Objective C - Memory Management and autorelease ??? - objective-c

Does autorelease guaranty that at the end of blocks the object will get released?
Or is it better to manually release objects?

It guarantees it will be released sometime after the block executes, not necessarily immediately after. It's up to the runtime to determine exactly when.
It's not big deal unless you're doing something with a lot of autoreleased variables, like creating them in a big loop, or if you're creating large autoreleased objects, like UIImages. In these cases, you should manually release when you're through, otherwise autorelease is perfectly acceptable.

If an object is autoreleased, you MUST not manually release it (unless it is retained of course). The NSAutoRelease pool which is part of the UIKit event handler will release it for you. If you were to manually release the object, the pool may cause a crash or other undefined behavior as the object will be doubly-released.
If there are cases where you generate a lot of objects or use a lot of memory in objects, you can pre-emptively autorelease them (perhaps in your loop) by creating your own NSAutoReleasePool - pools can be nested.

It's better to release objects rather than autorelease, unless of course you have an explicit reason to use autorelease, for example use autorelease when returning an object the method retained and you can't avoid it.
Basically autorelease should be used as an excuse to completely avoid memory management. You want to release objects as soon as you possible can. Autorelease just says the object will be released some time in the future.


ARC and memory management

I'm still not 100% with ARC internals.
A few examples that I would like clarified:
What happens with someObjectToReturn = [[SomeClass alloc] init]; that is allocated inside a method and returned? If someObjectToReturnis assigned to e.g. someObject, when will someObjectToReturn be released? When someObject is nilled or does someObjectToReturn still need to be added to an autorelease pool?
Another case is if an array of objects is nilled, are all the objects released?
Lastly, where is a good place to release a copied block object? Or will the block still be released after execution? If the copied block is added to an autorelease pool, when would one drain that pool?
Lets say there are 10 blocks, each added to an autorelease pool, draining it too soon would result in the executing blocks to die. Can a copied block be nilled from within itself, such as dispatching the nilling of the block back to the main thread?
You seem to be overcomplicating things. Under ARC, you can't release objects, or drain autorelease pools, so there is no "right" time to do this. Don't think about retain and release and autorelease (except in tight loops), think about object ownership.
Your specific questions:
The object will be released when the variable that the return value is assigned to goes out of scope or is set to nil. You don't have to worry about it.
Yes, all the contents of an array are released when the array is set to nil, you don't have to worry about it
You can set the value holding the copied block to nil when you're done, or it will disappear when the object owning the copied block goes. You can't drain an autorelease pool under ARC, you can wrap statements in an #autoreleasepool{} block, but this just captures everything in the block - you don't "add" things to the pool or "drain" the pool.

Is AutoRelease redundant when using ARC in Objective-C?

I'm pretty new to Objective-C, as you may gather, and until recently, I hadn't really understood the need for all this AutoRelease malarky. I think that's mostly because I've started Objective-C with ARC, and haven't had any exposure to doing retains and release.
Anyway, my understanding now is that pre-ARC, if you created an object and needed to return a pointer to it as the returning object of the method/function, you would need to autorelease it, because you are unable to do the "[obj release]" after doing "return obj;"
Worrying about retains and releases isn't an issue with ARC. Does this mean that in our own code, there is really point in creating our own autoreleased objects? Ie, doing [[[Class alloc] init] autorelease]? From what I've gathered, we should still setup autorelease pools, but only because other frameworks or libraries may still return autoreleased objects, but we no longer need to explicitly create autoreleased objects ourselves - is this a fair understanding?
When using ARC, you do not want to do any memory management yourself. Specifically you will not be calling release and auto release because it does it all for you. In fact, the compiler should probably complain if you try to manage memory yourself.
Instead of [[[Class alloc] init] autorelease]; you'll just call [[Class alloc] init];
I recommend reading this blog post for some really good background on ARC and memory management in general.
Well, your understanding is quite correct. With ARC we do not release or autorelease any more. Just have to make sure that we assign nil (or some other reasonable value) to any reference to objects, which we do not need any more. In the worst case we could still constantly consume additional memory but the memory cannot leak any ore.
And yes, we still maintain autorelease pools for the sake of using framework libraries (linked ones) that may not use ARC.
To answer your question between the lines about the purpose of autorelease. This applies to non-ARC project only, of course.
In the good old days Objective-C did not offer any reference counting but its retain counting. Any allocated memory of objects, that are not retained (or have a retain count of 0) is considered free and may soon be claimed and used by other objects.
This means that every object needs to be retained after its allocation, assuming that you want to keep it around. When the object is not used any more then you need to release it. This comes with two risks. Well, alloc does retain it once automatically.
1) You may forget to release an object that is unused. In the worst case you may even loose all references to an object that stays in memory for ever since.
2) You may still refer to an object hat has been released already and then try accessing it which will most likely end in an BAD_EXC exception.
All this can be quite annoying. In order to get rid of some of these obligations for objects that don't stay around very long, the autorelease was invented. For temporary objects only you alloc it (release-count = 1) and autorelease it. That means that the object will be automatically released (retain count reduced by 1) within the next autorelease circle. But the object remains allocated for your method while it is being executed. Typically the reference variable would be a local one.
-(void) myMethod{
AClass *someObject = [[[AClass alloc] init] autorelease];
// use the object
// probably hand it to another object if that takes ownership, i.e. add it ot an Array using addObject:
// don't care any more
And that not required any more when using ARC.

How free memory immediately in iOS?

When you do a release, you do not immediately remove the memory. I used this code and I can see the memory before and after the use of release and it do not change. Ok, it will be release after some time.
But, what can I do for release all memory I can before start a library that will use a lot of memory? Or how can I immediately release memory?
Memory Management is a big thing in iOS but this tidbit of information helped me a lot during my development.
"Each object has a "retain count" which is increased by calling "retain" and decreased by calling "release". Once the retain count hits 0, the object is released and the memory can be used for something else.
You can "autorelease" objects. This means the retain count isn't immediately decreased, but is decreased the next time the current autorelease pool is drained.
iOS apps have an event loop in which your code runs. After each iteration of the event loop, the autorelease pool is drained. Any object with a retain count of 0 is released.
By default, autoreleased objects are returned by methods that don't begin with new, copy, mutableCopy, retain or init. This means you can use them immediately but if you don't retain them the object will be gone on the next iteration of the run loop.
If you fail to release retained objects but no longer reference them then you will have a memory leak, this can be detected by the leaks tool in Instruments.
One strategy is to autorelease everything returned by the above named methods and store objects in retain properties (or copy for strings). In your object's dealloc method, set all your properties to nil. Setting a retain/copy property to nil releases the object that it currently points to. As long as you don't have any circular references (avoided by not using retain properties for "parent" objects such as delegates), you will never encounter any leaks."
here is the link to the thread for this information
It's a good thread with some useful code examples as well as other references.
Release frees the memory immediatly (assuming it's the last release). That means, it can be used by your application again when allocating.
Note that every applications have some chunks (pages) of free memory assigned by system and when allocating/deallocating part of a page, the released memory is not returned automatically to the system. It's just marked as free and can be used again by the application.
To understand all this, you need to learn something about how operating systems handle memory allocation, virtual memory etc.

Using autoReleased objects without an NSAutoReleasePool?

I'm writing my very first steps in Objective-C.
I followed some examples and the official documentation, and am using autoreleased objects* without explicitly declaring an NSAutoReleasePool.
* By autoreleased objects I mean: SomeClass *obj = [SomeClass someClass];
Is it ok to do it this way?
Will it cause a memory problem?
Is declaring a NSAutoReleasePool more efficient?
edit: I made a mistake in the code example, what I meant was getting an object by it's class factory method instead of allocing an instance of it. This factory methods [often|always] return autoreleased objects, right? for example: [NSString stringWithCString:x]
You don't need to create an autorelease pool explicitly usually. When you do normal Mac programming using the AppKit framework, there will be an implicit autorelease pool which is handled by the event loop. You need to concern yourself with autorelease pools mainly on two occasions:
Your code runs in a background thread: If you have a background thread there is no autorelease pool created for you and you will have to do this manually.
You have a tight loop where you create and destroy a lot of objects. If in this loop any objects are autoreleased they will not actually be released until the autorelease pool is drained. This means that your memory consumption will rise, even though you don't reference those objects anymore. In this situation having a local autorelease pool can help with performance, although switching from autoreleasing to explicit retain/release is probably more efficient.
In answer to your question: that's a no-no. You will leak memory if you autorelease an object (or use an autoreleased object) in a scope that has no autorelease pool.
perhaps ignore the following:
With regard to your example, it might be rather confusing the way you've written it, since Class is a typedef of struct objc_class*. So, you're really declaring a pointer-to-a-pointer to a class, and then assigning a pointer to a class to it. Which won't work. Moreover, since Class is not an Objective-C “class-type” per se, you can't send messages to it.
But all this is neither here nor there, since ±class does not return an autoreleased object.

How should I memory manage objects returned by instance methods?

Plenty of Objective-C classes return objects. Statements like [[instanceOfNSWhatever objectForKey:aKey] stringValue], for instance, appear all over my (and hopefully everyone else's code).
How am I supposed to memory manage these "intermediate" objects?
Were they just created or did they always exist?
Can I retain them, and if I release the object that created them, will they be released as well?
Are they autoreleased?
What if I run [instanceOfNSWhatever stringValue] a million times in a loop? Can I dispose of all those NSStrings as needed?
I'm still learning ObjC, and while I've been good at balancing my retain counts overall, I'm definitely lacking some understanding about how these methods work. Can anyone fill me in?
You've probably already read this section of Apple's docs about memory management, but I'll point you to the section about the Object Ownership Policy just in case. You are only responsible for managing the memory of objects you "own". To quote the docs:
You own any object you create.
You "create" an object using a method whose name begins with “alloc” or “new” or contains “copy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or mutableCopy).
If you own an object, you are responsible for relinquishing ownership when you have finished with it. [ie: release]
If you do not own an object, you must not release it.
The "Simple Examples" section of those docs provide good elaboration, but to put the points above in the context of your specific questions:
How am I supposed to memory manage these "intermediate" objects?
The good news is: you don't. Ignore the the memory management aspect of the "intermediate" objects in your example.
Were they just created or did they always exist?
They may have always existed, or they may have just been created. The beauty of objective-c is that you, as a consumer of those objects, don't have to care.
Can I retain them, and if I release the object that created them, will they be released as well?
You don't need to retain them if you're just passing them on to some other function, or using them as intermediate values yourself in your own calculations within the function. Say, for example, that you're returning the stringValue from your example function to someone else. There's no point in retaining it just to return it.
If you DO happen to retain it, then yes, you are responsible for issuing a corresponding release message as some point. You might, for example, retain the stringValue from your example if you want to hold on to that value as a property in your own instance. Objective-C uses reference counting. If you need that object to stick around for a long time, you must retain it so that someone else's release message doesn't cause it to vanish if the retain count falls to 0.
Are they autoreleased?
Depends. Let's say you ask for a string from instanceOfNSWhatever. If instanceOfNSWhatever has to create that string just special for you (in order to service your request), but doesn't otherwise care about that string, then yes... instanceOfNSWhatever probably put that string into the autorelease pool. If the string was already a property of instanceOfNSWhatever and it was just sending it to you in response to your request, then no, it probably wasn't autoreleased.
Again, the beauty is: you don't know and don't need to care. Since instanceOfNSWhatever created the string, it is responsible for managing it. You can ignore the memory management unless you add to the string by sending it a retain message.
What if I run [instanceOfNSWhatever stringValue] a million times in a loop? Can I dispose of all those NSStrings as needed?
No need. Again... stringValue isn't yours to manage because you didn't create it. As a technical note, if instanceOfNSWhatever really did have to create 1 million copies of stringValue to service your 1 million calls, it probably put them all in an autorelease pool, which would be drained at the end of the current cocoa event loop. Fortunately, unless you send each of those stringValue objects a retain message, you can gleefully ignore the memory management question here.
You basically manage all your memory according to the Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa. In short, however, you basically only need to worry about objects that you "own". You own an object if you create it (in Cocoa, you create an object by specifically allocating it using alloc or copying it using copy or one of their derivatives). If you own an object, you are responsible for releasing it when you are finished with it.
Any other object is, therefore, not owned by you. If you need to use such an object for any extended period (for example, outside the scope in which you received it), you need to specifically take ownership of the object by either sending it a retain message or copying it.
To answer your last question, if you are creating a lot of temporary objects in a loop or some other way, you can create your own autorelease pools. See the documentation for NSAutoreleasePool for more information about using them. Please note, however, that you should really only do this after you've profiled your application and found that it is using too much memory and would benefit from this kind of optimization.
Finally, if you are creating and releasing a lot of heavy objects and don't want to rely on autorelease pools, you can specifically allocate and initialize them and then make sure to release them on your own as soon as you're finished with them. Most objects that have convenience creators have similar initializers for creating the object specifically.
When working on the iPhone/iPod Touch, the autorelease objects are released when your application exits. This may be what you don't want. Especially when working with images or large chunks of data. To insure large pools of memory that are tagged autorelease get released sooner, create local autorelease pools. Like this:
NSAutoreleasePool *localPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
-- do something that creates large autorelease memory blocks --
[localPool drain];
If you don't do this, you will find your application exiting unexpectedly.
I'll tell you a simple rules I wish I'd known when I first started Objective-C :)
If an method contains the words "alloc" or "copy" then you must [release] the object when finished.
If a method does not contain these words, you must [retain] it for it to remain valid outside of your function.
If you call [retain] you must later call [release] when finished.
This covers practically all you need to know about the basics of memory management.
ObjC makes heavy use of what are known as "auto release" pools. Objects returned from non alloc/copy functions are placed into these pools and automatically freed after your function exists.
That is why you do not need to release the results of something like [obj stringValue].