Dynamically bind method to selector at runtime - objective-c

I want to programmatically associate code with selectors. I am not clear on how to do that in Objective C. In Ruby, I might override method_missing. In Common Lisp, I might define a macro. In Objective C, I can get part of the way there with #dynamic properties, but I'm unclear on how to actually implement them.
Here's a concrete example: I want to use an NSMutableDictionary to persistently store parts of my object. My class has two methods that handle the basic functionality, and a bunch of dynamic properties (matching #propertys exist in #interface):
#dynamic name;
#dynamic age;
#dynamic favoriteColor;
- (id)accessor:(NSString*)name {
return [[self dict] objectForKey:name];
- (void)mutator:(NSString*)name value:(id)value{
[[self dict] setObject:value forKey:name];
[[self dict] writeToFile:[self filename] atomically:YES];
Now I am looking for a way to translate a call like
[myInstance setName:#"iter"];
[self mutator:#"name" value#"iter"];
I wonder if there is an idiomatic way to do that in ObjC.

This isn't really an idiomatic thing to do in Objective-C, and there's certainly nothing like a Lisp macro available. NSObject and the runtime do, however, provide three possible points for you to intercept and handle messages referring to methods that don't otherwise exist. In the order they are used by the runtime: resolveInstanceMethod:, forwardInvocation: and doesNotRespondToSelector:. The documentation for each of them explains their use and gives some examples.
The first requires you to actually write out and add a method to the class, which doesn't seem like it will achieve the dynamic state of affairs you desire. The last by default raises an exception and doesn't provide for any return value. Almost certainly, forwardInvocation is what you want to look into. It allows your object to ask another object to handle a method call, including the passed arguments; it should be possible for you to make your object handle the call itself in a way that at least gets you close to what you're going for.
Also, the "Message Forwarding" chapter of the Runtime Programming Guide gives some examples of tasks similar to your requirement.

If an object does not have the method that you have called on it you can override forwardInvocation to delegate the method call to another object.

You can use the Objective-C runtime functions along with resolveInstanceMethod:. There's a short example in the resolveInstanceMethod: docs.


Objective C beginner - method calls without casting

I'm new to objective C and there's something odd that I don't understand.
How can I even call a NSString method on a NSDate object? For example:
NSString* ptr = [[NSString alloc] init];
[ptr uppercaseString];
NSDate* dPtr = [[NSDate alloc] init];
[dPtr uppercaseString];
id temp;
[temp uppercaseString];
Well, I do get that id can point to anything but how does it even know of the existence of the uppercaseString method without casting or something?
I'm have a C++ and Java background where I didn't notice anything like this before.
I'd love to get an explanation.
Unlike Java and C++, Objective-C has weak typing and late binding, which explains that you don't have to do a cast.
This is one of big dividing lines in object-oriented programming: Whether the language uses strong typing, so a variable can only hold references (or pointers) to objects of a given class and its subclasses, or if it can hold anything. If a variable can hold any object, the exact method implementation then has to be resolved at runtime when a message is received.
Objective-C got the philosophy of late binding from Smalltalk (see smalltalk), but is moving towards a more and more strictly typed language (formal protocols, use of the id type discouraged, etc.). The basics remain the same, however.
This is also one of the reasons, contrary to C++, Objective-C needs a runtime in order to run on your machine. Something has to take care of those method lookups.
Because the check for the existence of the method is not made right before the call but while trying to find the method. What actually happens (simplified a lot is)
[obj methodCall];
=> replaced => objc_send(obj, #"methodCall")
Inside the C function objc_send The call itself is resolved and made
If(obj.respondsTo(methodCall) Then obj.methodCall();
Objective-C methods are not the same as Java or C++ methods. They are messages, and they exist independently of any class or object. When you write (taken from CocoaDevCentral) in Photo.h:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface Photo : NSObject {
NSString* caption;
NSString* photographer;
- caption;
- photographer;
you are saying that the Photo class has a caption and a photographer object, and that it will respond to the messages caption and photographer. That was the old pre-properties way of writing code for those two items.
You will write code in Photo.m giving the implementation of the two messages, so that a Photo can respond to them. But nothing stops you from sending caption to any object. It's like the old Far Side cartoon about what we say to dogs and what they hear. Any errors occur at runtime.
So, what happens when you send a message to an object that it does not know how to respond to? If you have not done anything special,
The runtime system packages the message into a thing of type SEL.
It sends the doesNotRecognizeSelector: message to the object with that selector.
The object inherits from NSObject an implementation that raises a NSInvalidArgumentException.
However, there are a few opportunities before that to intervene by overriding a method:
+ (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSEL
This lets you install an implementation at runtime.
- (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
This lets you nominate another object to accept the message.
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
This lets you handle the message any way you want.
Before Objective-C gained blocks, there were a number of libraries that used forwarding for functional programming. Suppose you have an NSArray of Accounts that all understand the balance message. Suppose then you want to collect the balances of all the accounts in another NSArray. Instead of looping, the library provided a category for NSArray with a collect message, and you would write:
NSArray *accounts = ...;
NSArray *balances = [[accounts collect] balance];
The result of [accounts collect] does not have an implementation for the balance message; how could it? collect is provided by the library. Instead, it has a forwardInvocation: implementation that sends the balance message to all the members of accounts, and creates a new NSArray from them. One might use blocks and enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: these days, but that was a quite succinct and powerful technique.
Others have provided the answer - late binding, the method is looked up on the object at runtime without concern for the type of the object - if it has an appropriate method it is called.
However your call above [dPtr uppercaseString] should produce an error from Xcode. While the compiler will perform a lot of checks and refuse to compiler some programs (such as the above) that is really all the type-checking you get and it can be easily by-passed (e.g. [(id)dPtr uppercaseString] will remove the error and let you code run - when it will promptly fault due to no such method on NSDate).
Essentially the types are comments, if you use them properly you code should be type-correct, but there is no requirement for type-correctness for your code to compile.

dynamic properties in objective c

I found out Objective-C object properties can be marked as #dynamic to let compiler know that implementation will be available at runtime. I'd like to know if there is a way to tell the compiler that all properties on an object are dynamic without explicitly specifying them one-by-one (I don't have a list of properties up front). I know that this would not be a problem if I would just use [object something] but for stylistic purposes I want to use object.something syntax.
I'm fairly sure that it's not possible to do that but I'd like someone to confirm that. Since this is not for production use solution can involve anything you can imagine.
Additional info:
I only care about -something (getter) working so if your solution does not support setters that is fine.
#interface MagicalClass : NSObject
// property 'something' is not defined!
#implementation MagicalClass
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector { ... }
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation { ... }
MagicalClass *obj = [[MagicalClass alloc] init];
[obj something]; // compiler warning
obj.something; // compiler error
This really doesn't work with declared properties. The whole point of them is that you declare upfront what your properties are and how you interact with them. If you don't have any to declare, then you don't have any declared properties.
Unfortunately, it also doesn't work well with plain messages, although it can work better than dot syntax. Objective-C's static type checking will throw a hissy-fit of warnings, and if any of the properties are of non-object types, it might not be able to generate the correct calling code.
This kind of thing is common in languages like Python and Ruby where things don't have to be declared, but it just doesn't mesh well with Objective-C. In Objective-C, accessing arbitrary attributes is generally done with strings (cf. Key-Value Coding and NSAttributedString).
I don't believe this is possible. If you use the id type, you may be able to send undeclared messages, but dot syntax really relies on knowing about your specific accessors.
I haven't tried this, but if you provide a getter and setter, does Xcode still want the #synthesize or #dynamic directive?
So if you property is called something, implement -setSomething: and -something.

Dynamic Getters and Setters with Objective C

I am in a situation where I want to dynamically generate getters and setters for a class at runtime (in a similar manner to what NSManagedObject does behind the scenes). From my understanding, this is possible using resolveInstanceMethod: on a specific class. At this point, you would have to use class_addMethod to dynamically add the method based on the selector. I understand this at a theoretical level, but I haven't delved much into the obj-c runtime, so I was curious if there were any great examples of how to do this. Most of my knowledge comes from this article:
Any thoughts / examples?
The only nice discussion I know is at Mike Ash's blog post. It's not that hard, actually.
I once needed to split a big NSManagedObject subclass into two, but decided to keep the fact an implementation detail so that I don't have to rewrite other parts of my app. So, I needed to synthesize getter and setter which sends [self foo] to [self.data foo], automatically.
To achieve that, I did the following:
Prepare the new method, already in my class.
- (id)_getter_
return objc_msgSend(self.data, _cmd);
- (void)_setter_:(id)value
objc_msgSend(self.data, _cmd,value);
Note that _cmd has the selector in it. So, usually, _cmd is either #selector(_getter_) or #selector(_setter_) in these methods, but I'm going to plug the implementation of _getter_ as the implementation of foo. Then, _cmd contains #selector(foo), and thus calls self.data's foo.
Write a generic synthesizing method:
NSString*setterName=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%#%#:",
[[getterName substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],[getterName substringFromIndex:1]];
Method getter=class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(_getter_));
class_addMethod(self, NSSelectorFromString(getterName),
method_getImplementation(getter), method_getTypeEncoding(getter));
Method setter=class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(_setter_:));
class_addMethod(self, NSSelectorFromString(setterName),
method_getImplementation(setter), method_getTypeEncoding(setter));
Note that this is a class method. So self stands for the class. Note also that I didn't hardcode type encodings (which tells Objective-C runtime what the arguments of the particular method are). The syntax of type encodings is documented, but constructing by hand is very error-prone; I wasted a few days that way until Mike Ash told me to stop it. Generate it using an existing method.
Generate forwarders at the earliest possible time:
for(NSString*selectorName in [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"foo", #"bar", #"baz",nil]){
[self synthesizeForwarder:selectorName];
This generates foo, setFoo:, bar, setBar:, and baz, setBaz:.
Hope this helps!
Another example is one I wrote, called DynamicStorage, available here:
The primary impetus behind it was this question, which was asking how to use an NSMutableDictionary as the backing store for any object ivar. I wrote a class that will generate getters and setters for any #property, respecting things like a custom getter/setter name, the object memory management policy, etc. The neat thing about it is that it's using imp_implementationWithBlock() so that it only has to calculate the appropriate property name once (and then captures and saves it as part of the block).

objective c - delegate and events

I am looking for good example code for using delegate and events in objective c?
i am familiar with delegate and events in C#.
so if someone can help me with few lines of code it will be very helpful.
Selectors (equivalent of C# delegates)
Beware, C# has a term called "delegate" and Objective-C has a term called "delegate", but the two have hardly anything in common.
The C# "delegate" is essentially a type-safe function pointer. The equivalent of a function pointer in Objective-C is called a "selector".
To declare a parameter, member variable or local variable to be a selector, declare the type as SEL. For instance in the header file for the NSTimer class you can find this method:
- (id)initWithFireDate:(NSDate *)date
This means you're meant to pass a selector as the fourth argument when using this method. You can call it like this:
[[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate: someDate
interval: someInterval
target: self
selector: #selector(myTimerCallback:)
userInfo: nil
repeats: NO];
As you can see, by writing #selector(some-name-here), I can construct a new selector (similar to how I can construct a new string by writing #"some text here"). Objective-C methods have "holes" in them where arguments are inserted, and these holes are preceded by colons. When writing a selector as above, you keep the colons but you remove all else. For instance you can write something like #selector(firstPart:secondPart:thirdPart:).
The documentation of the method that accepts a selector should usually state what sort of signature it is allowed to have. The compiler will NOT enforce this for you (this is very different from C# delegates).
Notice also that the method above asks for a "target" parameter. This is typically the object the selector will be called on. Notice that the target is the completely untyped id. The compiler does not try to enforce that the object you pass in as target actually will respond to the method indicated by the selector. If it doesn't respond, then that is a runtime error. This is part of the dynamic nature of Objective-C.
(The Objective-C "delegate" concept is really just the delegate pattern (look it up), which is very prevalent in Objective-C, often used where other langauges would use inheritance.)
Events and Actions
Regarding events, there is an NSEvent class, but I have not yet had any experience with it. It seems to be for fairly low-level handling of GUI events. The C# use for events is probably more akin to "actions" in Objective-C.
Typically, a GUI component such a button has an "action" and a "target" associated with it. You can set these either in code or in Interface Builder. The target is as explained above -- an object on which a method will be called. And the "action" is in fact just a selector.
Please read the section "The Target-Action Mechanism" of this Cocoa Fundamentals article in the Apple docs. In fact that whole page is relevant to both parts of your question, so I recommend it highly.
The above answer is certainly correct. However, if you are looking for a way to implement the publisher/subscriber pattern then you should check out the NSNotificationCenter. This post has a good example.

How to inherit from NSDictionary?

I have an object called Settings that inherits from NSMutableDictionary. When I try to initialize this object using
Settings *settings = [[Settings alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: #"someFile"]
it returns an object of type NSCFDictionary. As a result, it doesn't recognize my additional methods. For example, when I call the selector "save", it objects:
[NSCFDictionary save]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x524bc0
Of course, it's OK when I initialize using the garden variety
Settings *settings = [[Settings alloc] init]
I tried to cast it again to Settings but that didn't work. This seems really simple - what am I missing?
NSDictionary is a class cluster. This means that the value returned from its init methods is not strictly an NSDictionary, but a subclass that implements the actual functionality. In almost every case, it is better to give your class an NSDictionary as an instance variable or to simply define a category on NSDictionary.
Chuck is correct about NSDictionary (and Dave, by extension, about NSArray/Set/String) and class clusters. Odds are that -[NSDictionary initWithContentsOfFile:] calls down to a different initializer than -init does, which is why it swaps out your allocated Settings instance for another subclass of NSMutableDictionary. (The initialization action when reading from a file may select a particular known subclass of NSDictionary which performs well for loading from a file, etc.)
I'll echo Chuck's guidance that it is almost always better to use composition or categories than inheritance for an NSDictionary. It's highly likely that you could accomplish what you're doing with categories in a much simpler way, and expose yourself to fewer potential bugs in the process. Consider yourself warned before deciding to subclass.
That being said, both NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary have been designed to support subclassing, and on rare occasions that's the right thing to do. Think long and hard about it before trying it. If you find it's the right choice for your design, here are some key points to know and do as needed:
Override the following primitive methods from NSDictionary:
-initWithObjects:forKeys:count: (designated initializer)
Override the following primitive methods from NSMutableDictionary:
If you're supporting NSCoding, be aware of classForKeyedArchiver and replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver: (both instance methods from NSObject) — they can totally change how your class responds, and you often unintentionally inherit some odd behavior from NS(Mutable)Dictionary. (You can verify if they are the culprit by setting a breakpoint on them, or implementing them to call super and breaking on your own code.)
I've implemented a number of these points in an NSMutableDictionary subclass of my own. You can check it out and use the code however may be helpful to you. One that particularly helped me (and could be the solution for your problem) was overloading the designated initializer, which is currently undocumented (Radar #7046209).
The thing to remember is that even though these bullets cover most common uses, there are always edge cases and less common functionality to account for. For example, -isEqual: and -hash for testing equality, etc.
If you actually read the spec for NSDictionary (a rash action, I know) you'll find a section named "Subclassing Notes". In it you will read:
If you do need to subclass NSDictionary, you need to take into account
that is represented by a Class cluster—there are therefore several
primitive methods upon which the methods are conceptually based:
In a subclass, you must override all these methods.
From https://stackoverflow.com/a/1191351/467588, this is what I did to make a subclass of NSDictionary works. I just declare an NSDictionary as an instance variable of my class and add some more required methods. I don't know what to call them though.
I posted my code sample here https://stackoverflow.com/a/10993594/467588.
This question is very old, and since most of these answers were posted, Apple has introduced object subscripting, which allows you to make your own classes behave more like NSMutableArray or NSMutableDictionary. This is simpler than the alternatives discussed above.
At a minimum, you have to override these methods:
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id <NSCopying>)key;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(id <NSCopying>)key;
Here's a nice tutorial on how to do just that.