how to combined multiple Handshake messages to a record in java? - ssl

used java code to request a https site, do tcpdump and find "Client Key Exchange, Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message" will be set to two records:
1. Client Key Exchange
2. Change Cipher Spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
how to combined these three Handshake messages to a record in java?

Why do you care how those are put on the wire? Are you trying to save just a few bytes or have a legitimate real reason for that?
I don't know the specifics of Java's implementation and whether you can influence it through config/params, but from the TLS protocol perspective, it doesn't make any difference how you send handshake messages on the wire. In the case of separate records, you just send some extra bytes, that's all.
Furthermore, for those three in particular, they cannot be combined in a single record and there is a reason for that. The ClientKeyExchange is a plaintext message, so it goes into a record. The ChangeCipherSpec is not a handshake message, rather a record type, therefore it cannot go into the same record as the CKE. Since CCS is a record type on its own, you need to follow it with another handshake message wrapped into a record, therefore you see 3 separate records. Also, the Finished message is encrypted, so you need to add a MAC at the record layer, and cannot be combined with plaintext handshake messages into the same record.
I hope this clears it up a bit.


How are the random numbers in SSL obfuscated to prevent a third party from generating the same master key?

My understanding of how SSL works:
The client sends a hello message containing the SSL version number, supported key, cipher and hash methods, and a randomly generated number.
Server replies selecting the key, cipher and hash methods, a randomly generated number, and its certificate.
Client and server generate a master key based on above randomly generated number(s).
Client request change cipher, server replies change cipher, and they are now both encrypted with the master key.
My question is that wouldn't a third party (eg man in the middle) be able to intercept the initial hello messages, use the intercepted randomly generated numbers and figure out the master key, and thereby able to figure out what the rest of the messages are for the entirety of the connection? Thanks!
SSL can encrypt your message and traffic.
If man in the middle able to intercept, he'll see an encrypted message but not danger because that's hash function a way.
Good luck!
By #Jackie

How to handle EAGAIN case for TLS over SCTP streams using memory BIO interface

I'm using BIO memory interface to have TLS implemented over SCTP.
So at the client side, while sending out application data,
SSL_write() api encrypts the data and writes data to the associated write BIO interface.
Then the data from BIO interface is read to a output buffer using BIO_read() call and then
send out to the socket using sctp_sendmsg() api.
Similarly at the server side, while reading data from socket
sctp_recvmsg() api reads ecrypted message chunks from socket,
BIO_write() api writes it to the read BIO buffer, and
SSL_read() api decrypts the data read from the BIO.
The case i'm interested at is where at client side, steps 1 and 2 are done, and while doing 3, i get an EAGAIN from the socket. So whatever data i've read from the BIO buffer, i clean it up, and ask application to resend the data again after some time.
Now when i do this, and later when steps 1, 2 and 3 at client side goes through fine, at the server side, openssl finds it that the record that it received has got a a bad_record_mac and closes the connection.
From googling i came to know that one possibility for it to happen is if TLS packets comes out of sequence, as MAC encoding has dependency on the previous packet encoded, and, TLS needs to have the packets delivered in the same order. So when i was cleaning up the data on EAGAIN i am dropping an SSL packet and then sending a next packet which is out of order (missing clarity here) ?
Just to make sure of my hypothesis, whenever the socket returned EAGAIN, i made the code change to do an infinite wait till the socket was writeable and then everything goes fine and i dont see any bad_record_mac at server side.
Can someone help me here with this EAGAIN handling ? I can't do an infinite wait to get around the issue, is there any other way out ?
... i get an EAGAIN from the socket. So whatever data i've read from the BIO buffer, i clean it up, and ask application to resend the data again after some time.
If you get an EAGAIN on the socket you should try to send the same encrypted data later.
What you do instead is to throw the encrypted data away and ask the application to send the same plain data again. This means that these data get encrypted again. But encrypting plain data in SSL also includes a sequence number of the SSL frame and this sequence number is not the same as for the last SSL frame you throw away.
Thus, if you have thrown away the full SSL frame you are trying to send a new SSL frame with the next sequence number which does not fit the expected sequence number. If you've succeeded to send part of the previous SSL frame and thew away the rest then the new data you send will be considered part of the previous frame which means that the HMAC of the frame will not match.
Thus, don't throw away the encrypted data but try to resent these instead of letting the upper layer resent the plain data.
Select for writability.
Repeat the send.
If the send was incomplete, remove the part of the buffer that got sent and go to (1).
So whatever data i've read from the BIO buffer, i clean it up
I don't know what this means. You're sending, not receiving.
Just to make sure of my hypothesis, whenever the socket returned EAGAIN, i made the code change to do an infinite wait till the socket was writeable and then everything goes fine and i dont see any bad_record_mac at server side.
That's exactly what you should do. I can't imagine what else you could possibly have been doing instead, and your description of it doesn't make any sense.

Details of SSL communication

I have been trying to find out exactly how SSL works, and have found descriptions of the packet sequence that starts the conversation, but not how requests are processed. Here is a link to an example showing the initial handshake:
Once communication is established, both sides are sharing a private session key which is updated every so often. I would like to know details on:
I assume that an attacker cannot just replicate an observed packet and execute it multiple times? This is a so-called replay attack.
How is encryption done using AES-256? If both sides simply applied the algorithm, then a replay attack would work. So I assume there is some kind of chaining so that each packet uses different encryption.
The session key switches every interval (like once every 30 or 60 minutes. How does this exchange work? What messages are exchanged, and what happens if a method is sent before the exchange that arrives after the switch?
The underlying mechanism most recently is TLS 1.2. Is this the same for SSL and SSH, or are the two protocols different?
An explanation is always good but a link to relevant documentation would also be extremely helpful. If these interlocking parts are too much, I can split out into a separate question, but there is a lot of overlapping information in the above sections.
I assume that an attacker cannot just replicate an observed packet and execute it multiple times? This is a so-called replay attack.
Correct. TLS is immune from replay attacks.
How is encryption done using AES-256? If both sides simply applied the algorithm, then a replay attack would work. So I assume there is some kind of chaining so that each packet uses different encryption.
There is chaining, and sequence numbers, and also a MAC for each message.
The session key switches every interval (like once every 30 or 60 minutes. How does this exchange work? What messages are exchanged
Another ClientHello with the same sessionID, and an 'abbreviated handshake' after that, that changes the session key. Details in RFC 2246.
and what happens if a method is sent before the exchange that arrives after the switch?
The switch is by mutual agreement, and any message that arrives before the same sender's ChangeCipherSpec message is decrypted under the old parameters.
The underlying mechanism most recently is TLS 1.2. Is this the same for SSL and SSH, or are the two protocols different?
They are different.

Why does the TLS heartbeat extension allow user supplied data?

The heartbeat protocol requires the other end to reply with the same data that was sent to it, to know that the other end is alive. Wouldn't sending a certain fixed message be simpler? Is it to prevent some kind of attack?
At least the size of the packet seems to be relevant, because according to RFC6520, 5.1 the heartbeat message will be used with DTLS (e.g. TLS over UDP) for PMTU discovery - in which cases it needs messages of different sizes. Apart from that it might be simply modelled after ICMP ping, where you can also specify the payload content for no reason.
Just like with ICMP Ping, the idea is to ensure you can match up a "pong" heartbeat response you received with whichever "ping" heartbeat request you made. Some packets may get lost or arrive out of order and if you send the requests fast enough and all the response contents are the same, there's no way to tell which of your requests were answered.
One might think, "WHO CARES? I just got a response; therefore, the other side is alive and well, ready to do my bidding :D!" But what if the response was actually for a heartbeat request 10 minutes ago (an extreme case, maybe due to the server being overloaded)? If you just sent another heartbeat request a few seconds ago and the expected responses are the same for all (a "fixed message"), then you would have no way to tell the difference.
A timely response is important in determining the health of the connection. From RFC6520 page 3:
... after a number of retransmissions without
receiving a corresponding HeartbeatResponse message having the
expected payload, the DTLS connection SHOULD be terminated.
By allowing the requester to specify the return payload (and assuming the requester always generates a unique payload), the requester can match up a heartbeat response to a particular heartbeat request made, and therefore be able to calculate the round-trip time, expiring the connection if appropriate.
This of course only makes much sense if you are using TLS over a non-reliable protocol like UDP instead of TCP.
So why allow the requester to specify the length of the payload? Couldn't it be inferred?
See this excellent answer:
... seems to be part of an attempt at genericity and coherence. In the SSL/TLS standard, all messages follow regular encoding rules, using a specific presentation language. No part of the protocol "infers" length from the record length.
One gain of not inferring length from the outer structure is that it makes it much easier to include optional extensions afterwards. This was done with ClientHello messages, for instance.
In short, YES, it could've been, but for consistency with existing format and for future proofing, the size is spec'd out so that other data can follow the same message.

How to wait for entire buffer to arrive in a SSL connection

I am implementing a client server program, in which the client sends HTTP messages to the server. It can be both HTTP or HTTPS
In case of large messages, like file transfer using HTTP, the client sends the whole message at one go, whereas it reaches the server in multiple fragments( the network does it). I wait for the entire message to come, and keep merging it so that I get the whole message. Content length is found using a parameter I send in the HTTP message.
But in the case of HTTPS there is no way to know if the enitre message has arrived.
If i decrypt the fragment, it returns junk values. I think that is because, the whole encrypted message must be joined before decrypting it.
How is it possible to identify if the entire message has arrived in HTTPs
I am using SSL library and using windows sockets.
SSL encrypts plain data into blocks and then those blocks are transmitted individually to the other party. The receiver needs to read the raw socket data and pump it into the SSL decryption engine as it arrives. When the engine has enough bytes for a given block, it decrypts that block and outputs the plain data for just that block. So you simply keep reading socket data and pumping it into the decryption engine, buffering whatever plain data is outputted, until you encounter a decrypted <CRLF><CRLF> sequence denoting the end of the HTTP message headers, then you process those headers to determine whether the HTTP message body is present and how it is encoded. If a message body is present, keep reading socket data, pumping it into the decryption engine, and buffering the output plain data, until you encounter the end of the message body. RFC 2616 Section 4.4 - "Message Length" describes how to determine the encoding of the HTTP message body (after decryption is applied) and what condition terminates the message body.
In other words, you are not supposed to look for the end of an encrypted socket message. You are supposed to decrypt everything you receive until you detect the end of the decrypted HTTP message.