Table view inside a table view - objective-c

In my app i am having a table view in which i am having buttons in which images are shown .Now what i want is that when i click on any image(button).then another table view has to be shown inside the first table view.Then i need to click on the images present in the second table view .How can i achieve that .Is it possible to create a table view inside other table view or i is there any other solution like creating a view and then adding images inside it.Please help.Any help will be appreciated.

It's definitely possible, but Apple advises not putting a UITableView inside another UITableView (it makes touch tracking and behavior significantly more complex).
The best solution depends on your exact situation, but if the sub-view contains a lot of data, you can move it off into it's own modal view, or you can create a static or semi-static view that is embedded inside your UITableViewCell when that cell is selected.


How to do multiple table view in scroll view

I am new to IOS, I want three table views in one view controller. when I scroll in horizontal it will move to table 2 and table 3. please help me in coding. how doing it.
Put horizontal scroll view with content offset width equal to 3 tables width then add uitableviews to that scroll view with proper x origin. Obviously it would be better to use NSLayoutConstraints for that, but the first way is o.k. for you I guess.

Creating a Table with Rows and Columns in iOS

I would like to create a table in iOS that have some rows and columns. We also have an option to add amounts to the table. A screenshot of the sample table is posted below:
The cells needs to be editable. Is there a way to implement this using the default UITableView in iOS. Or Is it a good to create it using buttons or textfields etc?
It would not be an easy solution but you can use a rotated (horizontal) UITableView inside each cell of a table view (vertical) just like the Pulse app. Using only labels makes it easy to manage but the "excel" look could be harder if you're planning handling events like selecting rows, sort...
Here's a two part tutorial on how to use horizontal tables ( :
part 1 - part 2
In ios6 you can use a UICollectionView with a UICollectionViewFlowLayout to archive this. A UICollectionView works very similar to a UITableView, but gives you more control over how the cells should be displayed and aligned.
There is an open source solution on GitHub that supports iOS 4.3+ if you are still looking for options. I haven't actually used it, but it looks like works like UICollectionView.
I created a table structure similar to this using tableview and scrollview .Think that could be helpful to you
You could get the sample project here

NSTableColumn animation

I want to make a table view with dynamic columns.
Similar to the one in Ecoute
I just need one column to be visible at a time. As soon as it is double clicked, the whole table view (not scroll view) should animate to the left, and the new column should appear.
I have no idea how to implement it.
Has anyone an idea?
Just added a new NavigationViewController which handles multiple TableViewControllers which handle a table view. The NavigationViewController then animates between them.
It's actually pretty simple if you have the idea.

how to make the table view to scroll till the last row in the table

I have some 10 rows in my table. I can able to scroll the table view, but the scroll is not fixed. when i leave the scroll the table is again hiding the last row. Can any one help me out in this issue.
Thanks in advance
You need to adjust the size of table view and also set the autosizing in inspector from IB.
It is hard to give an opinion without any code, but have you checked that your Table is not larger that the size of the view? Maybe the bottom of your Table is just displayed outside the window.
If not, you shall post the code of your controller methods to get some more accurate help.
Are you using interface builder or everything is defined in the code?

Using a table view for entering data

With the regular table view touching a table cell will switch to another view. I have seen some applications that are using something that looks similar to a table view except touching a cell brings up the keyboard so that text can be entered into the cell. It looks kind of like a table view, but a little different. What are they using to make these tables?
It's a table view all right. The cells contain UITextFields or UITextViews, usually of the borderless variant to make them fade into the surrounding cell.