I am interested in a particular Apache JIRA and would like to know when someone comments on the JIRA or changes the state of the JIRA. So I browsed to that particular JIRA and enabled "WATCH" on it.
Now, how do I get notified for any changes to the Apache JIRA?
You'll get notified at that the email you used when you created your account on apache's jira instance when anything changes to that project, depending on the notification scheme the jira administrators have configured. I'd guess new comments would get a notification.
I'm trying to generate alerts based on notifications from Taiga project management software (when a user creates a project for example). These alerts will arrive to a specific Rocket.chat channel.
For this I am using the incoming Rocketchat webhooks: https://docs.rocket.chat/administrator-guides/integrations/
So I created the incoming webhook and entered the data into Taiga:
Configuring the webhook in Taiga
Once all this is done I check that the message arrives at the destination correctly:
Example of a notification message
Indeed, the message is received but it doesn't show any information. When a user history, an issue or any modification that leads to an alert is created, it is received in rocketchat but it doesn't show any information (empty message).
Payload sended by Taiga to Rocketchat
Does anyone know why he won't show me any information?
Thank you very much in advance
Do you really want to post notifications to a Rocket Chat channel, when a taiga user created a project in taiga? I would not know, how you can do that. But, as far as I can see, your screenshot shows the configuration of a generic webhook in a project after that project has been created. Therefore, I hope it is sufficient to post notifications from that project to your Rocket Chat channel. Here is my answer for this case:
I observed a similar behavior. Using the generic webhook, I could only trigger empty posts in my Rocket Chat channel by clicking on "test" for that webhook.
However, the Rocket Chat API seems to be compatible with the Slack API, cf. https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/issues/1728#issuecomment-166669379.
In contrast to the generic webhook, the Slack plugin for taiga (https://github.com/taigaio/taiga-contrib-slack) worked out of the box (https://tree.taiga.io/support/contrib-plugins/slack-integration/).
Only my browser gave me some hassle, because it cached the taiga webpage and after installing the Slack plugin a simple page reload was not enough to display the "Plugins" entry in the "Admin" menu of the project. "Shift+reload" did the job. But apart from that standard issue, everything worked.
When I try to publish my app on the Gsuite Marketplace via GCP, I find no way to change the setting 'Visibility'. Event if the app has never been published.
Between the two options (My Domain - Public), My domain is selected and can't be switched to Public, so nobody has access to my app.
Any help?
I've tried to contact the support and find help on forums but no answer at all.
First step, I'd recommend reviewing Choosing where to publish to ensure that you've published to the correct location. As noted under Publish your app (before you publish), your app is reviewed to determine if it meets the requirements for the relevant store. Additionally, your application may also have to undergo OAuth verification (I think this could be the problem) , and security assessment if it accesses user data, such as Gmail, Drive, Contacts, or Calendar
If your app is exempt from verification or if you've already undergone assessment and been approved, and your issue persists, I'd recommend contacting Marketplace Developer Support, via the below steps, who can assist you with your publishing issue.
Navigate to the new Developer Dashboard.
Click Contact Us.
The Developer Support contact us form is displayed.
I've tried to contact the support and find help on forums but no answer at all.
How did you contact Google Support? They have many teams and sometimes agents are not aware of the scope of support. Personally I would contact GCP Support first to verify your App in GCP, once they confirm everything is working from their end they need to route the case to GSuite with an Admin Console specialist to debug the problem
We have a simple hangouts bot that has been working fine for several months. Starting yesterday 1 or 2 users indicated that they were receiving an error message when talking to the bot indicating that: 'Your administrator prevented you from talking to bots in direct messages'. Over the past 24-hours more and more people reported that the issue started happening to them until it was everyone. When it happened to me earlier today I messaged the bot 2 times about 5-minutes apart, it worked the first time then the second time I got the administrator prevented message.
I tested the #meet and #drive bot's and they both still appear to work.
I have confirmed that none of the settings on the bot have changed, most importantly that the 'Bot works in direct messages' option is still checked.
I have talked to our IT administrator who says that no settings have changed in our GSuite setup.
Looking through the documentation I can't find any mention of an issue or setting that would cause the above error. Is anyone aware of what could be causing the above.
Google Support statement
(...) if your domain currently applies a whitelist to restrict the set of G Suite Marketplace apps that users can install, existing internal bots may stop working. In order to appear and continue to function for users, the developers of these bots need to publish the bots to the domain as you can see on link. (...)
As said Jordansan this issue is related to the domain administration and to security enhancements. You may still use up to 5 email addresses to do your tests. Once you want your bot public, you will need to list it on the G Suite Marketplace.
To do so follow this guide Listing your bot on G Suite Marketplace. An extract is provided below :
G Suite Marketplace publication steps
This section tells you the specific steps you need to perform to publish your bot on G Suite Marketplace. The general steps are:
Create an OAuth client ID, if your project doesn't already have one.
Add the G Suite Marketplace SDK to your project and populate its configuration tab.
Populate the SDK's publish tab and submit.
The detailed steps for each of these are described in the following paragraphs.
For security reasons most organizations have (and should have) whitelisting enabled, which will prevent non white-listed marketplace apps to be enabled within the organization.
To deploy your bot you'll need to contact your GCP responsible and ask him to whitelist your bot.
Temporary solutions
What you can do is make the bot accessible to everyone in your organization. Assuming that the bot can be published.
If the bot shouldn't be public, you may implement your own connector to filter incoming queries and allow only selected email addresses. However the bot will still appear to everyone on the search screen, and everyone will be able to message it.
It's possible that your domain makes use of a new feature which requires bots to be whitelisted. This was introduced in a recent update. Previously, the admin setting was binary in that you could allow either all bots or none. Now any second party bots must be whitelisted if the administrator settings for that domain requires whitelisting.
You can find more information here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6089179
I opened a ticket here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/137266964
Edit: We got this working by following the steps listed here: https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/how-tos/gsm-list and our GSuite admin white-listed the Bot for internal use. This eliminates the 5 user limitation and keep the current security settings in place for all other bots & GSuite Applications
I wanna create a WebHook to integrate with a server GitHub Enterprise. I want to use WCF to create this service, but I don't found a tutorial or step by step. This is my first work with WebHooks, and I did not found the model of the structure of the service to integrate with GitHub.
Anybody have a solution, example or the way to developer this? What methods, parameters and names I need use? The documentation of GitHub is not clear to me.
The methodology to create webhooks in the UI on earlier versions of GitHub Enterprise is very similar to GitHub.com and is now identical on GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 and later.
Using the UI is a case of browsing to the repository in question, select the "Settings" icon on the right, select "Service Hooks" and configure the appropriate hook. (The wording has changed slightly in GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 to match what you see on GitHub.com).
If there isn't already a predefined service, a standard "WebHook URLs" hook should do the trick. This will POST the push payload to the URL you enter here.
You can also create the webhook using the API. If you're not running GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 or later, you can refer to our archived documentation at https://developer.github.com/enterprise/11.10.320/, specifically https://developer.github.com/enterprise/11.10.320/v3/repos/hooks/ for how to use the API to create a webhook. If you're running GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 or later the documentation at https://developer.github.com/webhooks/ applies to these versions of GitHub Enterprise.
You'd then need to ensure the recipient of this POST knows how to process the payload and act upon it.
A good service to use to check the payload from any webhook is http://requestb.in/.
I know there is xmlrpc plugin for trac. But I is not my trac site nor do I have admin rights. I just have a normal user account with limited priviledges.
Beside the obvious low level of doing things (submitting requests by emulating web browser), is there a better way to do this?
I'm interested mainly in these:
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If you look at the "functional testing" in the Trac source, you'll find that we have code that exercises Trac using twill. You might find that to be a useful starting point for doing this sort of thing.
Trac does not provide an API by default. You might install the XmlRpcPlugin. Trac then provides anonymous and authenticated access to an API via two protocols: XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.
A helper library for easier access is https://github.com/jakoch/PHPTracRPC
Seems the only way to do this would be to emulate browser.