Select DISTINCT values with 3 Inner joins - sql

I have a few tables that I need to link together to get a specific value, here is my current query
SELECT DISTINCT bu.Email,iv.Code,ex.ExNumber
FROM Invoices AS iv
INNER JOIN Clients AS cs
ON iv.Code = cs.Code
INNER JOIN BusinessUser_ExNumbers AS ex
ON cs.ExNumber = ex.ExNumber
INNER JOIN BusinessUsers AS bu
ON ex.Userid = bu.Id
WHERE iv.BatchId = '74b43669-c80f-4b44-999c-a1dfe5695844' // Test value
Basically the links to my invoices are held in the invoice table, and what I need to do is send a link to the user who is specified as being the recipient of the invoice. The code works but it's not as 'distinct' as I would like. I dont want any rows with the same email and exnumber as any other row. Unfortunately if there is more than 1 iv.Code that ends up linking to a specific user I get multiple rows. I understand why this is but I can't think of a way to make that not happen.
EDIT: Sorry that was really stupid of me. I didn't need to select the iv.Code and that's what was causing the issue. That's probably why it didn't make much sense. Anyway since I posted the question I have tried Martin Smiths answer below and it works, so that is the answer to the question. If you don't need the iv.Code it can just be removed.

The below will return the MAX code in the event that there are multiple for a particular Email, Number combination.
SELECT bu.Email,
MAX(iv.Code) AS Code,
FROM Invoices AS iv
INNER JOIN Clients AS cs
ON iv.Code = cs.Code
INNER JOIN BusinessUser_ExNumbers AS ex
ON cs.ExNumber = ex.ExNumber
INNER JOIN BusinessUsers AS bu
ON ex.Userid = bu.Id
WHERE iv.BatchId = '74b43669-c80f-4b44-999c-a1dfe5695844'
GROUP BY bu.Email,


If transaction within date range, then return customer name (and not all the transactions!)

This code is taking a significant amount of time to run. It's returning every single transaction within the date range but I just need to know if the customer has had at least one transaction, then include the CustomerID, CustomerName, Type, Sign, ReportingName.
I think I need to GROUP BY 'CustomerID' but again only if there was a transaction within the date range. And of course, I'm sure there is an optimal way to execute the below TSQL because it's quite slow at present.
Thanks in advance for any help!
SELECT [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,[ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[ParticluarType] AS Type
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign] AS [Sign]
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ReportingName] AS ReportingName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate] AS 'Date'
FROM (((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[AccountId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[AccountId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[ProductID] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ProductId])
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[ReportingEntityId] = [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[TaxTreatmentId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[TaxTreatmentId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[PositionId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[PositionId]
WHERE ((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[RegistrationType]) LIKE 'NON%')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign])='XYZ2')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[Quantity])<>0)
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate]) between '2021-12-31' and '2022-12-31'))
Check your indexes on fragmentation, to speed up your query. And make sure you have indexes.
If you just need one result, just TOP 1
SELECT TOP 1 [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,[ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[ParticluarType] AS Type
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign] AS [Sign]
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ReportingName] AS ReportingName
,[AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate] AS 'Date'
FROM (((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[AccountId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[AccountId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[ProductID] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[ProductId])
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[ReportingEntityId] = [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary].[RelatedNameId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account].[TaxTreatmentId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[TaxTreatmentId])
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] ON [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[PositionId] = [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[PositionId]
WHERE ((([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment].[RegistrationType]) LIKE 'NON%')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product].[Sign])='XYZ2')
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position].[Quantity])<>0)
AND (([AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction].[EffectiveDate]) between '2021-12-31' and '2022-12-31'))
If you only need to check for the existence of a row, and not actually get any data from it then use EXISTS() rather than INNER JOIN, e.g.
SELECT vpr.[RelatedNameId] AS CustomerID
,vpr.[RelatedName] AS CustomerName
,tt.[ParticluarType] AS Type
,tr.[EffectiveDate] AS [Date]
FROM [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Account] AS acc
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Position] AS pos ON acc.[AccountId] = pos.[AccountId]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Product] AS prd ON pos.[ProductID] = prd.[ProductId]
INNER JOIN [ABC].[dbo].[vwPrimary] AS vpr ON acc.[ReportingEntityId] = vpr.[RelatedNameId]
INNER JOIN [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[TaxTreatment] AS tt ON acc.[TaxTreatmentId] = tt.[TaxTreatmentId]
WHERE tt.[RegistrationType] LIKE 'NON%'
AND prd.[Sign]='XYZ2'
AND pos.[Quantity]<>0
FROM [AFGPurchase].[IvL].[Transaction] AS tr
WHERE tr.[PositionId] = pos.[PositionId]
AND tr.[EffectiveDate] BETWEEN '2021-12-31' AND '2022-12-31'
N.B. I have added in table aliases and removed all the unnecessary parentheses for readability - you may disagree that it is more readable, but I would expect that most people would agree
This may not offer any performance benefits over simply grouping by the columns you are selecting and keeping your joins as they are - SQL is after all a declarative language where you tell the engine what you want, not how to get it. So you may find that the two plans are the same because you are requesting the same result. Using EXISTS does have the advance of being more semantically tied to what you are trying to do though, so gives the optimiser the best chance of getting to the right plan. If you are still having performance issues, then you may need to inspect the execution plan, and see if it suggests any indexes.
Finally, if you are really still using SQL Server 2008 then you really need to start thinking about your upgrade path. It has been completely unsupported for over 3 years now.

OracleAPPS- Can not get correct results for Suppliers - Bank query

I am trying to fetch suppliers and bank details in Oracle apps. I am able to write a simple query where each supplier has a supplier site attached to it. Few of my sites doesn't have a record in table "iby_pmt_instr_uses_all". But even then I want to show them . So I am using the outer join on this table. But the issue is when I am putting this outer join condition, I am getting double the records in the query. I believe I am missing on some condition, but can not figure out which one.
FROM apps.iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instrument,
apps.iby_account_owners owners,
apps.iby_external_payees_all payees,
apps.iby_ext_bank_accounts ieb,
apps.ap_supplier_sites_all asa,
apps.ap_suppliers asp,
apps.ce_bank_branches_v cbbv
WHERE owners.ext_bank_account_id = ieb.ext_bank_account_id
AND owners.ext_bank_account_id = instrument.instrument_id(+)
AND payees.ext_payee_id = instrument.ext_pmt_party_id(+)
AND cbbv.branch_party_id = ieb.branch_id
AND payees.payee_party_id = owners.account_owner_party_id
AND payees.supplier_site_id = asa.vendor_site_id
AND asa.vendor_id = asp.vendor_id
AND asp.vendor_name = 'PANALYTICAL'
--and ieb.bank_account_num = asa.VENDOR_SITE_CODE
If I add and ieb.bank_account_num = asa.VENDOR_SITE_CODE this condition I get the correct record, but actually this is not the right join, because there is no relationship between these 2 columns, so this will fail for other suppliers.
Can you please suggest what additional join I can put , so that I get the right result.

Access SQL query without duplicate results

I made a query and wanted to not have any duplicates but i got some times 3 duplicates and when i used DISTINCT or DISTINCTROW i got only 2 duplicates.
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
(((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
LEFT JOIN Irregular_Events AS ie
ON f.flight_code = ie.flight_code)
LEFT JOIN Delay_Event AS de
ON ie.IE_code = de.delay_code;
had to use LEFT JOIN because when i used INNER JOIN i missed some of the things i wanted to show because i wanted to see all the flights and not only the flights that got delayed or canceled.
This is the results when i used INNER JOIN, you can see only the flights that have the status "ביטול" or "עיכוב" and that is not what i wanted.
[the results with LEFT JOIN][2]
and when i used DISTINCT where you see the rows with the NUMBER 6 on the first column it appear only two times
I just checked my query and all the tables i use there and i saw my problem but dont know how to fix it!
in the table Irregular_Events i have more the one event for flights 3,6 and 8 and that is why when i use LEFT JOIN i see more even thou i use distinct, please give me some help!
Not entirely sure without seeing the table structure, but this might work:
SELECT f.flight_code,
f.departing_date+f.departing_time AS SupposedDepartingTime,
f.landing_date+f.landing_time AS SupposedLandingTime,
de.actual_takeoff_date+de.actual_takeoff_time AS ActualDepartingTime,
SupposedLandingTime+(ActualDepartingTime-SupposedDepartingTime) AS ActualLandingTime
((Flights AS f
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a
ON a.airport_code = f.depart_ap)
LEFT JOIN Aireports AS a1
ON f.target_ap = a1.airport_code)
Irregular_Events ie
ON ie.IE_code = de1.delay_code
) AS de
ON f.flight_code = de.flight_code
It is hard to tell what is the problem with your query without any sample of the output, and without any description of the structure of your tables.
But your problem is that your are querying from the flights table, which [I assume] can be linked to multiple irregular_events, which can possibly also be linked to multiple delay_event.
If you want to get only one row per flight, you need to make sure your joins return only one row too. Maybe you can do it by adding one more condition to the join, or by adding a condition in a sub-query.
You could try to add a GROUP BY to the query:

MS Access SQL left join giving all 0

I am trying to make a summary table of all the items I have. I have a raw data table with 10 users who respectively have different items. There are maximum 3 different items and I want to do a count to see how many items each individual has. The following is my code.
Select b.Country,b.UserID,Num_including_fruits, Apple,Orange
(((SELECT o.Country,o.UserID, IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID))
AS Num_including_fruits
FROM [SEA2_View] as o
GROUP BY o.UserID, o.Country
ORDER BY Country)as b
(SELECT o.Country,o.UserID,IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID)
AS Apple
FROM [APAC2_View] as o
WHERE o.fruit_status <>"fresh" AND o.HWType = "Apple"
GROUP BY o.Country,o.UserID)as d
ON (b.UserID = d.UserID))
(SELECT o.Country,o.UserID,IIF(ISNULL(Count(o.UserID)),0,Count(o.UserID))
AS Orange
FROM [SEA2_View] as o
WHERE o.fruit_status <>"fresh" AND o.HWType = "Orange"
GROUP BY o.Country,o.UserID)as e
ON (d.UserID = e.UserID))
The first join returns the correct result but the second join somehow returns all 0, which is incorrect. Therefore please help! and I would appreciate any advice for best practice when it comes to joins in SQL. Thanks lot!
Are you sure you don't have a table naming error?
You're first joining [SEA2_View] with [APAC2_View]. The second join is joining with [SEA2_View] with itself.

SQL LEFT JOIN WHERE not displaying right result

So I got this query:
Data structure:
id---inlog----name----more stuff
id---code----inlog----more stuff
(inlog and speler are always the same values for a user)
// Some other stuff working
SUM(o.status) AS oefn
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN llntoets AS l
ON (u.inlog = l.inlog)
LEFT JOIN oefeningen AS o
ON (u.inlog = o.speler) AND o.status = 'afgewerkt'
code = '$code'
GROUP BY l.inlog
ORDER BY klas ASC, klasnr ASC
Everything runs fine except 1 thing the oefn variable. It shows a number sometimes it shows the correct value and sometimes it shows a value that is much higher than it should be. Someone told me it could be because of the GROUP BY. Can someone help me pls?
It is supposed to count the total records from table oefeningen where status = 'afgewerkt' and where the speler is the inlog from users. Thanks, if you got other questions ask will try to explain more.
the SUM(o.status) in your query it is not supposed to count the total records of table oefeningen.
that sum is the sum of the values of all the joined rows that satisfy your criteria that can be a much higher number.
also note that applying the filter o.status = 'afgewerkt' you are performing a JOIN even if you wrote LEFT JOIN throghout the query.