Unable to export project from aptana - air

i am new to adobe air.
I have installed aptana and created a test application.
When i export that application using export feature of aptana and choose application type as "Adobe air package". It generates a file having extension .airi.
On double clicking that file nothing runs.
Please help me guys.
let me know where i am wrong.

Well, a .air file is pretty much like a zip file. You can open it with 7-zip, for example, and see the source of your app. The .air extension is probably only a reference for the adobe air runtime. Therefore, my suggestion, as dull as it may seem, is that you manually change the extension to .air.


Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN in Air

I am new to Adobe AIR. Please help
I want to Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN. I am developing anappliation like dropbox in Adobe AIR for MAC and Windows.
I think it is common for both OS Mac and Windows both OS support AIR so i have choice this tool.
I have two queries.
Add status icons over file icons in Explorer, like Dropbox or SVN.
Folder watcher you have and idea about that and any class and utility for that.
Personally, I don't think AIR is the correct solution for this. Although it would be possible to poll a directory and compare its last known structure to its current one, I imagine this would be very inefficient in both Actionscript 3 and Javascript.
Languages such a Java in their latest major release have utilities for directory monitoring 'out of the box' and have the benefit of being able to delegate these tasks to different threads.
To give another example something like TortoiseSVN which monitors directories and dynamically changes the icons is written in C++.

Launch installed air application from browser for register file type

I have an air application register for a special filetype .part. After manual installation If I double click on a .part file it opened our air application and invoke the events perfectly. But if I am downloading the same file type from browser it doesn't show our air application as a default application to open with.
I also have this code in the descriptor file
Any help is appreciated
Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.
Fixed that. The problem was the extension of file I was using.

How do I package an Adobe Air project in Aptana for the BlackBerry Playbook

I have developed a mostly HTML/CSS/jquery application in Aptana. Does anyone know the steps to take to convert this project to a .BAR file for use with the Blackberry Playbook simulator?
I'm guessing I need to package the project as an .airi file first, then use the Blackberry bbwp tool to compile? Has anyone had any experience with this process?
Thanks so much for any help.
This is a bit late I suspect but you have to download RIM's WebWorks package and follow all the necessary steps on their website. Basically, once you are as far as you are, you zip what you've got with a config.xml file and run their command line tool to turn it into a .bar file. Here's a little secret - a .bar file is actually just a .zip file by another name. If you change a .bar back to a .zip file you can treat it like any other zip file.
After you've done this, run the signing tool, (results and mileage may vary) and then push it out to the device with another command line tool. In the simulator you have to set it to "Development Mode" and get the IP address. You put the IP address into the command line tool and it will put it onto the device. You may have to restart the simulator for it to show up. If you can't get the signing tool to work you should still be able to put it onto the simulator.
Download WebWorks and get started here - http://us.blackberry.com/developers/browserdev/
You will need to sign up for a developer account to download it.

how to work with air adobe

I have aptana studio and install the air adobe 2.0 beta version. I have export a sample program with the extension of air.. But i dont know how to instal it to show as a windows application..
My requirement is :: I want to show up a html page as a windows application. Am i going in the right path. Please help me how to proceed it.
And also i am having some sample air file downloaded from websites.. How to work on it.
intall AIR runtime
then clicking the "*.air" file will install it (system will invoke AIR runtime)
the AIR runtime will also create short-cuts for you, which will be shown as windows application
As Francis mentions and the devnet guide as well, make sure you have AIR installed.
I haven't used Aptana for AIR, but their run guide looks pretty straight forward.
Install Adobe Air SDK and Update the path accordingly.
Install Adobe Air.
Build the application and package it.
Run the *.air file by double clicking on it.
Follow this tutorial to run a Hello World.http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/introduction-to-adobe-air--net-986

Why does my Adobe AIR app say the latest update is damaged?

I have written an HTML/AJAX application with Adobe Air and run it on my WinXP laptop. But now I've released a newer version on my update site, the application downloads the update and says "The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author."
I've tried repackaging the application and incrementing the version number but that hasn't helped. I am creating it in Aptana Studio on OSX.
Can anyone explain please what could cause that error?
I haven't worked with aptana but...
in adobe flex builder, you have to change the first line of the file: "applicationName-app.xml". (where applicationName is the name of your application or project)
When you change from pc to mac-osx you have to change the line:
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.1">
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5">
Don't know if you have this file when creating a project in aptana... maybe in the project properties.
Then repackage and deploy.
I just ran into the same problem. After trying every "solution" mentioned on every blog on the planet it occurred to me that my server didn't have .air as a recognized MIME type. Once I added this, all was well.