How to programmatically create Ant Builder in Eclipse? - eclipse-plugin

I develop Eclipse plugin which should programmatically create Ant Builder for specified project.
The same way as using UI: Properties->Builders->New->Ant Builder.
I tried to find solution several weeks but without success.
Could anybody help me?

Following might not be the cleanest way of doing what you are asking, but works. This adds a builder called "MyBuilderName" to the project's builders. You then need to create a file called "MyBuilderName.launch" under the folder .externalToolBuilders under the project folder.
Make an Ant builder and check the file in .externalToolBuilders folder to see what it should look like.
IProjectDescription desc = project.getDescription();
ICommand[] commands = desc.getBuildSpec();
ICommand[] newcommands = new ICommand[commands.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(commands, 0, newcommands, 1, commands.length);
ICommand command = desc.newCommand();
newcommands[0] = command;
project.setDescription(desc, monitor);


How to fix third party dll include not being staged correctly by Unreal Build Tool?

I am using a pre-built C++ library in my Unreal project using a dynamic library file (let's say it's called MyPluginLib.dll). The library is contained in a plugin, let’s call it MyPlugin.
Building, packaging, playing in editor works fine. However, a packaged build doesn’t start, giving the following error: Code execution cannot proceed, MyPluginLib.dll was not found.
The packaging process places MyPluginLib.dll file in MyGame\Plugins\MyPlugin\Binaries. However, the execution process is seemingly looking for it in MyGame\Binaries – moving the library there manually solves this issue.
Why is the OS unable to find the dll in the first folder? Is there something wrong in the build.cs, or my folder structure?
The folder structure of the plugin folder is as follows:
Includes in Plugins\MyPlugin\Source\ThirdParty\MyPluginLib\
Binaries in Plugins\MyPlugin\Binaries\(PLATFORM)\
The plugin’s Build.cs looks like this:
public class MyPlugin : ModuleRules
public MyPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
string PluginRoot = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "..", ".."));
string PlatformString = Target.Platform.ToString();
string LibraryDirectory = Path.Combine(PluginRoot, "Binaries", PlatformString);
PublicIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(PluginRoot, "Source", "ThirdParty", "MyPluginLib"));
if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))
PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(LibraryDirectory, "MyPluginLib.lib"));
RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(LibraryDirectory, "MyPluginLib.dll"), StagedFileType.NonUFS);
else if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)
// linux binaries...
Would appreciate any help.
Check your packaged games files, unreal loves to not include certain thing in packaged builds regarding plugins.

Serenity BDD report generation

We are trying to generate reports for our tests using serenity BDD. But we couldn't find anything to help with report generation.If anyone is familiar with this,Please suggest any simple way to achieve this.
To generate a report you need to use apply plugin: 'net.serenity-bdd.aggregator' plugin in your build.gradle file. Also while executing your project use gradlew clean test aggregate command from your command line.
After execution you will find index.html report under \target\site\serenity
You can use the Groovy MarkUpBuilder and create customized reports for your use case. Basically, you'll need to create a markup builder instance in Groovy as below :
def xmlWriter = new FileWriter(file("${project.buildDir}/index.html"))
def xmlMarkup = new MarkupBuilder(xmlWriter)
Create custom tags using below sytax :
xmlMarkup.myCustomTag("Lorem Ipsum")
which will produce :
<myCustomTag>Lorem Ipsum</myCustomTag>
So, for a syntax like xmlMarkup.h1("Lorem Ipsum") you'll get the output as <h1>Lorem Ipsum</h1>
Then you can just create a gradle task which parses all the test outputs (xml or json) into HTML.
I had written an article about that in the past which you can find here

Plugin that runs tests based on file of user

I am developing a Plugin for IntelliJ for teaching purposes, where students write some code and the teacher can write tests and the students can run those tests and see if they are doing it all correctly. It would be great if I would get the file the user is writing in as a java class so that I can run the functions of that class from within another function and test it as if I would have written it.
What I have as of now:
In the Main Toolbar I have a button, where the students should be able to run the tests. I have a class that extends AnAction, now I have no Idea what I should write in it:
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) {
I have been going through the IntelliJ documentation for some time now and as by now I do not get any further. I sure hope that the experienced developers that can be found here can manybe give me a hint or two.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
If I understand correctly, the students would be programming within a project within IntelliJ?
Then you can get the path to the project that they are working on using the AnActionEvent event.
Project project = event.getProject();
String projectBasePath = project.getBasePath();
You could use this to send the entire src folder to your computer and do what it is that you need to do there?
But, it also sounds like you would want the students to run the test functions on their side via the plugin. In that case, one option that I know of is to again use the project.getBasePath(), or get them to select a file using a GUI, and then use ProcessBuilder to compile, run, test, etc their Java classes. You can run any Windows / shell command this way and pipe the output into the IDE, or your own tool window.
public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent event) {
Project project = event.getProject();
String projectBasePath = project.getBasePath();
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();;
pb.command("cmd", "/k", "javac src\*.java")
Process process = pb.start();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
int exitCode = process.waitFor();
System.out.println("\nExited with error code : " + exitCode);
... // anything else you need to do
Let me know if this makes sense - maybe I can help you out more if you give me more specific questions.

How do I generate the variation file for all assets

I'm new to Akeneo, and I discovered profile configuration for assets.
So I imported my YML in order to add asset transformations, and now, cli based, I can't find a command that allows me to generate the variation file for all assets. I saw the command to do that asset by asset and channel by channel, but I need to do that for all of them.
Do you know how I can manage to do that ? I already tried pim:asset:generate-missing-variation-files but that didn't change anything
There is no built-in command to do that, however you could develop a very simple command to achieve this.
You can use the pimee_product_asset.finder.asset service to call retrieveVariationsNotGenerated() in order to retrieve every variation that are not yet genreated, then finally use the pimee_product_asset.variation_file_generator to generate the variation with generate().
Not tested code, but this would be like that:
$finder = $this->get('pimee_product_asset.finder.asset');
$generator = $this->get('pimee_product_asset.variation_file_generator');
$variations = $finder->retrieveVariationsNotGenerated();
foreach ($variations as $variation) {

Code coverage in SimpleTest

Is there any way to generate code coverage report when using SimpleTest similar to PHPUnit.
I have read the documentation of SimpleTest on their website but can not find a clear way on how to do it!
I came across this website that says
we can add require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/coverage.php')
to the intended file and it should generate the report, but it did not work!
If there is a helpful website on how to generate code coverage, please share it here.
Thanks alot.
I could not get it to work in the officially supported way either, but here is something I got working that I was able to hack together by examining their code. This works for v1.1.7 of SimpleTest, not their master code. At the time of this writing v1.1.7 is the latest release, and works with new versions of PHP 7, even though it is an old release.
First off you have to make sure you have Xdebug installed, configured, and working. On my system there is both a CLI and Apache version of the php.ini file that have to be configured properly depending on if I am trying to use PHP through Apache or just directly from the terminal. There are alternatives to Xdebug, but most people us Xdebug.
Then, you have to make the PHP_CodeCoverage library accessible from your code. I recommend adding it to your project as a composer package.
Now you just have to manually use that library to capture code coverage and generate a report. How exactly you do that will depend on how you run your tests. Personally, I run my tests on the terminal, and I have a bootstrap file that php runs before it starts the script. At the end of the bootstrap file, I include the SimpleTest autorun file so it will automatically run the tests in any test classes that get included like so:
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/simpletest/simpletest/autorun.php';
Somewhere inside your bootstrap file you will need to create a filter, whitelist the directories and files you want to get reported, create a coverage object and pass in the filter to the constructor, start coverage, and create and register a shutdown function that will change the way SimpleTest executes the tests to make sure it also stops the coverage and generates the coverage report. Your bootstrap file might look something like this:
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$filter = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter();
$coverage = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage(null, $filter);
$coverage->start('<name of test>');
function shutdownWithCoverage($coverage)
$autorun = function_exists('\run_local_tests'); // provided by simpletest
if ($autorun) {
$result = \run_local_tests(); // this actually runs the tests
$writer = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html\Facade;
$writer->process($coverage, __DIR__.'/tmp/code-coverage-report');
if ($autorun) {
// prevent tests from running twice:
exit($result ? 0 : 1);
register_shutdown_function('\shutdownWithCoverage', $coverage);
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/simpletest/simpletest/autorun.php';
It took me some time to figure out, as - to put it mildly - the documentation for this feature is not really complete.
Once you have your test suite up and running, just include these lines before the lines that are actually running it:
require_once ('simpletest/extensions/coverage/coverage.php');
require_once ('simpletest/extensions/coverage/coverage_reporter.php');
$coverage = new CodeCoverage();
$coverage->log = 'coverage/log.sqlite'; // This folder should exist
$coverage->includes = ['.*\.php$']; // Modify these as you wish
$coverage->excludes = ['simpletest.*']; // Or it is even better to use a setting file
$coverage->maxDirectoryDepth = '1';
Then run your tests, for instance:
$test = new ProjectTests(); //It is an extension of the class TestSuite
$test->run(new HtmlReporter());
Finally generate your reports
$handler = new CoverageDataHandler($coverage->log);
$report = new CoverageReporter();
$report->reportDir = 'coverage/report'; // This folder should exist
$report->title = 'Code Coverage Report';
$report->coverage = $handler->read();
$report->untouched = $handler->readUntouchedFiles();
$report->summaryFile = $report->reportDir . '/index.html';
And that's it. Based on your setup, you might need to make some small adjustment to make it work. For instance, if you are using the autorun.php from simpletest, that might be a bit more tricky.