How to make use of SQL (Oracle) to count the size of a string? - sql

i was wondering if there was a function in Oracle to count the number of character size in Oracle, i.e. given "Burger", the SQL returns 6.
i.e. select XXX('Burger') from DUAL;

You can use LENGTH() for CHAR / VARCHAR2 and DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH() for CLOB. Both functions will count actual characters (not bytes).
See the linked documentation if you do need bytes.

you need length() function
select length(customer_name) from ar.ra_customers

The length function will do it. See

Regarding to Your example
select length('Burger') from dual;
I hope this will help :)


How to get maximum size used by a string in Hive?

I want to know the maximum length a particular string column is taking.
I tried taking the approached mentioned here :
how to get the max size used by a field in table but did not work in Hive
but that did not work in Hive.
In that example they use len, use length instead:
select max(length(mycolumn)) from mytable;
This works fine in hive QL.
multiple ways to check length of column in where clause as well:
select max(length(column_name)),min(length(column_name)) from table_name where length(column_name)<15
Here, checked column length with max and min values. Also use where clause if checking column length lesser than 15

How to find values with certain number of decimal places using SQL?

I'm trying to figure out a way, using SQL, to query for values that go out to, say, 5 or more decimal places. In other words, I want to see only results that have 5+ decimal places (e.g. 45.324754) - the numbers before the decimal are irrelevant, however, I still need to see the full number. Is this possible? Any help if appreciated.
Assuming your DBMS supports FLOOR and your datatype conversion model supports this multiplication, you can do this:
FROM Table
WHERE FLOOR(Num*100000)!=Num*100000
This has the advantage of not requiring a conversion to a string datatype.
On SQL Server, you can specify:
FROM Table
WHERE Value <> ROUND(Value,4,1);
For an ANSI method, you can use:
FROM Table
WHERE Value <> CAST(Value*100000.0 AS INT) / 100000.0;
Although this method might cause an overflow if you're working with large numbers.
I imagine most DBMSs have a round function
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourCol <> ROUND(YourCol,4)
This worked for me in SQL Server:
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourValue LIKE '%._____%';
select val
from tablename
where length(substr(val,instr(val, '.')+1)) > 5
This is a way to do it in oracle using substr and instr
You can use below decode statement to identify maximum decimal present in database table
SELECT max(decode(INSTR(val,'.'), 0, 0, LENGTH(SUBSTR(val,INSTR(val,'.')+1)))) max_decimal
FROM tablename A;

SQL Query - Greater Than with Text Data Type

I've searched around and couldn't find an answer anywhere.
I'm querying a database that has stored numbers as a VARCHAR2 data type. I'm trying to find numbers that are greater than 1450000 (where BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'), but this doesn't bring back the results I'm expecting.
I'm assuming it's because the value is stored as text and I don't know any way to get around it.
Is there some way to convert the field to a number in my query or some other trick that would work?Hopefully this makes sense.
I'm fairly new to SQL.
Thanks in advance.
If the number is too long to be converted correctly to a number, and it is always an integer with no left padding of zeroes, then you can also do:
where length(BI_SO_NBR) > length('1450000') or
(length(BI_SO_NBR) = length('1450000') and
BI_SO_NBR > '1450000'
You can try to use like this:
where to_number(BI_SO_NBR) > 1450000
Assuming you are using Oracle database. Also check To_Number function
You can try this(after OP commented that it worked):
where COALESCE(TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(BI_SO_NBR, '^\d+(\.\d+)?')), 0) > 1450000
If you are talking about Oracle, then:
where to_number(bi_so_nbr) > 1450000
However, there are 2 issues with this:
1. if there is any value in bi_so_nbr that cannot be converted to a number, this can result in an error
2. the query will not use an index on bi_so_nbr, if there is one. You could solve this by creating a function based index, but converting the varchar2 to number would be a better solution.

Find first non-zero in a numeric string

I have a char(12) column with data such as:
And I need to convert it to this:
My initial thought is to use string manipulation, such as CHARINDEX. However, I would need to search from left-to-right for the first occurrence of NOT 0. How can I accomplish this in SQL Server?
By the way, why did you store tha data in char? but to answer your question, try this,
SELECT CAST('999999999999' AS NUMERIC(12,0))
SQLFiddle Demo
If we talk about numeric data, it is sufficient to do cast(column as int) or as any other numeric data type.

Convert HashBytes to VarChar

I want to get the MD5 Hash of a string value in SQL Server 2005. I do this with the following command:
SELECT HashBytes('MD5', 'HelloWorld')
However, this returns a VarBinary instead of a VarChar value. If I attempt to convert 0x68E109F0F40CA72A15E05CC22786F8E6 into a VarChar I get há ðô§*à\Â'†øæ instead of 68E109F0F40CA72A15E05CC22786F8E6.
Is there any SQL-based solution?
I have found the solution else where:
SELECT SUBSTRING(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HashBytes('MD5', 'HelloWorld')), 3, 32)
SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32),HashBytes('MD5', 'Hello World'),2)
Use master.dbo.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, HashBytes('SHA1', #input), 1, 0) instead of master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr and then substringing the result.
In fact fn_varbintohexstr calls fn_varbintohexsubstring internally. The first argument of fn_varbintohexsubstring tells it to add 0xF as the prefix or not. fn_varbintohexstr calls fn_varbintohexsubstring with 1 as the first argument internaly.
Because you don't need 0xF, call fn_varbintohexsubstring directly.
Contrary to what David Knight says, these two alternatives return the same response in MS SQL 2008:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(32),HashBytes('MD5', 'Hello World'),2)
SELECT UPPER(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, HashBytes('MD5', 'Hello World'), 1, 0))
So it looks like the first one is a better choice, starting from version 2008.
convert(varchar(34), HASHBYTES('MD5','Hello World'),1)
(1 for converting hexadecimal to string)
convert this to lower and remove 0x from the start of the string by substring:
substring(lower(convert(varchar(34), HASHBYTES('MD5','Hello World'),1)),3,32)
exactly the same as what we get in C# after converting bytes to string
With personal experience of using the following code within a Stored Procedure which Hashed a SP Variable I can confirm, although undocumented, this combination works 100% as per my example:
#var=SUBSTRING(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HashBytes('SHA2_512', #SPvar)), 3, 128)
Changing the datatype to varbinary seems to work the best for me.