Connectivity between and Ms-access -

I wanted to know, could we establish database connectivity using VB.Net 2005 and MS-access 2007?
If yes then, how could we do that? I am looking for the whole procedure.
If no then, why can't we do that?
Thank you!

It depends on what you're trying to do. VSTO fully supports VB.Net as well as Access 2007. You can also use the Office Data Access install to enable direct access from ADO.NET to .mdb and .accdb files (as well as Excel spreadsheets).


Storing data in Excel using VB6.0 and then fetching the results to display in text box

I am trying to make an application in VB6.0 using MS Excel as database. I have some textboxes on my VB Form to take input from user. I want to store those values in an Excel file. There will be another form where I want to retrieve the values from Excel and display it in textbox/labels.
Can I use SQL queries for inserting/retrieving the values while using Excel as database?
I just need a sample code for understanding the process. Rest I will try to manage.
Thanks in advance.
It's a poor idea.
While you can treat an Excel workbook as a data source via the Jet IISAM or ODBC Desktop Driver this is really meant for simple importing and exporting and has numerous limitations.
Save yourself some grief and just use Jet 4.0 to create and make use of MDB files. No MS Access is required, Jet 4.0 comes preinstalled and has for a rather long time now.

Import csv file to access database using visual basic

I'm very new to visual studio and visual basic.
I already studied the basics of visual basic so I tried stepping up a little and play with database in visual basic. I'm using visual studio 2010.
I first made an access database. I followed the instructions that I searched on the net on how to connect it to your visual basic program. Data>Show Data Source>Add Data Source> ...
But when I search on how to do it, I became really confuse because of these things:
Is vba and vb the same?
all the tutorials are for access but why do they still need to have a stringconnection when they already connect it using what I did?
they are searching for .mdb but the extension of my access database is .accdb?
they have an sql query for inserting the datas from the csv file but the pc that will be using the program don't have sql installed but mysql. Will it still work?
I'm still noob in these things so please if anyone can shed some light in these questions, thank you very much. >.<
VBA and VB 6.0 are almost the same. Main difference is that VBA is intended to be host in application like Excel, Word ....
BUT language you probably use with VS 2010 is VB.NET and that is something different. VB.NET is object oriented language which target .NET Runtime and Framewor. See Difference between Visual Basic 6.0 and VBA
Connection string is a string that specifies information about a data source and the means of connecting to it.
In .NET this describe (or can) path or location, provider, credentials and other informations. See MSDN Connection string in .NET
If I'm correct MDB is older format and ACCDB is format used by Microsoft Office Access 2007 and newer. Here is post how to connect to access db file: SQL connection string for microsoft access 2010 .accdb
But do you realy need to use acess database? There are better alternatives.
There is no need of real database engine for your scenario. You wanna to use standalone file as a datasource, dataprovider will be responsible for interaction with datasource. E.g. OleDB provider

Access 2010 connection string from without using the Access 2007 database engine

I have a program using an Access 2010 database. Thus far, I have been using the Access 2007 database engine and connection string as:
ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=MyDB.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=MyPassword"
This works fine but it requires the 32 bit Access 2007 database engine, which will not allow some 64 bit installations to be installed. Therefore, I am looking for the connection string that will work with Access 2010 and not require the Access 2007 DB runtime.
I have searched the web and this forum, and they all say to install the Access 2007 DB engine, which is exactly what I want to get away from.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks much!
Short answer: You can't.
There is no (practical) way to access an .accdb database without using the Access Database Engine.

Access database "Corrupt" in 2007; opens in 2010

I have an accdb database that is used by multiple individuals and stored on a network share. When opened in Acccess 2007 the following message appears:
Cannot open database "\\databasepath\filename.accdb". It may not be a database that your application recognizes or the file may be corrupt
Access 2010 opens the database with no problems.
What is the most common cause of this issue? I searched for database repair tools and can't find any Microsoft tools for accdb files (JetCompact didn't do it). I ran a compact and repair via Access 2010, did a save as locally and then copied it over to the share - no effect.
Other than magically upgrading all my users to Access 2010 (which won't happen) I'm in the dark here.
You may have some features you're using in 2010 that aren't supported in 2007.
Look here for more info.
Most likely someone opened it in 2010, edited your report and saved the change. This will break 2007 every time. 2010 is NOT backwards compatible with 2007
I would make a back-up, make another back-up and then first try importing all but the tables that contain attachments into a new database.
you can also check this:

Accessing (read only) a Firebird database with MS Access 2007

I would like to know how to read information stored in a Firebird Database and use it in an MS Access 2007 application that I'm about to write. The Firebird database will not be updated via MS Access 2007.
This is a real problem, and you're not the only one asking. Access has native support for ODBC, which is ok for getting things in and out, except when the ODBC driver is dodgy. Near as I can tell, there really isn't a concept of OLEDB interfaces in Access, and it appears doubtful that you "can get there from here". Believe me, if I do find an answer, I'll be back here in a heartbeat to update this post.
Thought it is very late to response...I have started learning firebird with ms access since last 6 month, as I am not a programmer nor I have any degree in computer. Finally I have successed to configure all things in firebird and link table with ms access.
Basically I created all the table with flamerobbin GUI tool, created generator and trigger. last link with obdc driver with ms access as linktable.
In ms access I created relationship of required tables and created forms as link vs child. Now everything is working fine.
Most error come due to null constraint. However if one has created all triggers and generator he will face no issue.
I am very impress by the Firebird database as it the best of the best tool and easiest as well.