How should I show share popup in Kony framework? - cross-platform

I'm creating the share function in a app with Kony Framework, but I don't see anything in Kony documents.
Anyone Can help me?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

The best way is to write FFI for android and IOS separately and pass the needed data from JS to FFI.
For IOS , you can use URL schemes to determine what kind of share apps to open and for android depending on the intent action and data type different share options can be shown

First, you need to write one FFI for calling native share function. then you need to pass URL of application as an object for that method.


send automated voice call in react native

I am developing an app that can go through an array of phone numbers and call one by one. And when the user answers the call, an automated voice should be played. Can anyone please help me by giving some suggestions to develop this app. Please mention any useful packages that I can use for my use case.
This cannot be done only React Native. You have to use third party API. As there will be so many calls so it will be better to put that in backend. Here are some API you can use :-

React-admin | Easiest way to warn user of a newer available version

I have a react-admin app where we are making frequent changes.
Is there an existing plugin or a way to detect a new version of app and provide user with a toast to refresh the application so that they are working with latest version?
If not with react-admin, is anyone familiar with a way to do this easily with react?
I have found some manual way to do this in following places but I am asking here in case there is an existing package or a more elegant solution that I can leverage directly.
How to force update Single Page Application (SPA) pages?
Any help is appreciated even if its, nothing exist and I should just hand-roll.
Thanks for reading.
This is not the responsibility of React Admin to handle this kind of issue.
You can think of RA as a simple React component that helps you define an admin.
Hence, RA doesn't provide any helper to manage code update or something similar.
You have to implement this refresh system by hand, and your links are a good start for that.
With the serviceWorker you can do that :
But i don't know why in the demo the service worker is not used ?

Custom plugin creation in worklight

I have eclips with ibm worklight pulgin .I want to create a custom plugin to store shared preferences values in worklight . can we do do this?? please post the answer with small implementation for this.
If all you're looking to do is to simply store data for the application to be later used in the same application, you can simply use HTML5 LocalStorage API or JSONStore.
There is no need for anything custom if the above is what you're looking for.
In the comments you are attempting to use the Send Action API. I don't know how that is supposed to help you. If you want a working example of that, you can see one here: Android: MobileFirst sending data from Native to cross page

How can I import iPhone notes to my app?

Is it possible to import a note from iPhone notes app to my app? I googled a lot to get an idea about it. Nothing helps. Can someone give any idea about it?
Thanks in Advance
Third-party apps do not have access to the notes database. There is no public API for accessing the notes data.
You can try using a flow for syncing apps (eg.
Create a rule that says "If a new note has been created (if a Gmail message has the label 'notes'), forward it to my db."
The solution is very clunky, but it's a starting point.
You could then find a way to scale this for your app.

Is it possible to use FlurryAPI within a static library?

I'm working on a static library to distribute to iOS developers, and I'd like to incorporate an analytics library like Flurry to know more about how users are interacting with it. My concern is that if app developers are already using Flurry in their apps and the library initializes a new session, it will clobber their existing session.
My first idea is to subclass FlurryAPI, but it's hard to say whether or not it will do any good without knowing the implementation details.
Does anyone have any experience with this or ideas? Thanks in advance.
Received a response from Flurry support saying that it's against their TOS to include Flurry in a static library for use in other apps. Looking into modifying and using the Localytics SDK instead.
You activate Flurry in the AppDelegate (Most preferred way), check there for an existing session?
Or create a method that you need implement in the AppDelegate wich checks and or create a new session.