gnome3 fallback mode applet programming, docs? [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Where can I find documentation for writing an "gnome3 fallback mode" applet? Google spits a lot of usless things at me.
And the main question: Does it use the gnome3 extensions API or something completly different?
Please no guesses, facts+links pawn :)
Thank you!

Thanks to borschty from IRC:
Sorry for the invconvenience

You should also read this GNOME Shell fallback panels


JDK Documentation searchable offline? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can anyone help?
i have downloaded the jdk docs (7) to my pc and i can open it up to look at all the packages and classes in the html but it appears i can't search.
You can on the online version but it appears not on the offline version, or maybe i am missing something.
can anyone help or suggest an alternative ?
What about Java Documentation in Microsoft Windows Help Formats
And then there is the frame-using index.html and just use your browsers search to find a class?

phpBB 3 documentation in .CHM format [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone has phpBB 3 documentation in .CHM format, please share!
Thanks a lot!
Quick search shows no one having done the legwork yet. So...
Step 1: extract the PHPBB3 documentation. (or spider it from online)
Step 2: use a utility like HelpSmith to bundle it up
Good luck. I've worked with PHPBB, and now prefer other php5 projects by far

SPDH protocol documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I seem not to be able to find any documentation on SPDH protocol for POS terminals. It would be very helpful if anyone could point me to some.... Thank you
EDIT: forgot to mention that i did look at this question, but the link to the documentation does not work... An analyzer for SPDH frame
you can try with this link :
you have to provide credentials and you will be in position to download documentation.
Hope this helped you.

Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js, the standard JavaScript API that ships with CouchDB?
In many blog posts and tutorial this API is used and to some degree explained how to use it. But is there some always up-to-date documentation?
Google is your friend.
Here is another documentation for jquery.couch.js plugin
Here you can find a lot of methods :

How do I make an extention for PSPad? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have used PSPad alot and I would like to make an extension for PSPad, but I don't know how to do it. I cannot find anywhere an API documentation to make the extensions.
Can someone please help me?
Have you seen the Script User's Guide? I would think if you looked at some existing extensions that you like you will quickly discover how they hook into the defined APIs.