participate in it or invoke it.
If you're using a UINavigationController, it will do the right thing to transition between view controllers when the back button is pressed. If an individual view controller needs to know when it is transitioning off-screen, it should override the -viewWillDisappear: and -viewDidDisappear:. See the documentation for those methods for more information.

May I add a second subview to window if rootViewController is a UISplitViewController to simulate a modal effect?

I'm currently using UISplitViewController as my app's rootViewController. To present progress dialogs I use presentModalViewController, but for the one and other reason I'm not entirely happy with it and want to do my own modal thing.
If one of my modal views is supposed to be shown, I want to add another subview to my app's main window. This subview is going to be managed by its own UIViewController subclass to make it rotate properly and do all the stuff I need.
Is this design aproach okay or will I run into issues with UISplitViewController (it is very special in so many ways and seems to be offended easily if not treaten right! :-))?
Is it a problem to have two UIViewControllers next to each other?
Please don't discuss "why don't you use presentModalViewController then?".
You may be ok with UISplitViewController if you do it properly, as presentModalViewController does something similar.
One alternative you should look into is UIPopoverController and the UIViewController's modalIfPopover property.
Also, you say you aren't happy with presentModalViewController and perhaps if you say what was wrong with it we can help you work around whatever issues you have with it. This is the exact case that it seems to be meant for.

touchesBegan method is not being called

I am trying to detect touches, but the touchesBegan method is not being called.
In my ViewController, I have added the touchesBegan method. My Nib files owner is set to the correct V.C. The Nib itself consists of the view, with a scroll view and a tab bar. Nested in the scroll view is an image view, which has user interaction enabled. What is precluding touches from being registered, or preventing my implementation of touchesBegan from being called?
I've scoured the Internet and Apple docs, and I can't see what I am doing wrong. Also, I'm not really sure what code I can post here to help with my query. Thanks.
Okay, after a lot more reading, I've now got a scrollview and a imageview, both of which are created programatically. The imageview is a sub view of the scrollview, and scrollview has been subclassed so that the touches ended method can decide whether it was a single touch, in which case call the touches ended method from the view controller, otherwise call its supers method. This works just fine, however, why is it that this cannot be done without subclassing scrollview? Is it my lack of understanding of how scrollview works, or is it just a limitation of it?