Is there any tab specific unique id safari browser - safari-extension

i want to store tab specific values in a array. i want to store tab unique id as key. is there any unique id for safari browser tab.
thanks in advance

As far as I know, there isn't a unique identifier, but could you use the URL of the tab? Off the top of my head:
tab =


Click on one DataField in gridview will open a new grid view

My Target:
I have one gridview on the asp page now the first column is showing some numbers (which is primary key in SQL)
Now I want if someone clicks on any of the number he should be navigated to a new page where he can edit the fields connected to the number clicked.
Note: in the first grid view I have not selected all the columns from sql but in the editing page i want most of the columns from database.
Broad ask. Guess you added right tag but you mentioned asp page.
Add hyperlink in the id column of gridview to navigate to edit page with Primary key value as querystring.
In pageload of editing page, read the querystring & query all the Columns of record you need using id, edit & update the DB. At the end response.redirect to grid page.

Oracle Apex column link from LOV values

Can you please advise if below is even possible. Using Oracle 11g and APEX 4.2.6.
I have a data grid that brings all tasks from a master table. But show the task name via a LOV.
I am trying to add links, via Column links. But I must turn off the LOV to make this work. Which would give me link. But this is not very helpful.
Example below.
Is there a way, so I can still use a LOV. So that the return value gives me the ID for the link, but the Display value gives me the anchor text.
Example below.
Many thanks
I'm mostly used to Apex 4.1, but this approach should work.
You don't need an LOV. Your report query should include both the MAST_ID and the TASK_NAME columns. Hide the TASK_NAME column and set MAST_ID as the linking column. If you set the Link Text (under Column Link) to #TASK_NAME#, you should get the desired result. Display As should be left at the default (Display as Text etc).
They added a new feature now where you can add a link to your item under: "Link" attribute.

WebDriver - locate dynamic column

I am using webdriver to test our application that contain table where the user can change the order of columns in a table,and also can remove/add columns (This is beside new column added by developers).
What is the right way to find the column I need?
One way is to go over the table header to find the column I am looking for so I have the column index and than I can access the right cell.
Is there other way ?
What about put unique id/class name for every element in table ?
You can do two things for this situation:
Get handle to table element, and then navigate accordingly to get the columns or rows. Once you have this, then you can do all operations on them like click() etc.
Other way is, see the pattern of their ids/css because, most of the table that I have deal with will be having ids like this:
Then you can have do this way:
String baseLocator = "grid_name_" + clickedRowIndex;
driver.findElement(; //for click operation
Lets say user wants to click on the 3rd row, then clickedRowIndex will be 3 which selects the 3rd table row.

Struts 1 - How to pick up a table row values to process in another JSP page

I'm facing this trouble: I have a <table> filled (<logic:iterate>) with some data coming from an Action, the last value (of each table row) is a link that would drives me to another JSP page with the data of the row where the link was clicked to edit the corresponding values.
The fact is that I don't have any idea how to grab the values from that row and pass they to the other JSP page once the link is clicked.
Any ideas / example / implementation?!?!
The code that creates the link (in your table rendering JSP) can embed the ID of the object for that row in the link as query parameter such as ?objectId=13AB73C. (For security reasons it's even better to embed a unique hash of the ID rather than an actual database id). That id can then be obtained from the request parameters.
Once you have the id of the object for the row, you can load the data from the database for your editing page.

What is the KeyField name used for on aspxgridview

I am using the DevExpress aspxgridview in work.
The documentation says you need to specify a key field name but I cant find a reason beyond, because we said so. Does anyone know what this is for? Do I only need one, or one for each field?
The KeyFieldName is like a primary key for the Grid row, to uniquely identify a row in the grid. Lets say, you want to delete or edit a row, and click the Delete Command Button on the browser. How does the grid know which record you meant to delete? Also, if you need to update your database based on grid actions, you would expect the primary key of the grid row, which is the KeyFieldName.
KeyFieldName can be one or more datafields in your grid datasource (if multiple datafields, separate by a semi-colan). KeyFieldName is for each grid row, not each column.