Is it possible to use FlurryAPI within a static library? - objective-c

I'm working on a static library to distribute to iOS developers, and I'd like to incorporate an analytics library like Flurry to know more about how users are interacting with it. My concern is that if app developers are already using Flurry in their apps and the library initializes a new session, it will clobber their existing session.
My first idea is to subclass FlurryAPI, but it's hard to say whether or not it will do any good without knowing the implementation details.
Does anyone have any experience with this or ideas? Thanks in advance.

Received a response from Flurry support saying that it's against their TOS to include Flurry in a static library for use in other apps. Looking into modifying and using the Localytics SDK instead.

You activate Flurry in the AppDelegate (Most preferred way), check there for an existing session?
Or create a method that you need implement in the AppDelegate wich checks and or create a new session.


Inviting new members to workspace

I'm new to Slack, using a free plan, and although I have no issue creating/populating channels/conversations using the Web API I cannot find a method to initiate invitation to new members.
I found many documentation using a deprecated method ( but this requires to add client scope to my App. This scope being legacy, I'm not able to add it to my App.
The only method I could find that seems to be performing what I need is admin.users.invite which is only available for Enterprise Grid customers.
Has anybody been able to work around that? Is thre any modern way to invite a new members using the API?
Thank for your help.

How should I show share popup in Kony framework?

I'm creating the share function in a app with Kony Framework, but I don't see anything in Kony documents.
Anyone Can help me?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
The best way is to write FFI for android and IOS separately and pass the needed data from JS to FFI.
For IOS , you can use URL schemes to determine what kind of share apps to open and for android depending on the intent action and data type different share options can be shown
First, you need to write one FFI for calling native share function. then you need to pass URL of application as an object for that method.

GCMRegistrar vs GoogleCloudMessaging which to use?

Another one of my stupid questions probably.
I am confused on which to use GCMRegistrar or GoogleCloudMessaging, i know that GCMRegistrar is deprecated and i want to use GoogleCloudMessaging API but the problem is i can't find the jar files for it. so if you could help me by giving me jar file for the new GoogleCloudMessaging API it would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance!!!
That's because GCM before was a library, now it's part of the Google Play Services. So to use it you will need to follow this tutorial and download and include the Google Play services on your project using this page
You are welcome :)
Yes gcm.jar is deprecated. But I didn't find good explanation "why"! GCMRegistrar was good helper class. When you look at its sources you'll find that it's almost the same as example code of (now preferred) GoogleCloudMessaging API. So Google wants everyone to write (or copy) again and again the same code into all projects using GCM? Or shall every developer create his/her own helper class, a GCMRegistrar alike?
On the other hand when I use Google Play Services library, I use a library with a lot of ballast I don't need, I need just GCM, I'm not interested in other services.
Why don't they create a library for each service? GCM, Maps, Ads, Wallet, ... so every developer can include only what he needs.
Google's approach is far from optimization. I want to create as small and fast apps as possible. Google obviously doesn't. :-(
gcm.jar is deprecated.
Use GoogleCloudMessaging. comes with GooglePlayServices Library.
SDK Manager > Extras > Google Play Services.
then import google play services library PROJECT : Right Click > Properties >Android > Add...
and the project is in C:...\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib
UNCHECK "Is Library"

How to check if your iOS app code is using an api that is not allowed on the app store?

I know that there are some restricted api's or code that are not allowed to be in your app when you submit it to the app store.
How do you know what they are? Is there a way to check your app before you submit it to ensure you have not used such api's?
It is probably better to avoid this problem at the design stage, than trying to fix it later, so I was wondering if there is any tool in Xcode, or document to determine this.
The way Apple intends for you to do this is to use XCode's Validation feature. When you're submitting an app, you build for achiving (or Archive from the XCode menu). Then, you open up Organizer to see the archive you just created. At this point, you can press the Validate button in Organizer. That will perform a validation, without actually submitting the app. It will tell you if you're using Private APIs. Depending on how you use them, it might identify what the violation is:
There's definitely ways that code can fool this validation step, and "get away" with using Private APIs until the reviewer looks at the bundle. But, as far as I know, those ways would all be intentional methods of hiding Private API usage, and it sounds like you're trying to discover accidental usage.
If you fail this Validation test, then you might want to use something like AppScanner, mentioned in alan duncan's answer. But, for completeness, I wanted to make sure people knew that this Validation step is available in XCode, and checking for Private API usage is one of the things it's doing before you submit (and have to wait a few days to be told what you did wrong). Also, even if you don't use the Validate button in Organizer, but just use Submit, the tool is performing a Validation for you. The only difference is whether the bundle actually gets uploaded to iTunes Connect.
If you stick to documented interfaces as suggested above, you're fine. The only issue is with third-party libraries whose implementation may be opaque to you.
There is a Mac app called AppScanner that scans from private API usage. I have no experience with it, though.
You will get more information on Apple approval process from
App Store Review Guidelines for iOS apps (You must be a registered iOS developer for accessing this data).
iOS Human Interface Guidlines.
get the private API list.
use class-dump to process the Mach-O file, and get the processed string.
use regex to get the interface, class, or method in the string.
match the API to private API list.
then GOT it~
I opened a porject to do this, but because the reason of my company, canceled. very sorry for this.

Exist any Obj-c library to integration with paypal?

I wonder if exist a pre-made objective-c library to work with paypal, including with credit-cards.
My google search not get returns (I look for objective-c paypal)
Also, if exist other librarys for common gateways....
If you want it to go through your application, however, you could use WebKit to integrate a web view that connects to PayPal. That way, everything can be contained within the application but you would still work with PayPal the way they want you to work with them.
PayPal code for iOS, get it from
I don't think so, because they want you to go to their site. If you could just supply the data through a framework users couldn't trust Paypal.