WCF: Use partial classes to split up a complex Web Service? - wcf

I am currently in the process of developing a Web Service which should expose a relatively large number of ways to interact with it.
For example, Clients may be able to interact with the Web Service in order to manage users or projects in a Database.
To that effect, I created the following classes:
Two Data Contracts: IUsersServiceContract and IProjectsServiceContract
Two Service Contracts Interfaces: IUsersServiceContract and IProjectsServiceContract
My question is the following:
Does it make sense to create two different Web Services, each with their own endpoint(s), instead of creating one big class that implements both Service Contracts Interfaces ?
Keep in mind that in reality I would have many more Service Contracts Interfaces that deal with different sorts of data.
From what I understand, using a partial class (split in multiple files) will allow me to create one big Web Service with only one Endpoint.
This has the disadvantage of dealing with one big class split in multiple files, i.e: its harder to maintain and more prone to errors if developers "don't see the big picture".
The other solution would be to have one Web Service per Service Contract Interface implemented.
In essence, if I have X Service Contracts Interfaces, I end up with X Web Services with X Endpoints.
Which solution would you choose and why ?
Thanks for your input !

Personally I would not use partial classes for splitting a class; the sheer size motivating tgis split suggests that the class is too large and needs a refactoring. In my opinion partial classes main purpose is to add changes to auto generated code.
Since service and endpoint configuration can be shared using named behaviours in web.config splitting the service should not be that cumbersome. But the split should be motivated by grouping of functionality.
Without knowing the exact nature of you services it sounds like there could be a natural separation in two services; one for user related operations and one for project oriented operations.
If the implemantation classes grows above what you think are reasonable sizes I would consider letting separate classes - or preferably interfaces - handle each methods inner logic and let the service implementation it self be a shallow facade that delegates its own method parameters to the correct logoc instance

An important thing to consider here, when you're talking about n number of service contracts, is the cost associated with implementing each service contract. There's a good blog post on that here, "Service Contracts Factoring and Design", although if it wasn't Juval Lowy who posted this article then someone is clearly ripping him off (I am referring to Juval's book - "Programming WCF Services" page 93).


WCF Message & Data Contract, DTO, domain model, and shared assemblies

I have a web client that calls my WCF business service layer, which in turn, calls external WCF services to get the actual data. Initially, I thought I would use DTOs and have separate business entities in the different layers... but I'm finding that the trivial examples advocating for DTOs, to be, well, trivial. I see too much duplicate code and not much benefit.
Consider my Domain:
Example Domain
I have a single UI screen (Asp.net MVC View) that shows a patient's list of medications, the adverse reactions (between medications), and any clinical conditions (like depression or hypertension) the patient may have. My domain model starts at the top level with:
List<MedicationProfile> MedicationProfiles
List<AdverseReactions> Reactions
List<ClinicalConditions> ClinicalConditions
MedicationProfile is itself a complex object
string Name
decimal Dosage
Practitioner prescriber
Practioner is itself a complex object
string FirstName
string LastName
PractionerType PractionerType
PractionerId Id
Address Address
Further, when making the WCF requests, we have a request/response object, e.g.
MedicationRecord MedicationRecord
List<ClientMessage> Messages
QueryStatus Status
and again, these other objects are complex objects
(and further, complicates matter is that they exist in a different, common shared namespace)
At this point, my inclination is that the MedicationRecordResponse is my DTO. But in pure DataContracts and DTO and separation of design, am I suppose to do this?
and that would mean I then need to do
Because I have show almost all the information on the screen, I am effectively creating 1 DTO for each domain object I have.
My question is -- what would you do? Would you go ahead and create all these DTOs? Or would you just share your domain model in a separate assembly?
Here's some reading from other questions that seemed relevant:
WCF contract know the domain
Alternatives for Translation Layer in SOA: WCF
SOA Question: Exposing Entities
Take a look on excellent articles
Why You Shouldn’t Expose Your Entities Through Your Services
DTO’s Should Transfer Data, Not Entities
above links don't work, looks like a domain issue (I hope it'll be fix), here is the source:
DTO’s Should Transfer Data, Not Entities
Why You Shouldn’t Expose Your Entities Through Your Services
I've always had an aversion to the duplicate class hierarchy resulting from DTOs. It seems to be a flagrant violation of the DRY principle. However, upon closer examination, the DTO and the corresponding entity or entities serve different roles. If you are indeed applying domain-driven design then your domain entities consist of not only data but behavior. By contrast, DTOs only carry data and serve as an adapter between your domain and WCF. All of this makes even more sense in the context of a hexagonal architecture also called ports and adapters as well as the onion architecture. Your domain is at the core and WCF is a port which exposes your domain externally. A DTO is part of how WCF functions and if you agree that it is a necessary evil your problem shifts from attempting to eliminate them to embracing them and instead focusing on how to facilitate the mapping between DTOs and domain objects. A popular solution is AutoMapper which reduces the amount of boiler plate mapping code you need to write. Aside from the drawbacks, DTOs also bring a lot of benefits. One is that they furnish a buffer between your domain entities and the outside world. This can be of great help in refactoring because you can keep your core domain very well encapsulated. Another benefit is that you can design your DTOs such that they fulfill requirements of the service consumer, requirements which may not always be in full alignment with the shape of your domain objects.
Personally, I don’t like using MessageContract as entities. Unfortunately, I have an existing WCF service that use MessageContract as entities – i.e. data is filled into the MessageContract directly in the data access layer. There is no translation layer involved.
I have an existing C# console application client using this service. Now, I have a new requirement. I need to add a new field in the entity. This is not needed by the client. The new field is only for the internal calculations in the service. I had to add a new property named “LDAPUserID” in the MessageContract which also act as a entity.
This may or may not break the client depending on whether the client support Lax Versioning. Refer Service Versioning.
It is easy to mistakenly believe that adding a new member will not break existing clients. If you are unsure that all clients can handle lax versioning, the recommendation is to use the strict versioning guidelines and treat data contracts as immutable.
With this experience, I believe it is not good to use MessageContract as entities.
Also, refer MSDN - Service Layer Guidelines
Design transformation objects that translate between business entities and data contracts.
How do I serialize all properties of an NHibernate-mapped object?
Expose object from class library using WCF
Serialize subset of properties only

WCF Data Objects Best Practice

I am in the processing of migrating from web services to WCF, and rather than trying to make old code work in WCF, I am just going to rebuild the services. As a part of this process, I have not figured out the best design to provide easy to consume services and also support future changes.
My service follows the pattern below; I actually have many more methods than this so duplication of code is an issue.
Public Interface IPublicApis
Function RetrieveQueryDataA(ByVal req As RequestA) As ResponseA
Function RetrieveQueryDataB(ByVal req As RequestB) As ResponseB
Function RetrieveQueryDataC(ByVal req As RequestC) As ResponseC
End Interface
Following this advice, I first created the schemas for the Request and Response objects. I then used SvcUtil to create the resulting classes so that I am assured the objects are consumable by other languages, and the clients will find the schemas easy to work with (no references to other schemas). However, because the Requests and Responses have similar data, I would like to use interfaces and inheritance so that I am not implementing multiple versions of the same code.
I have thought about writting my own version of the classes using interfaces and inheritance in a seperate class library, and implementing all of the logging, security, data retrieval logic there. Inside each operation I will just convert the RequestA to my InternalRequestA and call InternalRequestA's process function which will return an InternalResponseA. I will then convert that back to a ResponseA and send to the client.
Is this idea crazy?!? I am having problems finding another solution that takes advantage of inheritance internally, but still gives clean schemas to the client that support future updates.
The contracts created by using WCF data contracts generally produce relatively straight-forward schemas that are highly interoperable. I believe this was one of the guiding principles for the design of WCF. However, this interoperability relates to the messages themselves and not the objects that some other system might produce from them. How the messages are converted to/from objects at the other end entirely depends on the other system.
We have had no real issues using inheritance with data contract objects.
So, given that you clearly have control over the schemas (i.e. they are not being specified externally) and can make good use of WCF's inbuilt data contract capabilities, I struggle to see the benefit you will get the additional complexity and effort implied in your proposed approach.
In my view the logic associated with processing the messages should be kept entirely separate from the messages themselves.

How to build a WCF service that exposes your business layer?

WCF promotes good design by using interfaces and contracts etc. What baffles me is that, for example in my case if I have 2 sets of business functionality like ICustomerMgmtBIZ
and IProductMgmtBiz. If these two are ServiceContracts, and I have an interface like
and implementation class BusinessService. I see that BusinessService class will be having too much implementation. The workaround I have been using so far is by implementing partial classes.
So bluntly put, can a WCF service have only 1 implementation and 1 service contract ??
No, it is possible to implement more than one Service contract on a WCF Service type (the class that is attributed with the ServiceBehavior attribute), since it is just a matter of having the class implement multiple interfaces. If you are using any of the Visual Studio templates or other kinds of code generators, this may not be immediately clear. However, although you can implement more than one Service Contract interface on a Service type, it does not do you much good if you need the service, presumably a singleton in this case(?), to behave as one service. IBusinessService implies that you need all of the service's functionality to be callable from one client proxy, so that all operations may operate in the same logical session (similar to ASPX web session). If that is not the case, then you are free to define individual proxies for each contract interface, but that will also require that you support one endpoint for each contract.
Is it an absolute requirement that you can only have on WCF ServiceHost instance for your implementation? What factors are influencing your decision?
By the way, partial classes do not trouble me anymore. The idea of splitting out code into multiple files now seems rather natural. For example, storing partial classes in files like ServiceType_IProductMgmtBiz.cs and ServiceType_ICustomerMgmtBIZ.cs seems natural enough, in addition to storing the core logic in ServiceType.cs.
Finally, the following question might be of use...
WCF and Interface Inheritance - Is this a terrible thing to do?
Bluntly put, no - sort of - yes, but. Any workaround is non-optimal and involves using an "IBlank" as a master WCF interface (where your interfaces derive from IBlank), and two endpoints, one implementing IProductMgmtBIZ and the other implementing ICustomerMgmtBIZ. I don't have my dev machine in front of me, this might involve some other overrides. So, at the WCF level you're screwed unless you want to have two WCF ServiceHosts (which is perfectly reasonable).
In short, the workaround is inelegant. Its easier to have two WCF endpoints on the same port with a different extension.

WCF Web Service Bloat

I am developing a WCF web service which has become quite bloated. What techniques do you use to split up the implementation of the contract?
Well you have a couple choices:
First, you could leave it all in one class, but split up into different files using the partial class feature of C#.
Second, you could have the main service class just pass requests off to one of a number of other actual classes that are organized logically.
A third alternative is to consider refactoring to reduce the number of operations you have. Is there actually a use to all of the methods you're exposing?
Finally, you could always split up the service into multiple WCF services.
It's hard to answer your question if you don't give any more information.
Do you mean that your service interface is bloated, or the class implementation? It's hard to answer well, if I don't see the code, or have no other information, anyway, I'll try:
Notice that WCF service is basically just a regular class that implements an interface and has some attributes on its methods. So all the other good OO design rules apply to it. Think about what it does, does it have really single responsibility, if not try to outsource some of that responsibility to other classes that your service depends on. If you need a non-default constructor, use IInstanceProvider to create the service class, and supply it with its dependencies (or if you use Windsor Container use WCF Facility).
If you really want to you can streach your inheritance chain, and move some of the code to a base class. I don't do it, however and always prefer to use composition over inheritance.
Inspect your service contract, and think about how cohesive it really is. Maybe what you should do is to split it, into few smaller, more cohesive services.

How to use the single responsibility principle in large wcf services?

We're using about 7 services at the moment. There quite large.
Does anyone have any experience with the single responsibility principle and WCF services? Does this mean that you'll end up with lot's of small contracts? If so, how do you manage these in your application?
I think you are confusing single responsibility with interface segregation.
From the client/service interface perspective, you should keep your contracts lean and mean. See below for an example of that.
On the SRP side of things, that should be entirely internal to the service implementation and the client should not be aware of this. If you service code is too large, split it up into classes. Then have your service code, at least initially, act as a facade and forward all the calls to the relevant objects. Later on, you have the option of spliting your service into multiple services. But be aware, that SOA and object oriented design, although overlap, are separate and have different requirements.
Interface segregation example: We have a service here at work that we use to do various functions on some business objects. The original service had one interface. As it grew, we realized we had three family of methods: data object persistence, business updates, business analysis. We split up into three contracts. Our client/service implements all 3, so the only thing we had to do was split the contract into three and setup two additional endpoints in our WCF configuration. Very simple.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest you listen to this podcast on the hanselminutes :
SOLID Principles with Uncle Bob - Robert C. Martin
It would help understand things better. . .
You could apply facade pattern for the web service that interface with the client, and in your implementation code you can apply single responsibility to make it maintainable.