blur event for mobile web applications - onblur

I'm creating a mobile web application that will run on webkit browsers. The thing is I have a textbox, whose value needs to be validated after the user has typed in some value.
Is there a blur event for input elements in mobile browsers? I've tried searching for it on the web, but couldn't find the right reference.


Change Google Custom Search layout from mobile to desktop?

I am currently developing a website that uses Google Custom Search and need to do some heavy CSS customisations. The thing is that I need it to be consistent between desktop and mobile layouts, as currently it is working fine for desktops, but looks broken on mobile phones due to the missing page numbering (on desktop it is 1 to 10, whereas on mobile it just shows: < Page 2 >).
Is there a way to trick Google CSE to always use the desktop layout, even on phones? I tried setting the UA string using Javascript in the website, but it did not work.
You can set the "mobileLayout" Search Element attribute to "disabled"
example: <div class="gcse-search" data-mobileLayout="disabled"></div>

Bing Maps in Windows 8 app

My question is similar to this one "", but that question is somewhat misleading.
In my Windows 8 Store app, I have a Bing map reference to a particular location somewhere in South Africa. The referenced location will have multiple pins to denote key areas of interest to users of the application, with an info window for each of the pins.
When a user clicks on a pin, the info window will give them more information, like statistics around the location and a link to a page within the application, for example: /pages/nests/crowsnest.html.
What I need is to be able to push the user, when clicked on the location in the info window, to this page, however, this does not seem to be allowed.
From my understanding, we're trying to force a page load from within the current domain space (our application) from outside of the application scope (info window == iframe) as this is not a web page, this seems to be disallowed.
Is my assumption correct in that we're trying to break the domain policy here? I don't see how we can, as we're just redirecting users to a page.
I have tried the WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/pages/nests/crowsnets.html") and event a normal -tag but neither of these approaches allowed me any success.
I'm still not sure what are you trying to achieve. You can use Bing Maps control in your Windows 8 app and you can pin any Pushpins in there, You can also handle the behavior when user taps any pin and show more detailed info on the map.
Bing Maps SDK for Windows Store apps

WinRt WebView control handling navigation within the control

I have a Metro app using a WebView control. I'm using NavigateToString to load a html file which may contain hyperlinks. What I then want to do is detect when one of these hyperlinks is selected and, instead of allowing navigation within the WebView control, to launch IE and view the page there instead.
Is this possible within the WinRT constraints, and if so, how?
So far, I've tried capturing the WebView_LoadCompleted() event, but although it does fire at the right time, I can't see any details about the URI from the NavigationEventArgs.
Unfortunately this isn't possible directly because WebView does not include events like Navigating (which were present in Windows Phone).
Luckily Nick Randolph (brilliant Windows Phone and Windows 8 developer) has created a workaround using script events. He's got a great write up on his blog:

Rally AppSDK: Is there a way to facilitate "Inter-Panel" communication between Apps in the new layout schema

So I'm just getting used to and getting my arms around the new "panel-based" App scheme released with the 5/5/2012 version of Rally. At first it was a bit frustrating to lose the window real estate when I've been accustomed to full-page iFrames.
I am curious however - from a desire to optimize the way I use real estate onscreen for an App page - I would like to setup and utilize a multi-panel App whose components can communicate. For instance, I'd like to have one App panel display some control widgets and perhaps an AppSDK table, and a second App panel display a chart or grid that responds to events/controls in the first panel.
I've been scanning the AppSDK docs for hints as to how this might be accomplished, but I'm coming up short. Is there a way to wire up event listeners in one App panel that respond to widget controls in another?
We have not decided the best way to have the Apps communicate yet. That is something we are still spiking out internally to find the best way to do it.
Each custom App is in an IFrame so figuring out how to make them communicate can be a bit tricky. Once we figure out a good way to do it we will be sure to let you know.
Has this topic, "app Communication", been addressed yet? I would to have one Custom Grid show User Stories. When a user story is selected another grid show the related tasks.

Sencha Touch Passcode

Is there a control in Sencha Touch to show a passcode field like shown in picture below?
No theres no native component who does exactly this. But you can build it by yourself: its a form with 4 input fields and a dozen buttons. See documentation for more details:!/api/Ext.form.FormPanel
No, you have to build and design this one completly by yourself.
Note: To get rid of the browser controls, you have to enforce that the application is running form the homescreen. You can control (with some Javascript) if the application is running MobileSafari or as a "Web App". (see: as an example of such an implementation)
But, however, I would not recommend using such a component. A) This can confuse people and B) Can intent users to type in their regular passcode. As a developer I wouldn't be comfortable with that situation.