Display due dates of not standard task list in Google Calendar - api

Google released a new, easy to use Task API that lets you add tasks to separate lists and set due dates on the tasks. There is also an integration with Google Calendar to show the tasks, as you can see here .
In my usecase, I've created a new task list "foo" and added some tasks with due dates. Is it possible to display the tasks of the "foo" list in Google Calendar as well? There, only the ones of the default task list are shown/listed.
What I'd like to have is a new calendar showing on the left in Google Calendar below the already existing "Task" calendar - something like "Tasks 'foo'", that holds all the tasks with due dates from the "foo" task list.

You can switch the current tasks list using the righmost button in the tasks interface in google calendar.
It should update the tasks shown on your calendar.
This doesn't seems currently possible to show more than 1 tasks list at a time on the calendar interface.

Thanks! I found the button to switch the current tasks list. It turned out, that this button is not really visible on Firefox >= 3.6 - the buttons are rendered on the next line.


Custom appointment form is different when opening appointment

I have made a custom form region for my appointments in outlook - Which I really would like to use.
However, I have a problem with implementing it in my outlook.
When I want to schedule a new appointment, it opens up the correct form that I want to use - and works without any issues.
However, the problem occurs when I want to open and see my appointment. Here, it shows some previous published version - Which of cause does not properly work.
Things I have tried
I don't remember, that I at any time specified a default form to use upon opening an appointment. But the way it acts, it seems like I did.
I have tried deleting and republish my form with a different name
I have tried specifying "When posting to this folder, use" for my calendar
Still, it keeps opening already scheduled appointments with a completely different form, that I made several days ago.
Every Outlook item has the class name set, so that is how Outlook knows which form should be used to display the item. See Associate a form region with an Outlook message class for more information.
Also, you may take a look at the Assign a custom form to existing Outlook items article.

Track clicks on a button based on preceding button clicks

I need to track clicks on a button at the end of a sequence of selections. As shown in the image, there are five different business plans (circled in red), and each plan can be for three different years (highlighted in blue). The user will checkbox a business plan type (e.g., market trend) and click a year (e.g., 2017), then click the PDF button (highlighted in black) to download that particular plan (market trend for 2017 in this case).
So instead of counting the total clicks of PDF downloads, the task is to count how many times a particular plan is downloaded based on the plan type and year.
The PDF button, the checkbox for each plan type, and the click button for each year all can be tracked individually. They are also all on the same URL.
GTM and GA are used for tracking. Can anyone share some thoughts of how to achieve this type of tracking?
If you are using google tag manager you can use dataLayer.push() to push to an array which can be used to differentiate the clicks based on the interaction.
Approach is described here
Google Analytics custom dimensions
In your particular case you could have the dataLayer configured to add the different key / values for the different report components and then the trigger will be configured to fire when the download button is clicked.
For example on each of the check boxes you could have:
<input type="checkbox" onclick="dataLayer.push({'plan_component': 'Market Trends'});">
You'd probably better having an array to store this info.
The resultant data can be viewed or aggregated via a custom report download. Described here.
Custom Dimensions and Metrics
It can be a bit tricky to understand and you'll need to change the site so that the dataLayer gets populated with the requisite data but this is the way to go. Best of luck.

Prevent external event drop on month view in scheduler

Here's a problem that's easy to see in the standard demo for fullcalendar-scheduler showing external event drag-n-drop here:
Placing an event properly onto the calendar requires grabbing an event from the far left and dropping it onto the correct room and time. However, the rooms are not displayed in either the week or month views.
The problem is that you can still drag an event onto the calendar in week and month view, but there's no way to select the room in those views so you're just creating errors. Try this. Go into Month view, drag an event over to the calendar and it appears where you dropped it. Now go back to the Day or 3 Day views and the event you just dropped is not visible since it's not associated with a valid room.
So, the question is, how can I disable drag/drop based on the view?
I tried using dropAccept with a function (something like if view=month return false), but dropAccept doesn't seem to know the current view.
I'm not positive, but I think both drop and eventReceive are called after it's too late and the event is already on the calendar.
By doing it on those views, you're not creating an error as such, you're just adding an event which doesn't have a resource associated with it. Therefore it won't show up in a resource-aware view. Remember that scheduler is just an add-on to the main fullCalendar product, so there are views in existence (including month and week) which are part of the main product, and thus are not resource-aware, because the resource concept doesn't exist in that product.
You can make the week view resource-aware by following these instructions: https://fullcalendar.io/docs/vertical_resource_view/getting_started/, but there's nothing you can do about the month view (simply not enough space in the view to make the GUI workable).
Having said that, you can use the getView https://fullcalendar.io/docs/views/getView/ method anytime to ask the calendar what the current view is, and use that info to decide whether to prevent them from dragging onto that view, or you could even pop up some extra UI of your own to ask them to choose a resource, and then add the resource manually to the event data before adding it to the calendar.
Use custom view config options in fullcalendar settings:
I.e. views.week.droppable = false

Calendar app Flipview controls

I'm building a Windows 8 app and have come to a point where I don't understand how to solve my problem. (I'm new to C# development in general, so some things are more foreign to me not counting the new WIN-RT paradigms)
I've created a XAML file that displays 1 week (Sunday - Saturday) and populates each day column with the date of the month for that day (20-27 for ex.) for right now, it just makes a new Calendar object and uses the current date.
Here's my problem:
I'd like to implement a flipview to change from week to week, forward and backwards in time (this is very similar to the functionality in the Windows 8 Calendar app)
I do not know how to move from one week to another, because most demos online use image file resources. I want to move to the same XAML file I have, with just differently populated number fields, etc.
Thank you for your time!
Since FlipView is an ItemsControl - you can use the same method you would use when populating lists - use an ItemsSource to bind to a collection of weeks and specify an ItemTemplate/DataTemplate that will display the week view.
Ultimately you might hit some issues with the fact that a calendar should not really be a list with a beginning and an end. Perhaps you could implement some pseudo-virtualization hack, but ultimately it would probably be better for you to implement your own interaction logic.

Assigning a custom workflow to a work item type in Rational Team Concert

I'm in the process of customizing Rational Team Concert to include a custom work item type. As part of the testing of the work item type as I created it I populated a few of the custom work items with data. As I enhanced the custom work item type and added additional attributes I was able to use the "Check attributes usages in repository" from the "Types and Attributes" to ensure that the new attributes were propagated to my test work items.
Now I've gotten to the point where I need to create a custom workflow for this work item type. I've defined the workflow and and assigned it to the work item type, but my existing test work items can't seem to use it. Clicking on the "Check workflow usages in repository" link says "There are 9 work items in the repository referencing workflow states or resolutions that are not present in the bound workflow. Do you want to show these items in the Work Items view?".
The workitem view then just says that status = 1 for the test work items.
If I select a work to open in the rich client editor all of the process elements are inactive. If I open it in the web editor, it says that the status is "1", as shown below:
Is there any way to fix this and change the workflow of existing work items? I should add that new work items work just fine, but I'm worried about what might happen if I need to update the process again in the future.
In the context of work item customization, you have to manually sync existing work item attributes with the most recent version of the PA in order to take your changes into account.
The steps are detailed here in the manual page "Defining work item types and attributes":
(bottom of the page)
To manually update existing work items with new or modified custom attributes:
Run a query so that the query results contain all the work items that you want to update.
Note: Do not select any relationships to be shown in the query results.
If relationships are shown, the Type icon is not displayed and you cannot complete these steps.
To clear all relationships shown, in the Work Items view menu, select Relationships, click Deselect all, and then click OK.
In the Work Items view, select the work items that you want to modify.
In the row of one of the selected work items, right-click the Type icon and select Synchronize attributes.