Concatenate values based on ID - sql

I Have a table called Results and the data looks like:
Response_ID Label
12147 It was not clear
12458 Did not Undersstand
12458 Was not resolved
12458 Did not communicate
12586 Spoke too fast
12587 Too slow
Now I want the ouput to display one row per ID and the values from Label to be concatenated and seperated by comma
My Output should look like:
Response_ID Label
12147 It was not clear
12458 Did not Undersstand,Was not resolved,Did not communicate
12586 Spoke too fast
12587 Too Slow
How can I do this:

You can not be sure about the order of the strings concatenated without an order by statement in the sub query. The .value('.', 'varchar(max)') part is there to handle the case where Label contains XML-unfriendly characters like &.
declare #T table(Response_ID int, Label varchar(50))
insert into #T values
(12147, 'It was not clear'),
(12458, 'Did not Undersstand'),
(12458, 'Was not resolved'),
(12458, 'Did not communicate'),
(12586, 'Spoke too fast'),
(12587, 'Too slow')
select T1.Response_ID,
stuff((select ','+T2.Label
from #T as T2
where T1.Response_ID = T2.Response_ID
for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '') as Label
from #T as T1
group by T1.Response_ID

Check the link below, it approaches your problem with many different solutions

Given this sample data:
CREATE TABLE #Results(Response_ID int, Label varchar(80));
INSERT #Results(Response_ID, Label) VALUES
(12147, 'It was not clear'),
(12458, 'Did not Undersstand'),
(12458, 'Was not resolved'),
(12458, 'Did not communicate'),
(12586, 'Spoke too fast'),
(12587, 'Too slow');
On older versions you can use FOR XML PATH for (grouped) string aggregation:
SELECT r.Response_ID, Label = STUFF((SELECT ',' + Label
FROM #Results WHERE Response_ID = r.Response_ID
FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value(N'./text()[1]', N'varchar(max)'), 1, 1, '')
FROM #Results AS r
GROUP BY r.Response_ID;
If you are on SQL Server 2017 or greater, the query is much simpler:
SELECT r.Response_ID, Label = STRING_AGG(Label, ',')
FROM #Results AS r
GROUP BY r.Response_ID;

Consider this, it is very performant:
Avoid XML functions because they are not performant.
This will take some effort to implement, but millions of rows => milliseconds to run.


How to get values from table using multiple ID's in single column in SQL?

I am working in an existing stored procedure. In that, they fetch some data using select Queries. Now I am trying to fetch some more data. The problems I have is, the column I am using to fetch data from another table have more than one Id saved in with comma(,) in between.
Procedure with 2 tables as Tbl_av,Tbl_aa.
I have one column in Tbl_av as processId that is in Varchar and it stores data like 1,2,4 etc.. (that is, it stores the Id of the Process).
Now I am trying to get the Process Name from one more table Tbl_Process using this ProcessId under the table Tbl_av. In that table, the process Id is Unique one and it is in INTEGER.
Tbl_Process as follows:
Tbl_av as follows:
I have procedure few part as follows:
SET #strQuery= 'SELECT isnull(av.ID, 0) AS ID
,isnull(ItemNumber, '''') AS Number
,isnull(av.ItemName,'''') as Item Name
,(select top 1 Name from TBL_Names where Id Person Incharge from Tbl_AV av, Tbl_aa aa WHERE av.S_number = aa.S_number'
Now what I am trying to do is , I need to fetch that Process names from Tbl_Process using this Tbl_av ProcessId's inside the procedure.
I dont know how to achieve it, as it both columns are in different datatype and more than 1 id is saved in one column
NOTE: We can simply achieve this as 'SELECT Process_Name from Tbl_Process WHERE Id in (av.ProcessId)' - But doing this ,displays data in column format..
I want data to be selected as if Id is 1,2 means I want my output as Process_Name = Item 1,Item 2.
Kindly help.
Two tricks are needed. One is joining based on a comma-separated list of IDs. That can easily be done poorly resulting in unwanted matches such as 1 and 2 matching 12. The article Stephen Jennings referenced has some good reliable solutions.
The second is concatenating a collection of results into a single string. For recent versions of SQL Server, the STRING_AGG is the preferred solution. For older versions (such as 2014) the most common method is the "FOR XML" trick.
I've combined the two techniques below.
DECLARE #Tbl_Process TABLE(ID INT, process_Name VARCHAR(100))
INSERT #Tbl_Process
VALUES (1, 'Item 1'), (2, 'Item 2'), (3, 'Item 3'), (4, 'Item 4'), (5, 'Item 5'), (12, 'Item 12')
INSERT #Tbl_av
VALUES (1, '1,3,5'), (2, '2,4'), (3, '1,2,3'), (4, '1,5'), (5, ''), (6, '3,4,12')
FROM #Tbl_av AV
SELECT ',' + P.process_Name
FROM #Tbl_Process P
WHERE ',' + AV.ProcessId + ',' LIKE '%,' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, P.ID) + ',%'
ORDER BY P.ID -- alternately ORDER BY P.process_Name
, 1, 1, '')
, '(none)')
AS Process_Names
) PL
Item 1,Item 3,Item 5
Item 2,Item 4
Item 1,Item 2,Item 3
Item 1,Item 5
Item 3,Item 4,Item 12
The FOR XML PATH('') trick causes the results to concatenate into a single XML string with no tags. The , TYPE together with .value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)') safely extracts the resulting text, undoing any XML specific text encodings such as &, <, or >. The STUFF() removes the leading comma, and the ISNULL() provides a default if there are no values.
See How Stuff and 'For Xml Path' work in SQL Server? for more on how the FOR XML trick works.
If you prefer comma-space list separators, you can update the ',', but will also need to adjust the STUFF to strip two characters instead of one.
The contents of the cross apply could be moved directly into the SELECT clause, but as a matter of style, the CROSS APPLY allows separation of complex logic from the rest of the query.

Concatenate Strings with Spaces into a varchar(255) column

I am writing an ETL logic to insert four source columns at a certain position of a certain length into a target varchar(255) column. I have tried several ways but unable to find a solution for it. Any help is much appreciated.
Column_id at Column 14, len 8
name at Column 43, len 27
term at Column 133, len 1
Description varchar(255)
You could convert the data to char like this:
select REPLICATE(' ', 14)+convert(char(8), column_id)+REPLICATE(' ', 43-8-14) + convert(char(27), name) + REPLICATE(' ', 133-43-27)+convert(char(1), term)
from <whatever table not provided>
I left '133-43-27' as a example, test it so it's the right position...
You can try something along this:
a declared table to simulate your issue
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(id INT IDENTITY, [name] VARCHAR(100), term VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('Name One','first term')
,('One more name','One more term');
-- some variables for a generic approach
,#posName INT=10
,#posTerm INT=50;
--the query
STUFF(trg,#posId, LEN(,
,#posName, LEN(t.[name]), t.[name])
,#posTerm, LEN(t.term), t.term)
FROM #tbl t
--the result
1 Name One first term
2 One more name One more term
The idea in short:
First we use CROSS APPLY(SELECT ...) to add a column to our result set. This column is a string, created off 255 blanks.
Now we can use STUFF(). This functions stuffs given characters into an existing string. By replacing the exact count of characters we will not touch the total length.
Hint 1: If your data might have trailing blanks LEN() can trick you out. You can either use TRIM() (older versions LTRIM() and RTRIM()) or DATALENGTH() (be aware of 2 bytes with NVARCHAR!) then...
Hint 2: If you have to cut your data to a max length, you can use LEFT()
STUFF() does what you want. But you want to be really careful about overwriting all the data that is there. For that, I would suggest casting to a char() type:
), 43, 27, CONVERT(CHAR(27),
), 133, 1, CONVERT(CHAR(1), t.term
The CHAR() type pads the values with spaces, which means that this code will overwrite any existing data in those positions (and only in those positions).

How to trim/replace any letters in the value?

I have few columns in my old database that have values where number and letters are combined together. This is something that I have to clean and import in the new table. The most of the values that need to be converted look like this:
40M or 85M or NR or 5NR ...
Since there wasn't any validation what user can enter in the old system there still can be values like: 40A or 3R and so on. I want to import only numeric values in my new table. So if there is any letters in the value I want to trim them. What is the best way to do that in SQL Server? I have tried this:
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('M',hs_ptr1) <> 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS hs_ptr1
but this will only identify if one letter is in the value. If anyone can help please let me know. Thanks!
you can use patindex to search for the pattern. Try this code:
SELECT LEFT(subsrt, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', subsrt + 't') - 1)
SELECT TXT, pos = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', TXT)
FROM #temp
) d
) t
Here's a way without a function....
declare #table table (c varchar(256))
insert into #table
replace(LEFT(SUBSTRING(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',',''), PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',','')), 8000),
PATINDEX('%[^0-9.-]%', SUBSTRING(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',',''), PATINDEX('%[0-9.-]%', replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(c,'(',''),')',''),'-',''),' ',''),',','')), 8000) + 'X') -1),'.','')
from #table
You go with the PATINDEX function and search for a character that is not a digit. If such an index exists, then grab everything to the left of it. Something like that:
SELECT LEFT(your_field_name, PATINDEX("%[^0-9]%", your_field_name) - 1)
FROM your_table_name
Well, you need to take care of any edge cases. E.g. if there isn't a non-digit data the function will return 0, thus the calculation yields -1, which, indeed, is an invalid length.
I would suggest you to leverage a Common Table Expression to calculate the index of the non-digit data and then construct an IIF expression to select the correct char data. E.g.
SELECT *, PATINDEX("%[^0-9]%", your_field_name) AS NumLength
FROM your_table_name
SELECT any_other_field, IIF(NumLength = 0,
LEFT(your_field_name, PATINDEX("%[^0-9]%", your_field_name) - 1)
FROM cte

Filling as it is data from stored procedure to Datatable

I am experiencing weird behavior while filling data from a stored procedure to a DataTable.
What I am filling is:
Output from stored procedure:
Coke Float
Which is constructed in Stuff by adding CHAR(13) after MINI COMBO and some space before Coke Float.
Reflect in DataTable after fill :
Coke Float
This is really new to me, please help.
Thanks in advance
This is an ordering issue. The order that is output from your stored procedure can change at any time for a variety of reasons, unless, you specify an ORDER BY statement.
For example:
SELECT TXNID, ItemName = STUFF( ( SELECT Case When Level > 0 Then Case When
ItemName like '%(%' Then ','+ItemName Else '( '+ ItemName+' ' End Else CHAR(13) + Space(Spaces * 5) + ItemName+' ' End
FROM #ARLines_2 x1 WHERE TXNID = x.TXNID Order By Spaces FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 2, '') FROM #ARLines_2 AS x
I suspect however, you have some sort of hierarchy order that you want to show in your drop down. i.e. parent child relationship. If this is the case, you will need to include some sort of hierarchy identifier in the order by statement

tsql, picking out value-pairs

I have a column that has the following data:
PersonId="315618" LetterId="43" MailingGroupId="1" EntityId="551723" trackedObjectId="9538" EmailAddress=""
Is there any good, clean tsql syntax to grab the 551723 (the value associated with EntityId). The combination of Substring and Patindex I'm using seems quite unwieldy.
That strings looks just like an XML attribute list for an element, so you can wrap it into an XML element and use xpath:
declare #t table (t nvarchar(max));
insert into #t (t) values (
N'PersonId="315618" LetterId="43" MailingGroupId="1"
EntityId="551723" trackedObjectId="9538"
with xte as (
select cast(N'<x '+t+N'/>' as xml) as x from #t)
n.value(N'#PersonId', N'int') as PersonId
, n.value(N'#LetterId', N'int') as LetterId
, n.value(N'#EntityId', N'int') as EntityId
, n.value(N'#EmailAddress', N'varchar(256)') as EmailAddress
from xte
cross apply x.nodes(N'/x') t(n);
Whether this is better or worse that string manipulation depends on a variety of factors, not least the size of the string and number of records to parse. I preffer the simple and clean xpath syntax over char index based manipulation (the code is much more maintainable).
If that's the text in the column, then you're going to have to use substring at some stage.
declare #l_debug varchar(1000)
select #l_debug = 'PersonId="315618" LetterId="43" MailingGroupId="1" EntityId="551723" trackedObjectId="9538" EmailAddress=""'
select substring(#l_debug, patindex('%EntityId="%', #l_debug)+ 10, 6)
If you don't know how long EntityID could be, then you'll need to get the patindex of the next double-quote after EntityID="
declare #l_debug varchar(1000), #l_sub varchar(100), #l_index2 numeric
select #l_debug = 'PersonId="315618" LetterId="43" MailingGroupId="1" EntityId="551723" trackedObjectId="9538" EmailAddress=""'
select #l_sub = substring(#l_debug, patindex('%EntityId="%', #l_debug)+ 10 /*length of "entityid=""*/, char_length(#l_debug))
select #l_index2 = patindex('%"%', #l_sub)
select substring(#l_debug, patindex('%EntityId="%', #l_debug)+ 10, #l_index2 -1)
If you possibly can, break out your data. Either normalize your tables or store XML in the column (with an XML data type) instead of name, value pairs. You'll then be able to use the full power and speed of SQL Server, or at least be able to issue XPath queries (assuming a relatively recent version of SQL Server).
I know this probably won't help you in the short term, but it's a goal to work towards. :)
Substring(EventArguments,PATINDEX('%EntityId%', EventArguments)+10,10),0,
PATINDEX('%"%', Substring(EventArguments,
PATINDEX('%EntityId%', EventArguments)+10,10))