Is it possible to update trigger table in update trigger? - sql-server-2005

I have an update trigger for a table. When I am updating the table rows I need to check certain condition in trigger then based on that I want to update another column.
Is it possible?

You might want to read the documentation for CREATE TRIGGER, especially the remarks section, which includes:
If an INSTEAD OF trigger defined on a table executes a statement against the table that would ordinarily fire the INSTEAD OF trigger again, the trigger is not called recursively. Instead, the statement is processed as if the table had no INSTEAD OF trigger and starts the chain of constraint operations and AFTER trigger executions.
If this, or other parts of the remarks section, don't answer your questions, you probably need to add more to your question about what problems you're having, or what issues you're concerned about.


How does returned trigger from function affects BEFORE or AFTER statement?

I'm having a little trouble with understanding functions and triggers in sql. I didn't post the code of procedure chkInsertAritcle but let's say it returns NEW if it managed to make change and NULL if it didn't.
So my question is about the trigger. If I put AFTER INSERT does that means that it will complete INSERT without depending on the return value? And what
happens with the rest of the rows?
Next question is if I put BEFORE INSERT, in what order does code runs?
EXECUTE PROCEDURE chkInsertArticle();
First all BEFORE triggers run in alphabetical order, then the operation is performed, then all AFTER triggers run in alphabetical order.
Each operation sees the result of the previous one as input, and if any trigger returns NULL, processing for that row stops. So if a BEFORE trigger returns NULL, the DML operation won't take place.
This happens independently for each row affected by the triggering DML statement.
So if the trigger runs before insert, then the code runs before the data is inserted into the row and constraints are checked. So for example you might want to add a timestamp before the data is committed to the database,
If it runs after then the data is already present in the table and all constraints have been checked. This is usually where you want to trigger another process based on the row data, maybe update another table, send an e-mail etc.
In your example, the data will be in the database before your procedure runs. So if your procedure modifies the row data, it needs to be in the database.

Get a reference to insert rows with triggers

I'm trying to get a reference to a set of rows that I'm trying to insert into a table through a multiple insert. For example if I execute:
INSERT INTO T VALUES (0,'A'),(1,'B'),(2,'C')
I would like to get a reference in a before insert trigger to a "table" that contains these 3 rows. Is that possible?
And another question: what does a REFERENCING NEW_TABLE represents in a before trigger (maybe could this be the answer to the first question)?
According to documentation:
Specifies a temporary table name which identifies the affected rows as modified by the triggering SQL operation and by any SET
statement in a BEFORE trigger that has already executed.
Also take a look:
Specifies that the triggered action is to be applied only once for the whole statement. This type of trigger granularity cannot be
specified for a BEFORE trigger or an INSTEAD OF trigger (SQLSTATE
42613). If specified, an UPDATE or DELETE trigger is activated, even
if no rows are affected by the triggering UPDATE or DELETE statement.
maybe it will suite better your needs (of course you need to go with AFTER trigger)

FOR/AFTER in SQL triggers

I am newbie in SQL. I am reading about Triggers in SQL.I have got almost about Triggers. But in DML Triggers, we use FOR/AFTER keyword. I didn't get difference between FOR/AFTER and why we use FOR/AFTER keyword. I have already read on MSDN but didn't get the simple answer.
Can anyone explain me what is it?
Thanks in advance.
There is no difference between using FOR and AFTER.
I believe the original (pre 2000) syntax only used the FOR keyword. However, when INSTEAD OF triggers were introduced, the "FOR" keyword could seem quite confusing. "AFTER" more accurately conveys the type of trigger, and is more easily distinguished from "INSTEAD OF".
An INSTEAD OF trigger would be used if we wanted to transform what was inserted into the table, or prevent an insertion from taking place.
An AFTER trigger would more normally be used if we wanted to perform additional tasks, based on what has just occurred. For instance, you could have an "AFTER DELETE" trigger, that copied deleted rows into some kind of archive table. Basically, in an AFTER trigger, you more normally do still want the activity to occur.
From MSDN:
AFTER triggers are never executed if a constraint violation occurs; therefore, these triggers cannot be used for any processing that might prevent constraint violations.
And then:
You can request AFTER triggers by specifying either the AFTER or FOR keywords. Because the FOR keyword has the same effect as AFTER, DML triggers with the FOR keyword are also classified as AFTER triggers
It would seem there is no difference.
If I interpret your comments to the other answers correctly, you want to know why or when one uses the "FOR|AFTER" keywords.
It's simple: there are two kinds of triggers, the AFTER-trigger and the INSTEAD-OF-trigger.
The INSTEAD-OF-trigger for e.g. an insert action can be written as
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
(... code goes here ...)
and the AFTER-trigger can be written as either
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
AFTER insert
(... code goes here ...)
create trigger myTrigger on myTable
FOR insert
(... code goes here ...)
As Damien_The_Unbeliever mentions, the AFTER keyword is more readable than the FOR version, that is all.
They are the same. See this excerpt from BOL
AFTER specifies that the DML trigger is fired only when all operations specified in the triggering SQL statement have executed successfully. All referential cascade actions and constraint checks also must succeed before this trigger fires.
AFTER is the default when FOR is the only keyword specified.
AFTER triggers cannot be defined on views.
According to what I observe, FOR is used in DDL trigger while AFTER is used in DML triggers. They have same way of working.

Multiple rows update trigger

If I have a statement
that updates multiple rows, only the trigger will fire only on the first or last row that is being updated (not sure which one). I need to make a trigger that fires for ALL the records that are being updated into a particular table
Assuming SQL Server, A trigger only fires once per update, regardless of the number of rows that are updated. If you need to carry out some additional logic based on updates to multiple rows you can access the changed records by looking at the INSERTED and DELETED logical tables that are accessible in the context of a trigger.
You have not specified the database .....
In Oracle a trigger can be defined to fire for individual rows and based on the type of transaction:
etc ....
You just need to indicate if your trigger needs to be executed "FOR EACH ROW" or "FOR EACH STATEMENT". Adding one of these two clauses in the trigger definition will tell the DBMS when to execute the trigger (most, but not all, DBMSs support it). If you don't indicate this clause then the DBMS uses the default option which in your case seems to be the FOR EACH STATEMENT option, and that's why your trigger only fires one for each update sentence, regardless of how many rows you are updating

SQL Server 2005 Insert Trigger with Update Statement

I am currently not in a location to test any of this out but would like to know if this is an option so I can start designing the solution in my head.
I would like to create an insert trigger on a table. In this insert trigger, I would like to get values from the inserted virtual table and use them to UPDATE the same table. Would this work or would we enter some kind of infinite loop (even though the trigger is not for update commands).
As an example if a row was inserted (which represents a new rate/cost for a vendor) I would like to update the same table to expire the old rate/cost for that vendor. The expiration is necessary vs updating the record that already exists so a history of rates/costs can be kept for reporting purposes (not to mention that the current reporting infrastructure expects this type of thing to happen and we are migrating current reports/data to SQL Server).
If you have only an INSERT trigger and no UPDATE trigger then there isn't any problem, but I assume you want to catch also UPDATEs and perhaps even DELETEs.
The INSTEAD OF triggers are guaranteed not to behave recursively:
If an INSTEAD OF trigger defined on a
table executes a statement against the
table that would ordinarily fire the
INSTEAD OF trigger again, the trigger
is not called recursively
With and INSTEAD OF trigger you must do both the original INSERT and the UPDATE you desire.
This doesn't sound like it would cause any problems to me, providing you're not doing an INSERT in another UPDATE trigger.