Script all data from SQL Server database - sql

I have two databases with equivalent structure and I need to extract data from one of them in form of INSERT statements (generate script to apply it on the other database).
How can I do it using Management Studio?

SSMS supports scripting all data as INSERTS in 2k8:
Right click on a database and select Tasks->Generate Scripts...
Pick only the tables, Click Next.
Click on the Advanced button. Scroll down and select "Types of data to script" == Data Only
Decide whether you want results in a new query window or a file. Click on to Finish.
You then change the using DBname at the top of the script.

You can do it with SQL Server Management Studio. Here are the steps - as Mitch Wheat describes above (for SQL Server Management Studio 2012):
Right-click your database.
Select Tasks > Generate Scripts...
Introduction Step. Click Next.
Choose Objects. Select entire database or selected objects. Click Next.
Set Scripting Options. Here's the key step. In order to get all data and objects, click the Advanced button. Then in the Advanced Scripting Options, set the value for Types of
data to script to Schema and data.
Click OK. Then Next and Finish.
You will have a script file that contains both database schema and data.

You could use the free SSMS Toolpack add-in for SQL Server Management Studio.
See the section on Generate Insert statements from resultsets, tables or database
Update: OK, for SSMS Toolpack in SSMS 2012, a licensing scheme has been introduced. SSMS Toolpack for earlier versions of SSMS are however still free.


Option to generate DDL in Azure SQL DW

Couldn't find an option to generate DDLs from SSMS in Azure SQL DW(Synapse).
Is there any alternative approach to get the same using tools like sqlcmd or some other tool?
From the Object Explorer, you right click on an individual object.
If you want to script the entire database, you can right-click on the database name and select Generate scripts... which starts the script wizard.

How to export data from SQL Server 2008.2010 in DML (SQL script)?

Is there a tool or special query to do that. I'm not an database administrator.
Here are the steps to generate the scripts from a database along with data. The screenshots were taken using SQL Server 2012 Management Studio but I believe that the steps are similar for SQL Server 2008 as well.
Connect to the instance in which you would like to scrip the database along with data.
Right-click on the database and select the option Tasks --> Generate Scripts...
On the Generate and Publish Scripts wizard, click Next button.
On the Choose objects step, I have left the default selection Script entire database and all database objects checked. You can also select the option Select specific database objects and pick the objects of your choice.
On the Set Scripting Options step, select the path where you would like to save the script. Click on the Advanced button.
On the Advanced Scripting Options dialog, scroll down to the option Types of data to script. By default, this is set to Schema only, which means it will generate only the create object statements. If you want both object creation script along with data, select the option Schema and data. Click OK on the Advanced Scripting Options dialog and click Next on the Set Scripting Options step
On the Summary step, it will show all the options that you had selected. Click Next.
On the Save or Publich Scripts step, if everything goes well you will see Success status appear against each object and the script should be saved to the location that you specified on the Set Scripting Options step.
Scripting the entire AdventureWorks database turned to be a huge 522 MB script file!
Hope that helps.
Do you mean generating data script? If it is so then simply right click on the database name -Generate Scripts. In the advanced option in the wizard you get to choose "Type Of data script to add". Select data only there and you can get the data script
to what format?
are you only referring to 1 table or the whole database?
if you are exporting to an excel file from 1 table then all you have to do is
run a sql query statement to display all records then highlight all rows thru clicking on the top most right space of the grid and right click copy with column headers.
open excel and paste.
should be good to go.
Have you tried using SSMS tool pack? It is one of the best addins for SSMS.

How to Export Whole Database with Data Inside

I can Generate Create Scripts of my database in MS Sql Server Management Studio. But I need to move the database to a shared server with all the data in it.
Since I don't have full admin rights, I can not backup/restore .bak files or attach there. Is there any way to generate "Insert" queries which insert all of the data when I run them after create queries.
Yes. Here's how to do it:
Open up SSMS
Right-click on your database
Tasks -> Generate Scripts...
Choose the objects you want to script out (it sounds like you want the whole DB)
Under Set Scripting Options click the Advanced button
For the item Types of data to script, select Schema and data

Generate changes script

Let's imagine I added new column for some table in SQL Server Management Studio. Is there any way to get change script which is executed when I press save?
What I want to achieve is to apply the same change to other databases (we have a separate database for each developer for debuggin purposes).
I assume you are using table designer in MS SSMS.
Do the changes in the designer and just before hitting Save, go to the Table Designer menu and select Generate Change Script....

How to get script of SQL Server data? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the best way to auto-generate INSERT statements for a SQL Server table?
(24 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to do something analogous to the MySQL dump from SQL Server. I need to be able to pick the tables and export the schema and the data (or I can export the schema via SQL Server Management Studio and export the data separately somehow).
I need this data to be able to turn around and go back into SQL Server so it needs to maintain GUIDs/uniqueidentifiers and other column types.
Does anyone know of a good tool for this?
From the SQL Server Management Studio you can right click on your database and select:
Tasks -> Generate Scripts
Then simply proceed through the wizard. Make sure to set 'Script Data' to TRUE when prompted to choose the script options.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Further reading:
Robert Burke: SQL Server 2005 - Scripting your Database
SQL Server Management Studio
This is your best tool for performing this task. You can generate a script that will build whichever tables you wish from a database as well as insert the data in those tables (as far as I know you have to export all of the data in the selected tables however).
To do this follow these steps:
Right-click on your database and select Tasks > Generate Scripts
In the Generate and Publish Scripts wizard, select the "Select specific database objects" option
Expand the "Tables" tree and select all of the tables you wish to export the scheme and data for, then click Next
In the next screen choose how you wish to save the script (the Output Type must remain set as "Save scripts to a specific location"), then click the Advanced button in the top right corner
In the newly opened window, under the General section is a setting called "Types of data to script", set this to "Scheme and data" and click OK
Click Next, review the export summary and click Next again. This will generate the script to your selected destination.
To restore your database, simply create a new database and change the first line of your generated script to USE [Your.New.Database.Name], then execute. Your new database will now have all of the tables and data you selected from the original database.
I had a hell of a time finding this option in SQL Management Studio 2012, but I finally found it. The option is hiding in the Advanced button in the screen below.
I always assumed this contained just assumed advanced options for File generation, since that's what it's next to, but it turns out someone at MS is just really bad at UI design in this case. HTH somebody who comes to this thread like I did.
If you want to script all table rows then
Go with Generate Scripts as described by Daniel Vassallo. You can’t go wrong here
Use third party tools such as ApexSQL Script or SSMS Toolpack for more advanced scripting that includes some preprocessing, selective scripting and more.
Check out SSMS Tool Pack. It works in Management Studio 2005 and 2008. There is an option to generate insert statements which I've found helpful moving small amounts of data from one system to another.
With this option you will have to script out the DDL separately.
SqlPubWiz.exe (for me, it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Publishing\1.2>)
Run it with no arguments for a wizard. Give it arguments to run on commandline.
SqlPubWiz.exe script -C "<ConnectionString>" <OutputFile>
BCP can dump your data to a file and in SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the table, and select "script table as" then "create to", then "file..." and it will produce a complete table script.
BCP info
I know this has been answered already, but I am here to offer a word of warning.
We recently received a database from a client that has a cyclical foreign key reference. The SQL Server script generator refuses to generate the data for databases with cyclical references.