VB 2019 project settings empty - vb.net

I want to store startup settings for my project. When I go to the project Properties/Settings, it's empty except for a link that says, "This project does not have a default settings file. Click here to create one." When I click the link to add one, it says "The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002." So, how do I add a default settings file?

As mentioned in my comments, this seems to be a bug in VS and ought to be reported to Microsoft. As a temporary workaround, you can actually copy the settings files from a .NET Framework project into a .NET Core project. As far as I can tell from examining various VB and C# projects targeting .NET Framework and .NET Core, the settings files are the same in each case, so there's no issue copying between them. Here's what I did:
Added a VB WinForms app project targeting .NET Framework to the same solution.
Clicked the Show All Files button in the Solution Explorer for both projects.
Expanded the My Project node for both projects.
Dragged the Settings.settings item from the .NET Framework project to the .NET Core project.
It seemed to work as expected after that.


Why can't I target for .net 4.8 in my new project and why can't I choose folders where .exe file will be?

I created a new project. I have 2 problems already.
The newest .net framework available is .net framework 4.8 right?
I cannot select that
I want my .exe file to show up on this folder
Instead, the .exe file show up in this
Note: I censored the username actually, but you got the point. It shows up at \net5.0-windows instead
I want that to show up on arbitrage2 folder straight. Not on arbitrange2\net5.0-windows
My other projects do not have this problem.
Where should I change this?
Also I suspect the problems are related. That's because my other project can have target framework 4.8. In fact, in other projects, .net 5.0 and .net 6.0 is not available

VS 2019 Custom ASP.NET Core project templates

I'm trying to figure out how (or even if) I can create a custom Visual Studio project template that hooks into the existing ASP.NET Core Web Application template available in Visual Studio 2019?
What I want to do is something similar to madskristensens ASP.NET Core Template Pack (GitHub source code). However instead of VS 2017 I want to do this for VS 2019's revamped "New Project Dialog" window. So imagine adding an additional ASP.NET Core web application template in the place highlighted below.
I am able to create new project templates (both for Visual Studio and for dotnet new) but nothing has worked thus far. Has anyone been able to extend VS 2019 in this way, or was this taken away after VS 2017?
After doing some more investigation between both VS 2017 and 2019 (Community) I was able to successfully figure this out! Man oh man do we need some docs on this because this felt like a doozy!
I was able to use the ASP.NET Core Template pack as a building block for putting something together. For those who don't know, the extensions are designed to add templates to Visual Studio using .nupkg file(s) embedded in the extension. The use of the .nupkg files is similar to how dotnet new works with custom templates. I've got a working prototype on GitHub that supports both Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.
Now if you're like me, you may look at either madskristensens or my project and ask "How in the heck does this work!?" Great question! Here are the details I have the time to fill out right now:
Build out a custom template (or templates) and place them into *.nupkg file(s)
In my sample, my SampleTemplates project contains three different project templates. I generate the .nupkg with dotnet pack
A vs-2017.3.host.json file is required in the .template.config/ folder so that the ASP.NET Web Application wizard can display the template.
At least 1 or more other requirements need to be fulfilled to be displayed in the ASP.NET Web Application wizard, but I haven't yet figured those out, as adding the file to a console app template doesn't cause it to appear. I want to try and figure this out, although I'd love help if anyone already knows!
The template.json needs a Framework symbol to define the list of .NET Core framework targets that are supported by the template.
In doing some testing, it didn't look like the Framework symbol didn't substitute into the .csproj, so that is why my example also includes a TargetFrameworkOverride symbol that the Framework symbol replaces.
Place the .nupkg file(s) into the root of a VSIX extension project and make sure to set the "Include in VSIX" flag to True. I emphasize root because originally I had the NuGet package landing in a build\ folder in my extension and my templates weren't being picked up.
I'll try to put together a README in my example project to provide a better outline of all of the details required to accomplish this. Fingers crossed this helps someone out (or at least help me out in the future when I inevitably forget how I accomplished this)!
As of September 2nd, 2020, the Visual Studio team released an experimental feature to include dotnet new templates within Visual Studio. I have done some exceptionally minimal testing with it, and it does appear to work, but it's not perfect. For example, I created a dotnet new template that scaffolds multiple .csproj files and .sln file, and the output didn't quite match my solution.
This is the Visual Studio blog post describing the announcement: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/net-cli-templates-in-visual-studio/

Visual Studio won't find references

I'm working with some application handed over by another person in which I must document the requirements, build and deploy processes.
The problem here is that Visual Studio (2005) is throwing a lot of errors since it can't find the references for the dlls.
This obviously won't let VS build the project.
Everything works fine on the persons computer but not on mine, even though the project references the same folder where the dlls are, the bin folder.
How can I circumvent these problems and get VS to properly reference the dlls?
The following printscreen shows the references screen for the project.
My guess is that your DLL uses a more recent .NET framework than your application does.
Check the properties for your DLL source (right-click on the DLL code in the solution explorer and choose Properties). Go to Application - Target .NET framework and compare the version to the one the application itself uses (right-click on the project code). Note: under your application properties check both the settings under Application - Target .NET framework AND under Publish - Prerequisites.
For what it's worth, even after changing the .vbproj file and removing many lines about hard coded values,
I eventually checked out the project again removed all references to the given DLL and then added it using the GUI.
Lesson learned, don't try to change out one DLL for a newer version without using VB2005 GUI.
The easiest solution will probably be to transfer everything to another project. It will be incredibly time consuming to find where visual studio has left the hard coded path at.
WOOT!!!! Compile the DLL file to a lower version of the .NET framework, and it will fix the problem!!!!
The paths in the project file cannot be the same or the assemblies referenced have a different version.
It might be worth unloading your project and the editing it to inspect where it's looking and for what version.
I had the same problem with an older Visual Studio Project that I opened in Visual Studio 2008. I tried to add new references to the project and got permanent errors that the dll's cannot be found. After the migration of the Project to Visual Studio 2010 I got the following error message when I tried to add a new reference:
'mySample.dll' or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET Framework than the one specified in the project. You can change ...
After changing the projects .NET Framework to a newer version everything works fine.
Good suggestions in other answers. In my case, it was because the libraries weren't copied (downloaded) successfully: the files existed, but were 0 kB.
Did a clean, which removed all the DLL's and then VS2008 complained it couldn't find the references (Duh!!!) and wouldn't rebuild....luckily I had and old version of the dll's and replaced them in the directory AND THEN did a rebuild to replace them...all references are now OK and we're back to normal....good old VS 2008

Why does one VB.net project properties list Configuration and Platform and another does not?

I just created a new VB Windows forms project using VS2010. The solution also contains a Fortran DLL project. I've set the platform to x86.
When I pull up the VB project properties it does not list the configuration or the Platform at the top of the properties dialog. This means I can't set the Compile tab Build output path differently for debug or release.
I've created several similar solutions using VS2008 and recently converted them to VS2010 and have not had this problem.
That is because you are using VS2010 Express and your single project is not in a solution project.
You could manually change the output from your .VBPROJ file with notepad. Inside that file you could do other changes . FOr exemple switching from Debug to Release. You have to restart your VS2010 Express edition to apply the changes (if I am not mistaken and it will be onkly true if you are using the Express Edition)

Change target framework in VB.NET console app

I created a VB Console app and it defaulted to .NET 4 but I need it to be .NET 3.5. I've been looking but all the references I find say to change it on the 'Compile' tab in properties but I don't have a compile tab or anything else that lets me change the target framework.
Any ideas other than recreating the project?
Note: I'm using VS2010 Ultimate
Update: added screen shot
Are you sure you are right clicking the project, then clicking Properties? For me in the properties window there is a Compile tab on the left side (under Application), and there is an option to change the target under Advanced Compile Options....
In vs2010 you goto PROJECT ---> SLN Name properties --> COMPILE ---> ADVANCED COMPILE OPTIONS(BOTTOM). Now Reverting it to 3.5 is something that as far as I know is something you can't do, atleast not easily or advised. Obviously upgrading from say a 2.0 to a 3.5 or 4.0 framework is easy as the step's above. Your best bet is unfortunately to create a new project in the 3.5 framework.
Project/Properties/Compile/Advanced Compile Options