Xcode and objective c shenanigans - objective-c

Baby new to Xcode, Cocoa touch and iOS development in general. And am taking the Stanford walkthrough for their iPhone class. I am a little confused at a couple of places and need to shoot my doubts to you guys:
I have two classes that I have created for my model, essentially CalculatorBrain.m and CalculatorBrain.h.
From what I gather, in Objective C, creating a class essentially consists of two functions, one is to declare the class which contains the method/messages and other variables while the other is the actual implementation for the same. From this stems two questions:
Why must I declare a class without implementing it's methods at first? (the concept seems to be borrowed from interfaces) and only then move on to implementing it .
From the above question, as I go through the walkthrough, I notice that the class declaration took place in CalculatorBrain.h whereas the methods were actually implemented in CalculatorBrain.m. I am unable to grasp the nuances of why this was done so if anybody is willing to shed some light on this, it would really help
Thanks again,
Parijat Kalia!!!

These are traditions from the C world, and they're just common practice to avoid some problems. They aren't two classes, they are the definition (in the .h file) and the implementation (in the .c or .cc file).
If you defined the class in the .c file, you couldn't refer to it elsewhere because it wouldn't be defined. You could include your .c file, but then you'd have two copies of the code. You could also use the "extern" keyword, but at this point it's kind of odd.
If you put code in the .h file, then when it's included the code gets included. This means you can get compiler errors that you have three "getMyThing" functions.
This means you can give out your headers to others without giving away your top-secret implementation (useful for making libraries), include your header without worrying about the possible multiple definitions, etc. You can also add variables and functions in the .c file which people using the header (like your other code) can't see or use, so you don't have to worry about changing it later and having compilation break.


What's a good place to put your module #imports?

So I am using the new #import module syntax introduced with the latest Xcode - I still wonder where the best place is to put them. Before, I would place library imports and very important categories in the .pch file, but now that's not necessary anymore (at least not for the native frameworks). My first idea was to create a modules.h file and do all the imports there, then include that modules.h file in the AppDelegate - but this doesn't seem right. Also, importing in the first place you need it doesn't make sense either, since you might use it in different places.
This is in fact a question about "best practices" which is - of course - a little subjective. But I think this affects a lot of people and the overall project structure. So please share your solution to this.
it sounds like you weren't doing it the best way before, In general you want as few symbols available at any one time. For a few different reasons:
less likely to make a mistake with symbols that have the same name but different values, or types... and for reasons that the compiler has to import less crap into each compilation unit.
I am not an expert on how #import has changed the compiler semantics of preprocessing and compiling, but I suspect you should still basically import things as close to the point that they will be used as possible.
I generally will not generally import any class's headers into another class's .h file.
in a .h I will forward declare any classes with #class SomeCLass and only include enough headers to satisfy the c/c++ types that I use as ivar/properties. The only exception to that being if I need to include a superclass's header or another .h for a protocol.
the rest of the includes go into the .m
I like to keep my pch pretty spartan, but if you have some utility categories or a widely used library you could include stuff in there, I tend not to... but in a smaller project you probably wont run into problems... you will run into indexing problems in projects with hundreds of source files, especially if you have some Objective-C++ units. That will end up hurting code completion and live syntax checking.

How do I create a file-scope class in objective-c?

I left the original, so people can understand the context for the comments. Hopefully, this example will better help explain what I am after.
Can I create a class in Obj-C that has file-scope visibility?
For example, I have written a method-sqizzling category on NSNotificationCenter which will automatically remove any observer when it deallocs.
I use a helper class in the implementation, and to prevent name collision, I have devised a naming scheme. The category is NSNotificationCenter (WJHAutoRemoval), so the private helper class that is used in this code is named...
That's a mouthful, and currently I just do this...
#define BlockObserver WJH_NSNotification_WJHAutoRemoval__Private__BlockObserver
and just use BlockObserver in the code.
However, I don't like that solution.
I want to tell the compiler, "Hey, this class is named Bar. My code will access it as Bar, but I'm really the only one that needs to know. Generate a funky name yourself, or better yet, don't even export the symbol since I'm the only one who should care."
For plain C, I would is "static" and for C++ "namespace { }"
What is the preferred/best/only way to do this in Obj-C?
Original Question
I want to use a helper class inside the implementation of another. However, I do not want external linkage. Right now, I'm just making the helper class name painfully unique so I will not get duplicate linker symbols.
I can use static C functions, but I want to write a helper class, with linker visibility only inside the compilation unit.
For example, I'd like to have something like the following in multiple .m files, with each "Helper" unique to that file, and no other compilation unit having linker access. If I had this in 10 different files, I'd have 10 separate classes.
#interface Helper : NSObject
#implementation Helper : NSObject
I have been unable to find even a hint of this anywhere, and my feeble attempts at prepending "static" to the interface/implementation were wrought with errors.
I don't believe you will be able to do what you want because of the Objective-C Runtime. All of your classes are loaded into the runtime and multiple classes with the same name will conflict with each other.
Objective-C is a dynamic language. Unlike other languages which bind method calls at compile time, Objective-C does method resolution at invocation (every invocation). The runtime finds the class in the runtime and then finds the method in the class. The runtime can't support distinct classes with the same name and Objective-C doesn't support namespaces to seperate your classes.
If your Helper classes are different in each case they will need distinct class names (multiple classes with the same name sounds like a bad idea to me, in any language). If they are the same then why do you want to declare them separately.
I think you need to rethink your strategy as what you are trying to do doesn't sound very Objective-C or Cocoa.
There's no way to make a class "hidden." As mttrb notes, classes are accessible by name through the runtime. This isn't like C and C++ where class are just symbols that are resolved to addresses by the linker. Every class is injected into the class hierarchy.
But I'm unclear why you need this anyway. If you have a private class WJHAutoRemovalHelper or whatever, it seems very unlikely to collide with anyone else any more than private Apple classes or private 3rdparty framework classes collide. There's no reason to go to heroic lengths to make it obscure; prefixing with WJHAutoRemoval should be plenty to make it unique. Is there some deeper problem you're trying to fix?
BTW as an aside: How are you implementing the rest of this? Are you ISA-swizzling the observer to override its dealloc? This seems a lot of tricky code to make a very small thing slightly more convenient.
Regarding the question of "private" classes, what you're suggesting is possible if you do it by hand, but there really is no reason for it. You can generate a random, unique classname, call objc_allocateClassPair() and objc_registerClassPair on it, and then assign that to a Class variable at runtime. (And then call class_addMethod and class_addIvar to build it up. You can then always refer to it by that variable when you need it. It's still accessible of course at runtime by calling objc_getClassList, but there won't be a symbol for the classname in the system.
But this is a lot of work and complexity for no benefit. ObjC does not spend much time worrying about protecting the program from itself the way C++ does. It uses naming conventions and compiler warning to tell you when you're doing things wrong, and expects that as a good programmer you're going to avoid doing things wrong.

Mixing C++ and Objective C

Where can i find a concrete document or a dos and donts documentation on using C++ with Objective-C?
Apple seems to have removed that document from their website and i am all puzzled with collating bits of information from blogs and questions posted here.
Anyone can guide about the same.
When do we use .mm file, while mixing syntax or while using an object in .m file which belongs to a C++ class ?
While passing objects between functions belonging to two different language like passing objective-c object to a function in cpp file is it necessary to collect it in void * or can I use (ObjectiveC inteface)*?
You need to use Objective-C++ whenever you are either #include/#importing or directly writing both Objective-C and C++ code in the same file. It's usually obvious with explicit code; the #includes are often less so, and you need to take care to avoid "leaking" one of the languages into too much of the other. Your example of #importing a C++ header file is clear-cut: you can only do that with Objective-C++. Note that if your Cplusplus was a struct type, you could forward-declare it as such instead of #importing a C++ header.
If you do this in a header, it will "poison" the header to only work in that mode. You'll need to actively avoid this, or your whole project will soon end up with only .mm files. I have documented some techniques in this article and previously, in this earlier article. For newer versions of Objective-C, you can also add ivars to classes in category extensions. This means you can define C++-typed ivars in your .mm file, not the header, which allows .m files to #import it.
For your second question (Please only ask one question at a time): the id type is defined in the objc.h header file in terms of C and thus will work in both Objective-C and C++. Likewise, the Objective-C runtime API is exposed in terms of C functions, which will work from C++, too. If you actually want to send messages and access properties on Objective-C objects with the canonical syntax from C++ code, you'll need to switch that file to Objective-C++.
Use .mm files when you have a c++ syntax in your code or when including file(s) which contain c++ code.
Mixing C++ with objective-c may be a bit confusing but if you think pointer-wise than it is not a big deal. Treat C++ object instance methods as you would in C++ and the same goes for objective c objects.

Can I create C functions that are only visible to my class which is broken into multiple files?

Using a static function, I can limit the linkage of my function to the file at hand and that is perfect in many cases. But I have a class that is unwieldy as one file, but breaking it up is made more frustrating because there are functions that I would like to keep 'private' but are needed throughout.
One part of the answer must be counter-questions, such as:
Why is your class so big that it must be split up?
Are you sure your class is so big that it must be split up? (How big is 'big'?)
Are you sure you have your class properly abstracted?
Can you make the common functions into a new class that can be used by the main class you are working with? That will hide the functions behind a class interface barrier.
On the whole, if you can avoid it, do not split the class file up arbitrarily because of size constraints; keep together that which belongs together.
A Gruesome Possibility
Assuming that a split is necessary and an orthodox split (into various classes that work together) is not possible, the question becomes: how gruesome will you accept your code being? (It's already a bit gruesome since there's an awful lot of functionality in a single file; can you stand it becoming more gruesome?)
Assume your class is in 4 (or more) files.
The header, class.h, is orthodox - self-contained and idempotent. It is used by the outside world (meaning outside this collection of source code) to access the facilities provided by the class.
The files class1.c and class2.c contain implementations of the functions in the class. They could be given a separate, distinctive file suffix - there might be some advantages to doing so. The files are not designed to be compiled standalone; they are strictly a convenience that splits the source up because the class got too big.
The file class.c is what you compile. It contains:
#include "class.h"
Other definitions needed by the class internals.
#include "class1.c"
#include "class2.c"
Thus, although the source is split up, you actually compile a single file, class.c.
In your makefile or equivalent, you specify that class.o depends on the header and all three source files; if any of those changes, then you need to recompile the whole lot. One advantage of changing the suffix of the implementation files (class1.c and class2.c) is that they will not compile separately because the suffix is not recognized by the C (Objective-C) compiler. One downside of changing the suffix is that your syntax-aware editor won't be aware of the correct syntax highlighting for the separate files unless you tell it the file type. If you use an IDE, it may also be less than amused at this trickery.
If you work on a machine where the size of the source means it cannot all be compiled at once like this, then you are snookered. This technique does not help at all; you have to split the files up and compile them separately. In that case, really look hard at whether you can split the code cleanly into several classes which can be managed in an orthodox way.
By request, my comment on the OP as an answer:
There's no language support for this that I'm aware of... You could put all the support functions in a separate c file and only #import its header from the class implementation files? If they don't have to be C functions (for passing as callbacks to C APIs, for example) I'd reimplement them as methods on the class and declare the private interface in a separate header—each implementation file would then #import both the "public" and "private" header.
Prefix their names with output of a cryptographic RNG. Now you don't have to worry about unintentional name collisions. Problem solved. You can hide the renaming in preprocessor macros if you really like.

Objective-C equivalent of Java packages?

What is the Objective-C equivalent of Java packages? How do you group and organize your classes in Objective-C?
Question 1: Objective-C equivalent of Java packages?
Objective-C doesn't have an equivalent to Java packages or C++ namespaces. Part of the reason for this is that Objective-C was originally a very thin runtime layer on top of C, and added objects to C with minimum fuss. Unfortunately for us now, naming conflicts are something we have to deal with when using Objective-C. You win some, you lose some...
One small clarification (although it's not much for consolation) is that Objective-C actually has two flat namespaces — one for classes and one for protocols (like Java's interfaces). This doesn't solve any class naming conflicts, but it does mean you can have a protocol and class with the same name (like <NSObject> and NSObject) where the latter usually adopts ("implements") the former. This feature can prevent "Foo / FooImpl" pattern rampant in Java, but sadly doesn't help with class conflicts.
Question 2: How to [name] and organize Objective-C classes?
The following rules are subjective, but they are decent guidelines for naming Objective-C classes.
If your code can't be run by other code (it's not a framework, plugin, etc. but an end-user application or tool) you only need to avoid conflicts with code you link against. Often, this means you can get away with no prefix at all, so long as the frameworks/plugins/bundles you use have proper namespaces.
If you're developing "componentized" code (like a framework, plugin, etc.) you should choose a prefix (hopefully one that's unique) and document your use of it someplace visible so others know to avoid potential conflicts. For example, the CocoaDev wiki "registry" is a de facto public forum for calling "dibs" on a prefix. However, if your code is something like a company-internal framework, you may be able to use a prefix that someone else already does, so long as you aren't using anything with that prefix.
Organizing source files on disk is something that many Cocoa developers unfortunately gloss over. When you create a new file in Xcode, the default location is the project directory, right beside your project file, etc. Personally, I put application source in source/, test code (OCUnit, etc.) in test/, all the resources (NIB/XIB files, Info.plist, images, etc.) in resources/, and so on. If you're developing a complex project, grouping source code in a hierarchy of directories based on functionality can be a good solution, too. In any case, a well-organized project directory makes it easier to find what you need.
Xcode really doesn't care where your files are located. The organization in the project sidebar is completely independent of disk location — it is a logical (not physical) grouping. You can organize however you like in the sidebar without affecting disk location, which is nice when your source is stored in version control. On the other hand, if you move the files around on disk, patching up Xcode references is manual and tedious, but can be done. It's easiest to create your organization from the get-go, and create files in the directory where they belong.
My Opinion
Although it could be nice to have a package/namespace mechanism, don't hold your breath for it to happen. Class conflicts are quite rare in practice, and are generally glaringly obvious when they happen. Namespaces are really a solution for a non-problem in Objective-C. (In addition, adding namespaces would obviate the need for workarounds like prefixes, but could introduce a lot more complexity in method invocation, etc.)
The more subtle and devious bugs come from method conflicts when methods are added and/or overridden, not only by subclasses, but also be categories, which can cause nasty errors, since the load order of categories is undefined (nondeterministic). Implementing categories is one of the sharpest edges of Objective-C, and should only be attempted if you know what you're doing, particularly for third-party code, and especially for Cocoa framework classes.
They use long names...
Article on coding style & naming in Cocoa / Objective-C
Discussion whether Obj-C needs namespaces (deleted, archive here)
What is the best way to solve an Objective-C namespace collision?
for a discussion of how Objective-C has no namespaces, and the painful hacks this necessitates.
Unfortuantely objective c doesn't have any equivalent to namespace of C#,c++ and package of java....
The naming collisions could be solved by giving contextual name for example if u gonna give a name to method it should imply the class and module that it comes in so that...these problems could be avoided.
Go through the following url to know more on naming convention as advised by apple
What about something like this (inside a directory)?
#define PruebaPaquete ar_com_oxenstudio_paq1_PruebaPaquete
#interface ar_com_oxenstudio_paq1_PruebaPaquete : NSObject {
and importing it like this:
#import "ar/com/oxenstudio/paq1/PruebaPaquete.h"
PruebaPaquete *p = [[PruebaPaquete alloc] init];
and when you have name collision:
#import "ar/com/oxenstudio/paq1/PruebaPaquete.h"
#import "ar/com/oxenstudio/paq2/PruebaPaquete.h"
ar_com_oxenstudio_paq1_PruebaPaquete *p = [[ar_com_oxenstudio_paq1_PruebaPaquete alloc] init];
ar_com_oxenstudio_paq2_PruebaPaquete *p2 = [[ar_com_oxenstudio_paq2_PruebaPaquete alloc] init];
Well, I think all the other answers here seem to focus on naming collisions, but missed at least one important feature, package private access control that java package provides.
When I design a class, I find it is quite often that I just want some specific class(es) to call its methods, b/c they work together to achieve a task, but I don't want all the other unrelated classes to call those methods. That is where java package access control comes in handy, so I can group the related classes into a packaged and make those methods package private access control. But there is no way to do that in objective c.
Without package private access control I find it is very hard to avoid people writing code like this, [[[[[a m1] m2] m3] m4] m5] or [a.b.c.d m1].
Update: Xcode 4.4 introduced "An Objective-C class extension header", in my opinion, that is in some way to provide "package private access control", so if you include the extension header, you can call my "package private" methods; if you only include my public header, you can only call my public API.