SQL Server 2005 Express - sql

Can anyone decipher this error message? Somebody gave me a SQL script and when I run it, I get this error:

If it is an instance of SQL Server Express, it is likely a named instance. So try adding -S .\SQLEXPRESS to the command.
Also see this blog post for common troubleshooting ideas: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_protocols/archive/2007/03/31/named-pipes-provider-error-40-could-not-open-a-connection-to-sql-server.aspx

Sounds like you might not have remote connections enabled on the SQL Server you are trying to run this script against. Take a look at this article:

You do not have the Server name parameter specified in there.
`osql -U sa iP -i dbattach05.sql`
You might want this
`osql -S ServerOrInstanceNameGoesHere -U sa iP -i dbattach05.sql`

You might need to do something like this if its an Express edition: http://www.linglom.com/2009/03/28/enable-remote-connection-on-sql-server-2008-express/


SnowSQL login issue

I am trying to login into snowSQL for the first time and i am getting this below error. I want to know what is wrong with the below statement.
snowsql -a LTA43954.US-west-oregon.aws -u INDUMATHI
and the error is
250001 (n/a): Could not connect to Snowflake backend after 0 attempt(s).Aborting
If the error message is unclear, enable logging using -o log_level=DEBUG and see the log to find out the cause. Contact support for further help.
Please help me out
Is your snowflake instance up?
Also check your region, if you are using correct one. I checked on oregon, looks like its us-west-2. Please try using that and see if it works.
You can also try to put all this in your snowflake config file and just type snowsql (without any parameters) and it should log you in.
The default location for config file is your homedirectory/.snowsql/config
On windows - c:\users<username>.snowsql\config
accountname = LTA43954
region = US-west-oregon.aws
username = INDUMATHI
password =
Password you can provide in config file or you will be prompted for it.
I tested connectivity using same and it gave me password prompt, so it means its working. Please refer below for the test I did.
It appears your snowflake instance was not up or had some issue/outage, as now its connecting fine.
The account name has an incorrect region id appended to it. It should be as follows:
snowsql -a LTA43954.us-west-2 -u INDUMATHI
Try this and verify

Run psql query using ssh

I wrote a file.sh to execute psql query from remote sever. I'm stuck on the first step:
ssh user#myserver.com "psql database"
=> Nothing happens
I tried several different syntaxes that I found on google, but nothing works for me.
Manualy I process like this without problem:
$ ssh myserver
$ psql database
database=> select foo from table;
I don't know what I missed (it's my first bash script)
I use SSH every day to connect to my work server and use ssh user#server. From there, I am able to run files, connect to my database, etc.

Error in Connection Testing in Mule Database connector

I am trying to connect mysql database with mulesoft database connector, but it is giving error while I do test Connection. I am not able to figure out what is wrong I am doing. Could you please put me in right direction?
Please ask for more information you need from me.
The problem you are facing is not because of Mule component.There may be several other reasons at MySQL side.
As you can see that your credentials are processed by MySQL however denied.This suggests that the problem may not be directly
related with credentials because if credentials were wrong the error would have been different then denied.
When credentials are denied, the problem is mostly related with:
Permission issue - Solution >> Grant permission to use "db_name" from "Localhost"
Your connection string looks fine but sometimes string encoding result this error
Some installed components are interfering with MySql -> Check the components installation
LOCALHOST and "machine name" aren't the same to MySQL.
I'd check from the command line that you can connect to localhost:
mysql --user=<user_name> --password db_name
Enter password: your_password
If it fails, connect and run this with the appropriate permissions:
create user db_name#localhost identified by 'db_name';
grant select on <user_name>.* to db_name#localhost;
Never mind :) I found the solution although did not find what the problem was only suspecting that the root was not having any schema privileges ( as shown by MySQL Workbench GUI).
Earlier I was using command line with which I am not well versed; after struggling a little I downloaded MySQL workbench and added one more user with all administrative and schema privileges and used that to connect with Database connector and God Damn!! it's working.

Extract mysql Database from CommandLine

I am using wamp server but something happend to it and now there is no way to make it come back to life. I only have access to mysql command line, and i have some important databases there.
How can i export the database using commandline?
please help.
mysqldump -h localhost --routines -u root -p dbname
If the mysql server is not behaving normally, you might have some corrupted tables. It happens usually after an unscheduled restart. mysqldump won't be able to export corrupted tables.
If the mysql server is running, try connecting to it using phpmyadmin and use the built in tools to fix and check the tables
if the mysql server fails to start, check the log files and use the mysql command line tools to fix the issues
myisamchk --silent --force --fast --update-state /var/lib/mysql/dbname/*.MYI
First try to connect to Mysql server using the command line
mysql -uUsername -p and press enter.This will prompt for password.Enter the mysql server password.
Then use the mysqlcheck command to repair the server in case corruption has occured
COmmand for mysql-check : mysqlcheck --repair --use-frm --all-databases
I think you can just copy the folders of the database to create a backup of MySQL databases.
Used to work.

Problem with a northwind database installation

I have a instnwnd.sql which is a script file for northwind database installation. I don't know how to install this database. I have tried the procedure http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms227484(v=vs.90).aspx but I could not succeed. The error comes out to be "The user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection" I read some where u can do it using query analyser, but what is the sql statement for that ?? Somebody please help me.
Thanks in anticipation
To overcome the "sa" problem I used this and it worked for me.
C:\Users\UserName>sqlcmd -E -i c:\path\to\instnwnd.sql
The website I got this from is
Install Northwind Database.
When you followed the instructions from the MSDN page, and you ran
osql -U sa -P [password] -i instnwnd.sql
you did see the note about replacing [password] with the actual administrative password you created when you installed SQL Server, right?
Note For [password], type the system administrator password that you
created earlier.
Just open the instnwnd.sql file (which is plain text) in Notepad, copy all the text, and paste it into the query window in SQL Server Management Studio. Then press F5 to run the SQL script.