Hittest for backBarButton Item, UIBarButtonItem - cocoa-touch

I'm trying to determine when a UIBackButton is pressed in a sublayer of a navigation app. Would HitTest be used for that? I've seen reference to HitTest, but not exactly sure what it is and how to code for it. Any help is muchly appreciated. Thanks!!

No. Hit testing is the (recursive) process by which UIKit determines which view receives touch events. You shouldn't need to participate in it or invoke it.
If you're using a UINavigationController, it will do the right thing to transition between view controllers when the back button is pressed. If an individual view controller needs to know when it is transitioning off-screen, it should override the -viewWillDisappear: and -viewDidDisappear:. See the documentation for those methods for more information.


Determine if viewcontroller is already on stack and if so, go to or dismiss it

I have an app I am working on that has a main screen with two buttons. One will take you to a view of a GPS (map) and then once there (new VC) it has options for setting that position or bringing up a list (tableview, another VC) of all locations already tagged.
At the list VC, if you click on the table cell, it will bring up the VC with the map. Problem is, this then adds the same VC bak on the stack. If a user clicks the Cancel button, they go back ones screen, then cancel goes back another screen, etc... until back to the main.
I know I can do the [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES]; to pop back to root but that is not always what I want.
Also, I know I can do: [[[self presentingViewController] presentingViewController] dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I guess what I am saying is I want to "reuse" the GPS map view so I can call it from other VC's, so that is why I didn't go with the "pass back" to calling VC. So, is there away to either when a button is pressed and is to present a new VC, can I dismiss the prior one after the new one is shown? This way, a dismiss of current VC would take me back to where I need to be.
I hope makes sense and also that this question doesn't fall into the "Not an actual question" category.
Any help or better suggestions is greatly appreciated. Thx
If you want to jump back some number of levels in a navigation controller's VC stack, you'll probably want to use its popToViewController:animated: method. To figure out if a particular view controller is on that stack, look at the navigation controller's viewControllers property. Be careful, though, as this kind of jumping around is a rather nonstandard UI behavior (even though there's API for it) which might confuse your users.
Also, using navigation controllers and presenting modally aren't the only ways to manage multiple view controllers -- you can always set the window's rootViewController yourself (and animate the change with UIView animations), even wrapping up your custom transition type in a custom UIStoryboardSegue if you like.
You can put a delegate in the table view. So that when a cell is pressed the info is passed to the delegate method in the VC which will dismiss the table view and reloads itself with the new info. You will have to implement refresh method in that VC.

Why isn't my navigation bar controller handling the touchesEnded event on my navigation bar view?

This question came closest to describing my problem, but I'm missing something in the general process and the answer eventually goes into "Never mind, I figured out a different solution that isn't described".
In my case, I've got an XIB with a navigation bar and its controller. For the class fields, I've filled in my custom class names. Here's a screenshot showing the XIB, because I think this should be a relatively simple and straightforward setup...
What I want (like in link at the beginning) is for the touchesEnded event to fire so that I can do something. This works for the "view"; I can programmatically write in the event, set a breakpoint, and see that breakpoint get hit. However, my higher-level goal is to push a new view onto the app at that point -- something that I shouldn't do in the view's functionality, and which I can't do anyway because my view doesn't have access to the navigation controller (unless I do some trickery to retrieve the controller, but I want to do this cleanly).
Even though it works programmatically for the view, the touchesEnded event does not get hit for the navigation view's controller. I set it to the delegate, as shown in the image below, which I'm suspecting is perhaps only a part of what I need to do.
So now that I've set the delegate, and have seen that the touchesEnded event is being hit by the view, why isn't my navigation bar view controller picking up on the touchesEnded event? Am I mistaken and should instead be figuring out how to push a new view from the navigation bar's view, since I've seen that THAT touchesEnded event is being hit? It just seems like something I should be handling in the navigation bar view's controller, but I can't get that controller's touchesEnded event hit.
It's not clear from your post, but it looks like you're adding a navigation bar to your app explicitly, is that true? If your controller is embedded in a navigation controller, then there's no need to do that. You can add a view to the navigation bar, and add a UIImage view as a subview. If you set user interaction to be on, and add a tap gesture recognizer to the image view, you should be able to get the effect you want.
Then you have to override UINavigationBar, and override becomeFirstResponder, returning YES.

Custom segue - Individually animate UINavigationBar and UITableView

Is there a way to use custom segues to individually animate several different subviews.
For example, I want my modal view to appear by the UINavigationBar fading in (as the source destination's UINavigationBar fades out) and then a UITableView to slide down the screen 'over' the source destination's view controller.
When I try to implement this in the - (void)perform method. My properties don't animate using [UIView animateWithDuration: animations: completion:].
Can anyone provide me with a solution?
Thanks in advance!
You can certainly use custom segues to achieve this - however, I don't think you'll get much help without more details about the setup of your view controllers.
Everything you describe is correct: to create a custom segue you animate the views inside your sourceViewController and destinationViewController inside the segue's perform: method. If they're not animating you might want to check that your segue is actually getting called (you can use breakpoints in the debugger to check this), or that the views you're trying to access inside your view controllers actually exist at that point in time (again, something you can check using the debugger).
For a solution specific to your app you're almost certainly going to have to provide more details about the two view controllers you're trying to transition between. Perhaps you could post your perform: method.

Making UIToolbar Disappear

This is a pretty straightforward question, so I don't think I need to post code. I have an app in which a toolbar appears when a specific view is pushed by the navigation controller. However, when I go back to the previous view, the toolbar remains on the view. I've tried calling [toolbar removeFromSuperview], as well as toggling UIToolbar's "hidden" property, within the view's viewDidUnload to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
-(void)[UINavigationController setToolbarHidden:(BOOL)hidden animated:(BOOL)animated]
Call that when appropriate. viewWillAppear: is a good choice. keep a flag as to what state you think it should be in

touchesBegan method is not being called

I am trying to detect touches, but the touchesBegan method is not being called.
In my ViewController, I have added the touchesBegan method. My Nib files owner is set to the correct V.C. The Nib itself consists of the view, with a scroll view and a tab bar. Nested in the scroll view is an image view, which has user interaction enabled. What is precluding touches from being registered, or preventing my implementation of touchesBegan from being called?
I've scoured the Internet and Apple docs, and I can't see what I am doing wrong. Also, I'm not really sure what code I can post here to help with my query. Thanks.
Okay, after a lot more reading, I've now got a scrollview and a imageview, both of which are created programatically. The imageview is a sub view of the scrollview, and scrollview has been subclassed so that the touches ended method can decide whether it was a single touch, in which case call the touches ended method from the view controller, otherwise call its supers method. This works just fine, however, why is it that this cannot be done without subclassing scrollview? Is it my lack of understanding of how scrollview works, or is it just a limitation of it?