Is it possible to get all the images saved in imagelibrary at a time into my application in iphone sdk? - objective-c

I want to get all the images stored in my device library and I want to add all those images to my application . Is it possible if so please give me idea
Thank you
Praveena Nalajala

It is not possible in iPhone SDK 3.0 (which you have tagged your question with), using public APIs.
In iOS 4.0, you can use ALAssetsLibrary to access the device's saved image library.

yes possible.


dropbox ios api - get thumbnails of all photos

I'm trying to implement my own dropbox photo chooser for iPhone, using dropBox SDK. I can't use the normal chooser because I have a different design.
At the moment I'm succeeding only in receiving meta data for all images, but I can't get thumbnails at all.
Is it a possible thing to do? thanks.
THis is probaby way too late but the new sdk has thumbail batch downloads.
Search for "GetThumbnailBatch" in the code.

Download images from an external source iOS

Is it possible to download images from a web server and save them in such a way that
[UIImage imageNamed:#"filename"]
would still work for filename.png and filename#2x.png just as if they had been sent along in the application package all along?
Adding my comment as an answer. You can try to send the scale based on retina/non-retina and then download a single image based on that. You dont need to worry about combining two images and downloading since a device can be either retina or non-retina only. You dont need both images at the same time.
You can download the images based on retina/non-retina of the device itself. No need to keep both in the same device.
As you are considering downloading both images, so bandwidth per se is not of concern, why not combine the two images into a multi-resolution TIFF and download that from the web server? If you do that and load the image from the file the correct resolution will be picked automatically.

iOS selecting pictures from photo library programmatically

I've got a question. Is there possiblity to select from code a given set of pictures from iOS device photos library? I don't want to use UIImagePickerController because I want to decide for user which pictures I want to refer to in my application.
Didn't find anything viable because all questions are about or related to UIImagePickerController.
Hints for you
You can use The Assets Library Framework. Read the documentation:
Or you can use some of the code from:

How to scan images using camera in Black berry?

I have started one project in which I want to implement QR code scanning functionality. Say for example: ZXing in android. I want to implement for blackberry OS 6 and above. I want to scan live images using camera. Is it possible? If yes, then how it possible?
You have to use the Barcode API. It was released for OS 6.0. Before that, there was ZXing (added in 5.0) but no livescan functionality.
Here you are the how-to:
Please check this in your eclips folder
path is
barcodescandemo demo is QRcode reader
please check it you can find all things

iPhone GPS (location) API link required

I am new to iPhone Application... I want to use GPS API in my iPhone Application, for getting current location of iPhone.. Can any one plz post some links for GPS API for iPhone ? Thanks..
The link from ttvd is not valid anymore. They the current link to the documentation of CoreLocation instead
Look at Core Location framework: Apple link here
Link is not valid anymore, please see Heiko Behrens's post.