RestKit and storing of data - objective-c

I have a navigation controller where i have the list of appointments in a table view. I have an add button on the right side corner for the navigation controller. When the user clicks the add button a view will appear with the textfields and buttons. The problem is when ever the user (of the app) adds his appointments and clicks the add button it has to hit the server and store that data. I want to do that using RestKit. Can anybody tell me how to hit the server and how i can store the data.

Yes, Google can.
Here is the first result for the search 'restkit tutorial' :
And, in case that one is a little out of date, here's the second result for the search 'restkit tutorial' :

The current documentation is only on github. Most other sources are outdated, thanks to RestKit's rapid development.
The wiki has a lot of good information, and you can find documentation that's always up-to-date in the docs directory.

I recently wrote a detailled overview of RestKit with many piece of code and I think it can help you to understand how it works and how to get things done.


Changing app homepage content daily

I am developing an iOS app for iPhone using Xcode of course, and need to have the facility to update the information on my initial view daily. This would consist of editing a logo for the day's date, and daily changing a block of text on the same page.
Another feature within the app would need to be to progressively add more and more content (adding further menus and categories of information available to the user on the interface).
I cannot seem to find anything to help me online so I would be HUGELY GRATEFUL for any help!
Cheers :)
Search for JSON and how to retrieve data from an online resource - that's what you want.
Here's a randon tutorial:

What is the best way to display and interact with a skill tree

I am trying to create an interface that is similar to the interface on this website for the skill tree: What is the best way to go about doing this and have the same or similar user interaction. ie. you click on a node and it activate or deactivates it. The movement of the tree and zooming on it would be nice as well. Would like to try to stay away from webView as I am thinking about features I want to add. Thanks in advance just want to see what a good way to do this is.
you can use webView and have almost a copy-paste of the presented webpage html source and load it.
However with native components you can have better performance, but it will "not a copy"
Native componets:
IIViewDeckController for iOS
iHasApp for iOS
iHasApp for iOS
There are more on that side. Consider a combination of they,

Xcode tag users in image

I want to make something similar to facebook tag mechanism. I will display an image of a building to the users and i want them to be able to tag themselves in which room they are at the moment. The location would be sent to a web server so all users can see other's location. Is that possible and how? Thanks in advance.
It is likely to be possible.
I can suggest the following solution: store the building photo/scheme AND rooms information on server.
In your App, you will display image (perhaps in ScrollView), there you will have just TapGestureRecognizer which will recognize the room, depending on coordinates of tap.
In case of this solution, you will have to manually store information about each tap-zone corresponding to a room. But that's the most likely case.

Sencha Touch 2: How to create History feature?

On the tab bar, there's a "Recents", which will record anything you've viewed.
I'd like to create that for my web app, a shopping guide. Users check out various shops from a list, and when they select to view a shop, it'll be recorded. Sort of like a browser History.
I know it'd be too much to ask for an entire code, so can someone just push me in the right direction? Like explain to me how to get started, what I need to know or better yet point me to any examples out there (I've yet to find one)
Try using in Sencha Touch to create a data store of your user's browsing history. When they view a shop, add it as an item in the store. You will need to create an to describe a view action. You can also sync stores with your backend. It's all in the Sencha Touch Docs.
The MVC example uses a store (I think) if you need an example.
you can look at Sencha Touch 2 getting started documentation. there are History Support section. Hope this help. good luck ...

Create sidebar in mac app with sections

I want to create a sidebar in one of my mac applications. Basically it will look much like the Things sidebar.
Here is the picture that I basically want to recreate:
I can't figure out how to show the "sections" (collect, focus and active projects) and how to have certain items always show up (inbox, today, next, etc...) and finally I would really appreciate if someone would explain how to make the active projects section, with the triangle.
Also I need the active projects section to load from an entity in core data.
I would also really appreciate if you could post an example.
Apple's "SourceView" sample should be helpful with this:
Apple Example
PXSourceList is an open source NSOutlineView subclass specifically built for mimicking what you posted. I've used it in a number of projects, and it's very easy and flexible to use. I highly recommend it.
The active projects section is probably just a 1 column NSOutlineView with no column header.