WCF closing best practice - wcf

I read that the best practice for using WCF proxy would be:
YourClientProxy clientProxy = new YourClientProxy();
.. use your service
catch (TimeoutException)
My problem is, after I allocate my proxy, I assign event handlers to it and also initialize other method using the proxy:
public void InitProxy()
sdksvc = new SdkServiceClient();
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectCompleted += new EventHandler<InitClusteringObjectCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_InitClusteringObjectCompleted);
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectAsync(Utils.DSN, Utils.USER,Utils.PASSWORD);
sdksvc.DoClusteringCompleted += new EventHandler<DoClusteringCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_DoClusteringCompleted);
sdksvc.CreateTablesCompleted += new EventHandler<CreateTablesCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_CreateTablesCompleted);
I now need to call the InitProxy() method each Time I use the proxy if I want to use it as best practice suggests.
Any ideas on how to avoid this?

There are several options. One option is to write a helper class as follows:
public class SvcClient : IDisposable {
public SvcClient(ICommunicationObject service) {
if( service == null ) {
throw ArgumentNullException("service");
_service = service;
// Add your event handlers here, e.g. using your example:
sdksvc = new SdkServiceClient();
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectCompleted += new EventHandler<InitClusteringObjectCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_InitClusteringObjectCompleted);
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectAsync(Utils.DSN, Utils.USER,Utils.PASSWORD);
sdksvc.DoClusteringCompleted += new EventHandler<DoClusteringCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_DoClusteringCompleted);
sdksvc.CreateTablesCompleted += new EventHandler<CreateTablesCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_CreateTablesCompleted);
public void Dispose() {
try {
if( _service.State == CommunicationState.Faulted ) {
finally {
private readonly ICommunicationObject _service;
To use this class write the following:
var clientProxy = new YourClientProxy();
using(new SvcClient(clientProxy)) {
// use clientProxy as usual. No need to call Abort() and/or Close() here.
When the constructor for SvcClient is called it then sets up the SdkServiceClient instance as desired. Furthermore the SvcClient class cleans up the service client proxy as well aborting and/or closing the connection as needed regardless of how the control flow leaves the using-block.

I don't see how the ClientProxy and the InitProxy() are linked but if they are linked this strong I'd move the initialization of the ClientProxy to the InitProxy (or make a method that initializes both) so you can control both their lifespans from there.


Why isn't InstanceContextMode.Single working?

I'm trying to get the WCF service to run in InstanceContextMode.Single that way all requests can share the same state of the service. However, when I try to start the service with this behavior I can still see that the service's constructor gets called with each request. I couldn't figure out a quick way to update the ServiceBehaviorAttribute so that's why I'm replacing it (the default value for InstanceContextMode is not Single). Seems like there's one instance when we start it up and then another instance for all requests that come in later on. Any ideas what might be going wrong?
/// <summary>Constructor</summary>
//TODO: pull from config
m_Host = gcnew ServiceHost(CAutomation::typeid, gcnew Uri("http://localhost:8001/GettingStarted"));
// add a service endpoint.
m_Host->AddServiceEndpoint(IAutomation::typeid, gcnew WSHttpBinding(), "Automation");
// add behavior
ServiceMetadataBehavior^ smb = gcnew ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb->HttpGetEnabled = true;
// enforce single instance behavior
ServiceBehaviorAttribute^ sba = gcnew ServiceBehaviorAttribute();
sba->InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single;
/// <summary>Starts the automation service.</summary>
void CAutomation::Start()
Typically you set the ServiceBehaviorAttribute as a real attribute for the class that implements your service. I'm not C++/CLI expert, but I guess that since you're passing CAutomation::typeid to ServiceHost constructor, then CAutomation is your service class. Is that correct?
If so, then it should be enough to set ServiceBehaviorAttribute on the CAutomation class.
Igor Labutin pointed me in the right direction but the true issue here is that the creation of the service host object will create an instance of the class whose type is passed in to its constructor, at least when in [ServiceBehaviorAttribute(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single)]. Basically, the ServiceHost object should not have been the CAutomation class constructor. I moved that object outside of that constructor into another object which was responsible for when the service was supposed to start up and that corrected the issue. I'll paste a sample bit of code which helps to illustrate the better approach.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri address = new Uri
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(TradeService);
Console.WriteLine("Service started: Press Return to exit");
public class TradeService : ITradeService
private Hashtable tickers = new Hashtable();
public Quote GetQuote(string ticker)
lock (tickers)
Quote quote = tickers[ticker] as Quote;
if (quote == null)
// Quote doesn't exist
throw new Exception(
string.Format("No quotes found for ticker '{0}'",
return quote;
public void PublishQuote(Quote quote)
lock (tickers)
Quote storedQuote = tickers[quote.Ticker] as Quote;
if (storedQuote == null)
tickers.Add(quote.Ticker, quote);
tickers[quote.Ticker] = quote;

When calling a WCF RIA Service method using Invoke, does the return type affect when the Completed callback is executed?

I inherited a Silverlight 5 application. On the server side, it has a DomainContext (service) with a method marked as
public void DoIt
do stuff for 10 seconds here
On the client side, it has a ViewModel method containing this:
var q = Context.DoIt(0);
var x=1; var y=2;
q.Completed += (a,b) => DoMore(x,y);
My 2 questions are
1) has DoIt already been activated by the time I attach q.Completed, and
2) does the return type (void) enter into the timing at all?
Now, I know there's another way to call DoIt, namely:
var q = Context.DoIt(0,myCallback);
This leads me to think the two ways of making the call are mutually exclusive.
Although DoIt() is executed on a remote computer, it is best to attach Completed event handler immediately. Otherwise, when the process completes, you might miss out on the callback.
You are correct. The two ways of calling DoIt are mutually exclusive.
If you have complicated logic, you may want to consider using the Bcl Async library. See this blog post.
Using async, your code will look like this:
// Note: you will need the OperationExtensions helper
public async void CallDoItAndDosomething()
this.BusyIndicator.IsBusy = true;
await context.DoIt(0).AsTask();
this.BusyIndicator.IsBusy = false;
public static class OperationExtensions
public static Task<T> AsTask<T>(this T operation)
where T : OperationBase
TaskCompletionSource<T> tcs =
new TaskCompletionSource<T>(operation.UserState);
operation.Completed += (sender, e) =>
if (operation.HasError && !operation.IsErrorHandled)
else if (operation.IsCanceled)
return tcs.Task;

Silverlight Dispose pattern with WCF (Async)

I'm a little new to Silverlight, and I want to know how to deal with the Faulted/Disposing of a WCF service.
I'm used to something like this (wcf abort/close pattern) where you call the service in a try/catch (making sure you close or abort). (which works well in a stateless application)
looking into Silverlight, where do we apply the abort/close pattern? as the service call is async and the application is state full.
At the moment the only thing I can think of is some sort of dynamic proxy (using something like Castle DP) accompanied with the ChannelFactoryManager from the n-tier app, about 1/2 way down the page example. where the proxy will ensure there is always an open channel and the ChannelFactoryManager will handle the faults
Because of the asynchronous nature of the Silverlight networking environment I recommend you to build more testable ServiceAgents - long-living singleton wrappers around silverlight's client proxies with callbacks for service methods. You can check real-proxy state (& recreate if needed) before calling service methods or use channel Faulted event. For ex:
public void GetOptionsAsync(Action<GetOptionsCompletedEventArgs> callback)
EventHandler<GetOptionsCompletedEventArgs> handler = null;
handler = (sender, args) =>
Proxy.GetOptionsCompleted -= handler;
if (args.Error != null)
if (callback != null)
Proxy.GetOptionsCompleted += handler;
catch (Exception unknownException)
public override void ResetProxy() //AbortProxy/CloseProxy
if (Proxy != null)
Proxy.CloseProxy(); //extension method to handle exception while closing
catch (Exception unknownException) //CommunicationObjectFaultedException
public override void CheckProxy()
if (Proxy == null || (Proxy.State != CommunicationState.Opened && Proxy.State != CommunicationState.Created))
public override void CreateProxy() //RecreateProxy
Proxy = new WcfClient();
Proxy.InnerChannel.Faulted += OnChannelFaulted;
Solution using Castle DP with the ChannelFactoryManager implemented and detailed here:

How to properly handle WCF faults with Silverlight?

No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to be able to handle WCF faults in Silverlight.
In fact the error seems to never leave the server !
E.g. when I debug it, it stops on the line where I throw the FaultException saying it was not handled:
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class StoreService : IStoreContract
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The class that implements this method derives from a contract interface:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "Store")]
public interface IStoreContract
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the list of store design names.
/// </summary>
List<String> GetStoreDesignNames();
And the SqlFault class is defined like this:
public class SqlFault
public String Message { get; set; }
On the client side I handle the error as follow:
// swc is the client
swc.GetStoreDesignNamesCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference.GetStoreDesignNamesCompletedEventArgs>((obj, evt) =>
if (evt.Error == null)
// In case of success
else if (evt.Error is FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>)
FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault> fault = evt.Error as FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
ErrorWindow ew = new ErrorWindow(fault.Detail.Message, "No details");
I have tried to put the [SilverlightFaultBehavior] attribute on the interface, to no avail. Even if I do without the interface I still have this error.
I have also tried to use a behavior extension in the web.config as described here but I get a warning saying the extension is not valid.
How does one go about properly handling WCF fault in Siverlight ?
Thanks in advance.
I haven't used WCF (been using WCF RIA Services) but I did come across this article a while ago.
Getting something better than “Server not found.” from WCF in Silverlight
After battling with this for hours I finally hacked something together that works.
This is really a horrible hack and I would have much preferred to use BehaviorExtension for this task. The trick is to set manually the HTTP status code in the body of the WCF method like so:
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext ctx = System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext.Current;
ctx.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The error message then correctly displays on the client side.
If anybody has a better solution than this I'd like to hear it.

How do you wait/join on a WCF Web Service called from Silverlight?

If you call a web service from Silverlight like this:
MyServiceClient serviceClient = new MyServiceClient();
void MyMethod()
serviceClient.GetDataCompleted += new EventHandler<GetDataCompletedEventArgs>(serviceClient_GetDataCompleted);
I would rather wait/join with the asych service thread inside "MyMethod" rather than leaving "MyMethod" after calling "GetDataAsync", what is the best way to do this?
No you cannot do this way. You will end up in a deadlock. GetDataCompleted is called by the mainthreed. The same threed thait is waiting in WaitOne.
I have to ask; why? The point is to provide your user with a fluid experience and waiting on a web service call will not necessarily do that. I suppose you want the full block of content to load before the Silverlight control loads. In that case, I would turn to caching the content rather than forcing the client to wait indefinitely.
To do this you would use a ManualResetEvent in your class (class level variable) and then wait on it.
void MyMethod()
wait = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// call your service
// finish working
and in your event handler code
void serviceClient_GetDataCompleted(...)
// Set values you need from service
You could also use a lambda and closure to get similar behavior:
serviceClient.GetDataCompleted += (s,e) =>
// Your code here
If you had a base class provide the mechanics of building a WCF channel, it could then be used to build the BeginX / EndX methods for a async call.
public class ServiceFooCoordinator : CoordinatorBase<IServiceFoo>
public IAsyncResult BeginMethodFoo ()
IAsyncResult ar = null;
IServiceFoo channel = null;
channel = _factory.GetChannel();
Begin( channel, () => ar = channel.BeginMethodFoo( null, channel ) );
return ar;
public Bar[] EndMethodFoo ( IAsyncResult ar )
IServiceFoo channel = null;
channel = _factory.GetChannel();
return channel.EndMethodFoo( ar );
Which can then be used in a method:
ServiceFooCoordinator _coordinator;
var asyncResult = _coordinator.BeginMethodFoo();
var result = _coordinator.EndMethodFoo( asyncResult );
catch ( Exception )
{ }
Which gets you your asynchronous call in a sychronous manner.