Why isn't InstanceContextMode.Single working? - wcf

I'm trying to get the WCF service to run in InstanceContextMode.Single that way all requests can share the same state of the service. However, when I try to start the service with this behavior I can still see that the service's constructor gets called with each request. I couldn't figure out a quick way to update the ServiceBehaviorAttribute so that's why I'm replacing it (the default value for InstanceContextMode is not Single). Seems like there's one instance when we start it up and then another instance for all requests that come in later on. Any ideas what might be going wrong?
/// <summary>Constructor</summary>
//TODO: pull from config
m_Host = gcnew ServiceHost(CAutomation::typeid, gcnew Uri("http://localhost:8001/GettingStarted"));
// add a service endpoint.
m_Host->AddServiceEndpoint(IAutomation::typeid, gcnew WSHttpBinding(), "Automation");
// add behavior
ServiceMetadataBehavior^ smb = gcnew ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb->HttpGetEnabled = true;
// enforce single instance behavior
ServiceBehaviorAttribute^ sba = gcnew ServiceBehaviorAttribute();
sba->InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single;
/// <summary>Starts the automation service.</summary>
void CAutomation::Start()

Typically you set the ServiceBehaviorAttribute as a real attribute for the class that implements your service. I'm not C++/CLI expert, but I guess that since you're passing CAutomation::typeid to ServiceHost constructor, then CAutomation is your service class. Is that correct?
If so, then it should be enough to set ServiceBehaviorAttribute on the CAutomation class.

Igor Labutin pointed me in the right direction but the true issue here is that the creation of the service host object will create an instance of the class whose type is passed in to its constructor, at least when in [ServiceBehaviorAttribute(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single)]. Basically, the ServiceHost object should not have been the CAutomation class constructor. I moved that object outside of that constructor into another object which was responsible for when the service was supposed to start up and that corrected the issue. I'll paste a sample bit of code which helps to illustrate the better approach.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri address = new Uri
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(TradeService);
Console.WriteLine("Service started: Press Return to exit");
public class TradeService : ITradeService
private Hashtable tickers = new Hashtable();
public Quote GetQuote(string ticker)
lock (tickers)
Quote quote = tickers[ticker] as Quote;
if (quote == null)
// Quote doesn't exist
throw new Exception(
string.Format("No quotes found for ticker '{0}'",
return quote;
public void PublishQuote(Quote quote)
lock (tickers)
Quote storedQuote = tickers[quote.Ticker] as Quote;
if (storedQuote == null)
tickers.Add(quote.Ticker, quote);
tickers[quote.Ticker] = quote;


Can I access the same instance of a Service object without using Channel?

I am using InstanceContextMode.Single in the sevice behaviour plus my service also implements the singleton pattern.
Such as:
private static readonly object padlock = new object();
public static MySingletonService Instance
lock (padlock)
if (_event == null)
_event = new MySingletonService();
return _event;
Now, the reason that I did this was I wanted to access the same instance of the service regardless of whether the call comes from a channel or someone simply calls it like a simple class(code snippets given for both scenarios).
var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<MySingletonService>(myBinding, myEndpoint);
using (channelFactory)
var channelclient = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
But, I get two differenct objects (verified by checking object hashcode) in both cases and not one object.
Is there any other way to achieve this?

Wrong Thread.CurrentPrincipal in async WCF end-method

I have a WCF service which has its Thread.CurrentPrincipal set in the ServiceConfiguration.ClaimsAuthorizationManager.
When I implement the service asynchronously like this:
public IAsyncResult BeginMethod1(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
// Audit log call (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
var task = Task<int>.Factory.StartNew(this.WorkerFunction, state);
return task.ContinueWith(res => callback(task));
public string EndMethod1(IAsyncResult ar)
// Audit log result (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
return ar.AsyncState as string;
private int WorkerFunction(object state)
// perform work
I find that the Thread.CurrentPrincipal is set to the correct ClaimsPrincipal in the Begin-method and also in the WorkerFunction, but in the End-method it's set to a GenericPrincipal.
I know I can enable ASP.NET compatibility for the service and use HttpContext.Current.User which has the correct principal in all methods, but I'd rather not do this.
Is there a way to force the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to the correct ClaimsPrincipal without turning on ASP.NET compatibility?
Starting with a summary of WCF extension points, you'll see the one that is expressly designed to solve your problem. It is called a CallContextInitializer. Take a look at this article which gives CallContextInitializer sample code.
If you make an ICallContextInitializer extension, you will be given control over both the BeginXXX thread context AND the EndXXX thread context. You are saying that the ClaimsAuthorizationManager has correctly established the user principal in your BeginXXX(...) method. In that case, you then make for yourself a custom ICallContextInitializer which either assigns or records the CurrentPrincipal, depending on whether it is handling your BeginXXX() or your EndXXX(). Something like:
public object BeforeInvoke(System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext instanceContext, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel, System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request){
object principal = null;
if (request.Properties.TryGetValue("userPrincipal", out principal))
//If we got here, it means we're about to call the EndXXX(...) method.
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = (IPrincipal)principal;
//If we got here, it means we're about to call the BeginXXX(...) method.
request.Properties["userPrincipal"] = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
To clarify further, consider two cases. Suppose you implemented both an ICallContextInitializer and an IParameterInspector. Suppose that these hooks are expected to execute with a synchronous WCF service and with an async WCF service (which is your special case).
Below are the sequence of events and the explanation of what is happening:
Synchronous Case
//...service executes...
Nothing surprising in the above code. But now look below at what happens with asynchronous service operations...
Asynchronous Case
ICallContextInitializer.BeforeInvoke(); //TryGetValue() fails, so this records the UserPrincipal.
//...Your BeginXXX() routine now executes...
//...Now your Task async code executes (or finishes executing)...
ICallContextInitializercut.BeforeInvoke(); //TryGetValue succeeds, so this assigns the UserPrincipal.
//...Your EndXXX() routine now executes...
As you can see, the CallContextInitializer ensures you have opportunity to initialize values such as your CurrentPrincipal just before the EndXXX() routine runs. It therefore doesn't matter that the EndXXX() routine assuredly is executing on a different thread than did the BeginXXX() routine. And yes, the System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message object which is storing your user principal between Begin/End methods, is preserved and properly transmitted by WCF even though the thread changed.
Overall, this approach allows your EndXXX(IAsyncresult) to execute with the correct IPrincipal, without having to explicitly re-establish the CurrentPrincipal in the EndXXX() routine. And as with any WCF behavior, you can decide if this applies to individual operations, all operations on a contract, or all operations on an endpoint.
Not really the answer to my question, but an alternate approach of implementing the WCF service (in .NET 4.5) that does not exhibit the same issues with Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
public async Task<string> Method1()
// Audit log call (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.WorkerFunction());
// Audit log result (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
private string WorkerFunction()
// perform work
return string.Empty;
The valid approach to this is to create an extension:
public class SLOperationContext : IExtension<OperationContext>
private readonly IDictionary<string, object> items;
private static ReaderWriterLockSlim _instanceLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
private SLOperationContext()
items = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public IDictionary<string, object> Items
get { return items; }
public static SLOperationContext Current
SLOperationContext context = OperationContext.Current.Extensions.Find<SLOperationContext>();
if (context == null)
context = new SLOperationContext();
return context;
public void Attach(OperationContext owner) { }
public void Detach(OperationContext owner) { }
Now this extension is used as a container for objects that you want to persist between thread switching as OperationContext.Current will remain the same.
Now you can use this in BeginMethod1 to save current user:
SLOperationContext.Current.Items["Principal"] = OperationContext.Current.ClaimsPrincipal;
And then in EndMethod1 you can get the user by typing:
ClaimsPrincipal principal = SLOperationContext.Current.Items["Principal"];
EDIT (Another approach):
public IAsyncResult BeginMethod1(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(this.WorkerFunction, state);
var ec = ExecutionContext.Capture();
return task.ContinueWith(res =>
ExecutionContext.Run(ec, (_) => callback(task), null));

How to properly handle WCF faults with Silverlight?

No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to be able to handle WCF faults in Silverlight.
In fact the error seems to never leave the server !
E.g. when I debug it, it stops on the line where I throw the FaultException saying it was not handled:
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class StoreService : IStoreContract
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The class that implements this method derives from a contract interface:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "Store")]
public interface IStoreContract
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the list of store design names.
/// </summary>
List<String> GetStoreDesignNames();
And the SqlFault class is defined like this:
public class SqlFault
public String Message { get; set; }
On the client side I handle the error as follow:
// swc is the client
swc.GetStoreDesignNamesCompleted += new EventHandler<ServiceReference.GetStoreDesignNamesCompletedEventArgs>((obj, evt) =>
if (evt.Error == null)
// In case of success
else if (evt.Error is FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>)
FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault> fault = evt.Error as FaultException<ServiceReference.SqlFault>;
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
ErrorWindow ew = new ErrorWindow(fault.Detail.Message, "No details");
I have tried to put the [SilverlightFaultBehavior] attribute on the interface, to no avail. Even if I do without the interface I still have this error.
I have also tried to use a behavior extension in the web.config as described here but I get a warning saying the extension is not valid.
How does one go about properly handling WCF fault in Siverlight ?
Thanks in advance.
I haven't used WCF (been using WCF RIA Services) but I did come across this article a while ago.
Getting something better than “Server not found.” from WCF in Silverlight
After battling with this for hours I finally hacked something together that works.
This is really a horrible hack and I would have much preferred to use BehaviorExtension for this task. The trick is to set manually the HTTP status code in the body of the WCF method like so:
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetStoreDesignNames()
StoreDataContext swdc = new StoreDataContext();
var query = from storeDesign in swdc.StoreDesignDBs select storeDesign.Name;
return query.ToList();
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlExcept)
System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext ctx = System.ServiceModel.Web.WebOperationContext.Current;
ctx.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
throw new FaultException<SqlFault>(new SqlFault() { Message = sqlExcept.Message });
The error message then correctly displays on the client side.
If anybody has a better solution than this I'd like to hear it.

WCF closing best practice

I read that the best practice for using WCF proxy would be:
YourClientProxy clientProxy = new YourClientProxy();
.. use your service
catch (TimeoutException)
My problem is, after I allocate my proxy, I assign event handlers to it and also initialize other method using the proxy:
public void InitProxy()
sdksvc = new SdkServiceClient();
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectCompleted += new EventHandler<InitClusteringObjectCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_InitClusteringObjectCompleted);
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectAsync(Utils.DSN, Utils.USER,Utils.PASSWORD);
sdksvc.DoClusteringCompleted += new EventHandler<DoClusteringCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_DoClusteringCompleted);
sdksvc.CreateTablesCompleted += new EventHandler<CreateTablesCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_CreateTablesCompleted);
I now need to call the InitProxy() method each Time I use the proxy if I want to use it as best practice suggests.
Any ideas on how to avoid this?
There are several options. One option is to write a helper class as follows:
public class SvcClient : IDisposable {
public SvcClient(ICommunicationObject service) {
if( service == null ) {
throw ArgumentNullException("service");
_service = service;
// Add your event handlers here, e.g. using your example:
sdksvc = new SdkServiceClient();
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectCompleted += new EventHandler<InitClusteringObjectCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_InitClusteringObjectCompleted);
sdksvc.InitClusteringObjectAsync(Utils.DSN, Utils.USER,Utils.PASSWORD);
sdksvc.DoClusteringCompleted += new EventHandler<DoClusteringCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_DoClusteringCompleted);
sdksvc.CreateTablesCompleted += new EventHandler<CreateTablesCompletedEventArgs>(sdksvc_CreateTablesCompleted);
public void Dispose() {
try {
if( _service.State == CommunicationState.Faulted ) {
finally {
private readonly ICommunicationObject _service;
To use this class write the following:
var clientProxy = new YourClientProxy();
using(new SvcClient(clientProxy)) {
// use clientProxy as usual. No need to call Abort() and/or Close() here.
When the constructor for SvcClient is called it then sets up the SdkServiceClient instance as desired. Furthermore the SvcClient class cleans up the service client proxy as well aborting and/or closing the connection as needed regardless of how the control flow leaves the using-block.
I don't see how the ClientProxy and the InitProxy() are linked but if they are linked this strong I'd move the initialization of the ClientProxy to the InitProxy (or make a method that initializes both) so you can control both their lifespans from there.

WCF Rest 4.0, Dynamic Routing, and OutputCache

I'm having an issue getting OutputCaching to work with HttpContext.RewritePath for a WCF 4.0 WebHttp service.
My service is localized. The idea is that you call a URL like so:
And it'll return the results localized to the correct language.
My scheme is based on this article. The idea is to create a derivative of RouteBase that creates a unique, "private" route to the real service. When the user makes a request, the language code is unpacked from the URL and set as the culture for the current thread, and then HttpContext.RewritePath is used to load the actual service.
For the life of me I can't figure out how to work OutputCaching into the mix. I've decorated my service method with AspNetCacheProfile and am seeing my own VaryByCustom override called. However despite receiving a duplicate result from VaryByCustom, .NET continues into my service method anyway.
Lots of code below, sorry for the dump but I suspect it's all relevant.
How I add a route in Global.asax.cs
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new CulturedServiceRoute(
new StructureMapServiceHostFactory(),
VaryByCustom override in Global.asax.cs:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(
HttpContext context, string custom)
// This method gets called twice: Once for the initial request, then a
// second time for the rewritten URL. I only want it to be called once!
if (custom == "XmlDataFreshness")
var outputString = String.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}",
return outputString;
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
This is the dynamic service route class.
public class CulturedServiceRoute : RouteBase, IRouteHandler
private readonly string _virtualPath = null;
private readonly ServiceRoute _innerServiceRoute = null;
private readonly Route _innerRoute = null;
public CulturedServiceRoute(
string pathPrefix,
ServiceHostFactoryBase serviceHostFactory,
Type serviceType)
if (pathPrefix.IndexOf("{") >= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
"Path prefix cannot include route parameters.",
if (!pathPrefix.StartsWith("/")) pathPrefix = "/" + pathPrefix;
pathPrefix = "{culture}" + pathPrefix;
_virtualPath = String.Format("Cultured/{0}/", serviceType.FullName);
_innerServiceRoute = new ServiceRoute(
_virtualPath, serviceHostFactory, serviceType);
_innerRoute = new Route(pathPrefix, this);
public override RouteData GetRouteData(
HttpContextBase httpContext)
return _innerRoute.GetRouteData(httpContext);
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
return null;
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
// This method is called even if VaryByCustom
// returns a duplicate response!
var culture = requestContext.RouteData.Values["culture"].ToString();
var ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
requestContext.HttpContext.RewritePath("~/" + _virtualPath, true);
return _innerServiceRoute.RouteHandler.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
Finally, the relevant portions of the service itself:
RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class DeviceService
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "")]
public IEnumerable<DeviceListItemModel> GetDevices()
// This is called AFTER the first VaryByCustom override is called.
// I'd expect it not to be called unless VaryByCustom changes!
var devices =
from d in _deviceRepository.GetAll()
where d.ReleaseDate < DateTime.Now
orderby d.Id descending
select new DeviceListItemModel(d);
return devices;
UPDATE: My cache profile:
<add name="MyCacheProfile" varyByCustom="XmlDataFreshness"
varyByHeader="accept" varyByParam="*" location="Server"
duration="3600" />
Hmmm seems like a valid approach to me. Is the cache profile configured correctly? Is varyByCustom called multiple times and certain to return the same result when the cache does not need to be updated?