How to provide OAuth services from website.? - authentication

OAuth allows the you the User to grant access to his private resources on one site to another site. But how exactly does this happen. And if I want to provide OAuth features in my site, (both as Service Provider and consumer), how do I go about doing it. I'm using a Fedora 13 based server. And is it possible to configure Round Cube / Squirrel Mail to provide these Services. Like as of now all my users have mail account in the server, I want the credentials in the mail to be used to provide the OAuth Services.

If you want to be a provider of data, then you have to implement OAuth server at your site and if you want to be consumer, you will have to implement OAuth client at your site.
You should also read some articles and tutorials to gain a better understanding of the protocol, because it's a protocol that allows to protect APIs and that being said, everything connected with security should be well understood by the developer that is imeplementing it.
In case that you're a provider, the 1.0 version of the protocol works in the following way:
Consumer requires access to end-user's private data
Provider issues a token to the consumer
End-user authorizes the token
Consumer can make authorized requests with that token for end-users's private data
Good place to start is:
You can also read the RFC when you decide if you will implement 1.0a or 2.0 version of the protocol. I have implemented only 1.0a so far, so I cannot give advice to which is better. I guess the 2.0 version has more possibilities, and everyone says it's easier to implement. As far for the easier, 1.0a is not difficult to implement also, because there are good open source libraries both for clients and servers and you can set up and run server or client for 1 day, if you understand the mechanics of the protocol.
Of course, if you want to make a good server with different scopes of access, inheritance of scopes and if your API is complicated and extensible, you will have to do a lot more work there, no matter if you choose 1.0a or 2.0 OAuth version

A simple example to demonstrate oauth flow. Understanding the concept helps to design accordingly:

As for the "How will I do it?"
There are lots of good libraries out there. Here is an excellent list:


OpenID Connect authentication provider for legacy user management?

We have a self-developed proprietary user management and self-developed Single Sign-on. (OpenID Connect wasn't born at that time)
Our authentication server and our thick clients are in a private network, without internet access.
The task is to integrate a third-party thick client - its users should authenticate against our existing authentication server.
The general idea is to use an existing future-oriented framework which offers a standard authentication interface (like Keycloak?) and implement our own OpenID Connect authentication provider (or User storage SPI for keycloack).
Is the way with keycloack and User storage SPI recommendable or are there better approaches?
As you say, this is a good choice for meeting your immediate requirements:
External client uses a modern OpenID Connect flow - eg OIDC for desktop apps
It connects to an Authorization Server with support for standards based endpoints
Authorization Server has extensible support for data sources and can potentially reach out to your existing user data source
As an example, Curity, where I work, supports multiple data sources and there is a free community edition if useful.
Any provider that meets the same requirements would be fine though - and I've heard some good things about Keycloak.
It makes sense to then gradually update other apps to use modern OAuth and OIDC behaviour.
At a suitable point it is worth making the Authorization Server the only place from which Personally Identifiable user data is accessed, and moving the storage there. See this data privacy article for some advantages of this.
I can vouch for Keycloak User Storage SPI approach. Recently implemented this for a project and it is working pretty well. For any existing user-database I highly recommend it.
I found some example source on github that you could look at (although needed some modification to run it):
I have also written an article summarizing my findings working with Keycloak in case you're interested in other features:
It's extremely customisable.

How to choose which method to secure a Mulesoft API?

We have a Mulesoft Cloudhub environment which we are planning to deploy public APIs and we also have a VPC configured where we will deploy private APIs.
I'm looking at how best to secure the APIs and seen the following approaches:
Basic Authentication
Client Id and secret
My query is when should you use each one? Are their example use cases? E.g. OAuth seems to be more secure than basic authentication and client id and secret so why not use OAuth all the time and forget about the other two?
OAuth is geared more towards authorisation rather than just authentication.
For example OAuth 2 has many different flows geared towards different use-cases. Such as 3 legged OAuth allowing you to use an external identity provider allow users to be authorised to access your resources. In a way, you’re not performing any authentication at all.
Http basic can still have a purpose in simple scenarios MAYBE when the cost and/or effort of using something else is not worth it and it’s internal network and the OJ already have some sort of ldap or active directory type thing is use for other apps (and using SSL is very important here as basic auth credentials are plain text)
For client id and secret, although it is similar to username/password, it’s more in the semantics - you are trusting a client rather than a person with the credentials.
For example, you can use client id to authenticate actual clients like a mobile application or a web app. Client id implementation like MuleSoft’s API Manager also allow you to add policies such as rate limiting and SLA based rate limiting so you can limit specific client applications to not overload your API.
You could use it alongside OAuth. Client ID/Secret for accessing the API but OAuth for authorising the end-user .
Here is a more detailed article discussing the pros and cons of the various common api auth mechanisms and a link to choosing between the various OAuth flows for your use-case.

OAuth 2.0 service to service authentication and best practices

I have to deal with such type of auth flows:
Create auth flows for Web users;
In the same way deal with service to service authentication
Briefly following diagram can depict main components that we'll have:
For users Authentication we'd like to use OAuth2 (the Implicit Flow) and in general it looks more or less clear.
The question about service to service authorization can it be OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow used?
The main problem there that inside of datacenter1 it will be plenty of backend services that's why it will be good as services will work on the similar permission model as a users (at least some some functionality might be retracted ).
And additional question: what is the general recommendation for this use case if Authorization Server is inside of Datacenter1 or outside?
First of all: OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol, it is a delegated access protocol. It is clearly stated here:
Although widely adopted, the OAuth 2.0 "authentication framework" left many details open for interpretations - which commonly leads to security flaws of the implementation.
Check here for the 10 most common implementation vulnerabilities in OAuth 2.0:
Therefore, the actual best practice is to use OpenID Connect, a similar protocol (built on top of OAuth 2.0), well defined, that mitigate most of the shortcomings of OAuth 2.0.
OpenID Connect is the best practice to authenticate end-users (mostly web).
If you want to authenticate within the datacenter, the variety of used solutions is somewhat wider - but overall I think the most common best practices are:
"Leaner" implementation: clear HTTP when you appropriate network security (e.g. well-configured VPC, so access from the internet to any of these servers is very unlikely)
"Safter" implementation: Server to Server Basic Authentication (or similar) over HTTPS, while rotating the key every now and then. The keys should be stored in a secure storage, such as Vault
In any case, it is best the service will delegate the request for the user (i.e. by providing user_id as part of the request) - and permissions will be enforced for this user:
You probably don't want to allow a bug allowing one user to access the data of another user.
In any case, it is much better logs / audit will be done with link to user originating the request, and not some generic "system user".

Authentication and Authorization for a simple Web Site

I'm struggling with these concepts and having trouble finding good resources on the web.
We are looking for ways to switch out custom implementations tightly integrated into our application for standards based authentication and authorization.
Our scenario is as follows:
A simple web site (may be an app in the nearby future)
A user must log in or otherwise gain access (i.e. there's no "guest" content or other things you can do as a guest)
The site uses its own web services (REST and/or SOAP) on the backend, but it might use 3rd party web services or exposes its own services as 3rd party services for other applications
Authentication may very well be done by an external provider: Users carry a smartcard and we'd like to have one simple identity provider which reads the smartcard information and sends it back to my simple web site (so I know who the user is and what his role is for instance)
Other sites might use other methods of authentication (simple username/password for instance), so we might need a configurable Service Provider??
I'm currently looking at OAuth (2) to implement for authorizing use of our REST Services (is it also useful for SOAP?) to our web site, perhaps with a simple "Client Credentials Grant" type.
But for authentication, I'm still none the wiser. There is OpenID, but is it easy enough to build your own OpenID Identity Provider? There is Shibboleth, but it seems to have a steep learning curve for doing custom stuff. And I've looked at just building something from scratch based on the SAML Authentication Request Protocol with an HTTP Post binding. Are there any other options?
Please keep in mind that we want to be flexible with our authentication. For a certain site, we might want to do the smartcard thing, but for another maybe simple username/password login with LDAP.
If it's helpful still, I personally thought about doing it myself, then discovered a bunch of third parties. I compared (5/18/2015):
Conclusion for me was Auth0, because while all the features are very similar, it felt the most legitimate, as in it's not a start-up that might disappear in a few months. Now, the reason that was super important for me was because login is a foundational requirement, so I need to believe as a customer that the Authentication as a Service will be up for as long as I will be.
Here's the full comparison story:

Joomla Security REST API OAuth

I am in the early stages of planning (in particular for the security) of a REST API through which a mobile application authenticates and then sends data to be stored in (and also to be retrieved from) the Joomla website/database. It's basically an application-to-application authentication.
I plan to use the API for own internal use which means that the otherwise important aspect of "making it easy for third party developers/API users" is not as important. My main concern is that I of course want to prevent that illicit information can be injected through such API calls. At some stage I might also be asked by external auditors about how this security aspect is properly covered - hence I better be prepared from the start... ;)
SSL is planned to be used for client/server communication and the API will also use a username/pw for authentication, But does anyone have an opinion about (and maybe experience with) using OAuth as a security layer? I do not mean using user's social media pw for the Joomla login, I mean implementing oAuth on the Joomla Component side (i.e. the Joomla side REST API).
This is exactly what we have done at our organization. It would have been nice to follow some existing OAuth (I assume OAuth 2) implementation using Joomla but I don't think it exists other than vanilla php implementation. We used this active project but built our own from scratch. This project takes into account all Grants and I suspect if you are doing mobile app authentication like us you will stick to the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant. So it really depends on what you are doing.
So the first part was authenticating with Joomla from our mobile app. Here is a post on the start of that. With that we followed the spec RF6749 to follow the convention needed and produced the proper Bearer Token etc.
Then it was a simple matter of doing what was needed for the mobile apps with the REST APIs.
I'm over simplifying it (especially since I'm recommending going through the RFC carefully) but once you know how to authenticate with Joomla, your sailing. IMO.