Logo for each site in site collection - sharepoint-2010

I want to load different logo in each site in same site collection. For now my logo tag exists in master page. Any idea ?

You can do 2 things.
You can replace the SharePoint:SiteLogoImage with your own.
You can use Master.FindControl to find that control by doing the following
var siteLogo = (SiteLogoImage)Page.Master.FindControl("ID of control goes here");
siteLogo.LogoImageUrl = // Insert logo img url here

If you are using ASP Dot NET then we can have more than one master page, defining logo for each one. You can call you master page at run time according to your site opened!
Please would you specify Are you using ASP DOT NET or defining master page in another lange


How to find DotNetNuke pages that point to my dnn page

I have updated an existing user DNN page with some text. I can preview this page using the Page Management page. Since I didn't create this page I don't know which other pages/menus contain a link to this page. How can I find out which pages/menus link to this page?
Who or what created the page?
What is the URL that you visit to edit the page? (Edit the URL here to use a phony name.)
Getting the exact number of links to a page is almost impossible without the use of a site crawler, as the page could be referenced in many ways.
Via HTML Content on a Page - This would be in the HTMLText table of the database
Via a Page-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table of the database
Via a URL-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table as well, just tied by the URL rather than the TabId
There is no report/link in the DNN Platform to list all usages.

How can I add a custom page to Shopify without the /pages/ URL?

I want domain.com/custompage, but the built in functionality puts all pages inside a /pages/ directory so the URL comes out domain.com/pages/custompage which I don't want.
I found this answer from a Shopify Guru in 2016 that mentions potentially setting up a custom HTML template or using an app, which no longer exists.
Any clues on how to achieve this? I have limited experience with Shopify templates, but could figure it out if someone could point me in the right direction.
This blogger says it can't be done:
"Q: Can you create pages on the root? A: The answer to this is no –> all pages have either /pages/, /collections/ or /products/ in the URL."
However others have told me it is possible. Just not how to do it.
Create a section Name "test" // first a step
Create a page json Name "test" // The second step
After creating the page, JSON does a section test

How to change text in Shopify Admin pages?

I'm trying to change the text "SKU" to something else on the Admin site, in two places:
On the Product Variant column header, when you're looking at the Product in the admin site.
On the Variant Options screen, under the Inventory header.
The purpose is to change the name for the Admin user to see something else, it doesn't need to impact the front end site. I already tried modifying the translation in en.default.json but that didn't work.
Its a build in text in the Shopify pages and code.
You can use a Javascript to do it by writing a Chrome/Firefox extension to do it or using a bookmarklet in your address bar.
A bookmraklet is a JS code which is running on the given page when you click it
Here are few samples:

Creating an instance of a jQuery Mobile Page

I'd like be able to create instances of jQuery mobile pages using an existing jQuery Mobile page as a template. Can anyone point me in the right directing on this. Does anything exist along the lines of:
var pageInstance = new $mobile.createPage();
If you sure your page is currently loaded into the DOM.Try with this,
var page = $('#PageId');

SharePoint 2010 move bcs profile page

Is it possible to move the SharePoint 2010 BCS profile page, normally located under:
It is a work around I guess but works well. I have tried it out.
1.) Create the profile page in the desired location (Web Part page)
2.) Export the web parts(2 web parts) from original profile page and add it to you custom page.
3.) Connect the web parts and test the page whether it is working properly like the OOTB profile page.
4.) Create a new action in the External Content Type and give the above new URL in the below format
5.) Select the other parameters appropriately. Don't forget to give parameter as the identifier(JOB ID). Make sure you select this action as default action.
That's it :)
It should work in the way you expect. Let me know if you face any issues.