How do I recreate a VIEW as a local table in SQL Server? - sql

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and have access to a bunch of views without the original tables that the view depends on. I have copied some data from this view into a file and would like to import it into a database that I locally created to do some analysis.
The brute-force way of doing this is to manually write down the CREATE TABLE statement looking at the columns in the view but is there a better way to get the CREATE or CREATE VIEW statement that I can directly use to recreate a similar table in my localhost?

Create a linked server in your localhost to this server. Then use (while connected to localhost)
SELECT * INTO NewTableName FROM LinkedServer.DBName.SchemaName.View
and a new table in your current DB in localhost would be created.

What I typically prefer to do is use SSIS for data transforms. The first step in the package would be to grab the definition using a SELECT INTO ... WHERE 1=0 so that it doesn't bring over any data and minimizes the locking time (SELECT INTO's result in database wide locks). Then once you have the resulting table with the source view's definition, then copy the data over.
If you're afraid the view's definition can change, stick with an INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM SQL task. Otherwise, save the definition that you retrieved from the SQL above and create the table (if it does not already exist). Then use a data flow task to transfer the data over.
With either of these approaches, you avoid the potential double hop scenario (if you're using Windows authentication). It's also reusable in a SQL agent job if you need to do this periodically. Otherwise, it may be a little overkill.
Or you can just run the first part in SSMS but I definitely recommend using the WHERE 1=0 then using an INSERT INTO rather than a straight SELECT INTO. Again, to minimize database locking.


Getting data from different database on different server with one SQL Server query

Server1: Prod, hosting DB1
Server2: Dev hosting DB2
Is there a way to query databases living on 2 different server with a same select query? I need to bring all the new rows from Prod to dev, using a query
like below. I will be using SQL Server DTS (import export data utility)to do this thing.
Insert into Dev.db1.table1
Select *
from Prod.db1.table1
where table1.PK not in (Select table1.PK from Dev.db1.table1)
Creating a linked server is the only approach that I am aware of for this to occur. If you are simply trying to add all new rows from prod to dev then why not just create a backup of that one particular table and pull it into the dev environment then write the query from the same server and database?
Granted this is a one time use and a pain for re-occuring instances but if it is a one time thing then I would recommend doing that. Otherwise make a linked server between the two.
To backup a single table in SQL use the SQl Server import and export wizard. Select the prod database as your datasource and then select only the prod table as your source table and make a new table in the dev environment for your destination table.
This should get you what you are looking for.
You say you're using DTS; the modern equivalent would be SSIS.
Typically you'd use a data flow task in an SSIS package to pull all the information from the live system into a staging table on the target, then load it from there. This is a pretty standard operation when data warehousing.
There are plenty of different approaches to save you copying all the data across (e.g. use a timestamp, use rowversion, use Change Data Capture, make use of the fact your primary key only ever gets bigger, etc. etc.) Or you could just do what you want with a lookup flow directly in SSIS...
The best approach will depend on many things: how much data you've got, what data transfer speed you have between the servers, your key types, etc.
When your servers are all in one Active Directory, and when you use Windows Authentification, then all you need is an account which has proper rights on all the databases!
You can then simply reference all tables like server.database.schema.table
For example:
insert into server1.db1.dbo.tblData1 (...)
select ... from server2.db2.dbo.tblData2;

Keeping temp tables in memory after switching servers?

How can I get #tempTable to stay in memory after switching servers. Is this possible?
Select *
into #tempTable
from dbo.table
I have data in server 1 that I want to compare in server 2, but I only have readonly access to server 2 (so I can't just move my data there), and the table in server 2 is too big to move to server 1. This is why I want to know how to keep a temp table in memory after connecting to a new server.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
What you write is possible, but it just creates a temporary table on the server where the table is.
You probably want:
select *
into #Server2Table
from server2.database.dbo.table
You can then use #Server2Table in additional queries on the same connection where you copied it (such as the same window in SSMS or the same job step or the same stored procedure). If you need it in a more permanent location, either use a global temporary table (starts with ##) or a "real" table.
This requires the ability to link servers, using something like:
sp_addlinkedserver server2
You would run this on server1. Perhaps your DBA will need to set it up.
I have found that queries often run faster when loading cross-server tables into a temporary table. This is not because temporary tables are stored in memory. This is because there is more information available about a table on a local server for the SQL optimizer to take advantage of.
You could export the data from your query and import that into a database on your first server. You can use the SQL server import/export wizard. Bit convoluted, but if this happens a lot you can use SSIS to automate this move or even simply tick the 'Save this package' box. Once you have the data in your first server you can do whatever you like with it.

Bulk Insert from table to table

I am implementing an A/B/View scenario, meaning that the View points to table A, while table B is updated, then a switch occurs and the view points to table B while table A is loaded.
The switch occurs daily. There are millions of rows to update and thousands of users looking at the view. I am on SQL Server 2012.
My questions are:
how do I insert data into a table from another table in the fastest possible way? (within a stored proc)
Is there any way to use BULK INSERT? Or, is using regular insert/select the fastest way to go?
You could to a Select ColA, ColB into DestTable_New From SrcTable. Once DestTable_New is loaded, recreate indexes and constraints.
Then rename DestTable to DestTable_Old and rename DestTable_New to DestTable. Renaming is extremly quick. If something turns out to have gone wrong, you also have a backup of the previous table close by (DestTable_Old).
I did this scenario once where we had to have the system running 24/7 and needed to load tens of millions of rows each day.
I'd be inclined to use SSIS.
Make table A an OLEDB source and table B an OLEDB destination. You will bypass the transaction log so reduce the load on the DB. The only way (I can think of) to do this using T-SQL is to change the recovery model for your entire database, which is far from ideal because it means no transactions are stored, not just the ones for your transfer.
Setting up SSIS Transfer
Create a new project and drag a dataflow task to your design surface
Double click on your dataflow task which will take you through to the Data Flow tab. Then drag and drop an OLE DB source from the "Data flow Sources" menu, and an OLE DB destination from the "Data flow Destinations" menu
Double click on the OLE DB source, set up the connection to your server, choose the table you want to load from and click OK. Drag the green arrow from the OLE DB source to the destination then double click on the destination. Set up your connection manager, destination table name and column mappings and you should be good to go.
OLE DB Source docs on MSDN
OLE DB Destination docs on MSDN
You could do the
SELECT fieldnames
INTO DestinationTable
FROM SourceTable
as a couple answers suggest, that should be as fast as it can get (depending on how many indexes you'd need to recreate, etc).
But I would suggest using synonyms in order to change the pointer from one table to another. They're very transparent and in my opinion, cleaner than updating the view, or renaming tables.
I know the question is old, but I was hunting for an answer to the same question and didn't find anything really helpful. Yes the SSIS approach is a possibility, but the question wanted a stored proc.
To my delight I have discovered (almost) the solution that the original question wanted; you can do it with a CLR SP.
Select the data from TableA into a DataTable and then use the WriteToServer(DataTable dt) method of the SqlBulkCopy class with TableB as the DestinationTableName.
The only slight drawback is that the CLR procedure must use external access in order to use SqlBulkCopy, and does not work with context connection, so you need to fiddle a little bit with permissions and connection strings. But hey! nothing is ever perfect.
INSERT... SELECT... functions fairly similarly to BULK INSERT. You could use SSIS, like #GarethD says, but that might be overly complex if you're just copying rows from table1 to table2.
If you are copying serious quantities of data, keep an eye on the transaction log -- it can bloat up pretty fast when doing huge inserts. One work-around is to "chunkify" the data you are inserting, by looping over an insert statment that processes, say, only 100,000 or 10,000 rows a time (depends on how wide your rows are, i.e. how many MB per pass).
(Just curious, are you doing ALTER VIEW to reset the view? I did something similar once, though we had to have four tables and four views to support past/present/next/swap sets.)
You can simply do like this
select * into A from B Where [criteria]
This shall select the data from B, based on the criteria and shall insert it into A, provided the columns are same or you can specify column names instead of *.

Table Variables in SSIS

In one SQL Task can I create a table variable
DELCARE #TableVar TABLE (...)
Then in another SQL Task or DataSource destination and select or insert into the table variable?
The other option I have considered is using a Temp Table.
CREATE TABLE #TempTable (...)
I would prefer to use Table Variable so that it remains in memory. But can use temp table if it is not possible to use table variable. Also I cannot use the record set destination as I need to preform straight SQL tasks on it later on.
The use case that this is trying to solve is essentially performing a transformation in the stead of BizTalk. There is a very large flat file to flat file transformation that BizTalk has to transform unfortunately the data volume would produce unacceptable load on the BizTalk server so the idea is to off load it to SSIS. However, it is not a simple row to row transformation, there are different types of rows which have relations to each other. The first task in SSIS is to load the row into appropriate (temp) tables, then in the second data task a select is preformed with the correct format for output.
You could use some of the techniques in this post:
especially the ones about using RetainSameConnection=TRUE on the connection manager.
I would be interested to see more information about what use case you have that requires you to write out data to a temp table or table variable before further SSIS processing. Couldn't you take care of all of the SQL required steps in your source query before you start processing the dataflow with SSIS?
Table variables are not kept solely in memory and can be written to disk under memory pressure. I tend to use table variables for very small lookups. If you Need to push a table into SQL Server due to necessary and complex transformations, then use a 'permanent' temp table that is truncated within the SSIS package prior to insert. Simple and will get what you need done.
The SSIS package would be run in a job. I assume it runs inside a SQL job. In that case, using a temp table won't harm. SQL Jobs are generally run after office hours so it does not matter.

Few questions from a Java programmer regarding porting preexisting database which is stored in .txt file to mySQL?

I've been writing a Library management Java app lately, and, up until now, the main Library database is stored in a .txt file which was later converted to ArrayList in Java for creating and editing the database and saving the alterations back to the .txt file again. A very primitive method indeed. Hence, having heard on SQL later on, I'm considering to port my preexisting .txt database to mySQL. Since I've absolutely no idea how SQL and specifically mySQL works, except for the fact that it can interact with Java code. Can you suggest me any books/websites to visit/buy? Will the book Head First with SQL ever help? especially when using Java code to interact with the SQL database? It should be mentioned that I'm already comfortable with using 3rd Party APIs.
View from 30,000 feet:
First, you'll need to figure out how to represent the text file data using the appropriate SQL tables and fields. Here is a good overview of the different SQL data types. If your data represents a single Library record, then you'll only need to create 1 table. This is definitely the simplest way to do it, as conversion will be able to work line-by-line. If the records contain a LOT of data duplication, the most appropriate approach is to create multiple tables so that your database doesn't duplicate data. You would then link these tables together using IDs.
When you've decided how to split up the data, you create a MySQL database, and within that database, you create the tables (a database is just something that holds multiple tables). Connecting to your MySQL server with the console and creating a database and tables is described in this MySQL tutorial.
Once you've got the database created, you'll need to write the code to access the database. The link from OMG Ponies shows how to use JDBC in the simplest way to connect to your database. You then use that connection to create Statement object, execute a query to insert, update, select or delete data. If you're selecting data, you get a ResultSet back and can view the data. Here's a tutorial for using JDBC to select and use data from a ResultSet.
Your first code should probably be a Java utility that reads the text file and inserts all the data into the database. Once you have the data in place, you'll be able to update the main program to read from the database instead of the file.
Know that the connection between a program and a SQL database is through a 'connection program'. You write an instruction in an SQL statement, say
Select * from Customer order by name;
and then set up to retrieve data one record at a time. Or in the other direction, you write
Insert into Customer (name, addr, ...) values (x, y, ...);
and either replace x, y, ... with actual values or bind them to the connection according to the interface.
With this understanding you should be able to read pretty much any book or JDBC API description and get started.