WCF Rest 4.0, Dynamic Routing, and OutputCache - wcf

I'm having an issue getting OutputCaching to work with HttpContext.RewritePath for a WCF 4.0 WebHttp service.
My service is localized. The idea is that you call a URL like so:
And it'll return the results localized to the correct language.
My scheme is based on this article. The idea is to create a derivative of RouteBase that creates a unique, "private" route to the real service. When the user makes a request, the language code is unpacked from the URL and set as the culture for the current thread, and then HttpContext.RewritePath is used to load the actual service.
For the life of me I can't figure out how to work OutputCaching into the mix. I've decorated my service method with AspNetCacheProfile and am seeing my own VaryByCustom override called. However despite receiving a duplicate result from VaryByCustom, .NET continues into my service method anyway.
Lots of code below, sorry for the dump but I suspect it's all relevant.
How I add a route in Global.asax.cs
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new CulturedServiceRoute(
new StructureMapServiceHostFactory(),
VaryByCustom override in Global.asax.cs:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(
HttpContext context, string custom)
// This method gets called twice: Once for the initial request, then a
// second time for the rewritten URL. I only want it to be called once!
if (custom == "XmlDataFreshness")
var outputString = String.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}",
return outputString;
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
This is the dynamic service route class.
public class CulturedServiceRoute : RouteBase, IRouteHandler
private readonly string _virtualPath = null;
private readonly ServiceRoute _innerServiceRoute = null;
private readonly Route _innerRoute = null;
public CulturedServiceRoute(
string pathPrefix,
ServiceHostFactoryBase serviceHostFactory,
Type serviceType)
if (pathPrefix.IndexOf("{") >= 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
"Path prefix cannot include route parameters.",
if (!pathPrefix.StartsWith("/")) pathPrefix = "/" + pathPrefix;
pathPrefix = "{culture}" + pathPrefix;
_virtualPath = String.Format("Cultured/{0}/", serviceType.FullName);
_innerServiceRoute = new ServiceRoute(
_virtualPath, serviceHostFactory, serviceType);
_innerRoute = new Route(pathPrefix, this);
public override RouteData GetRouteData(
HttpContextBase httpContext)
return _innerRoute.GetRouteData(httpContext);
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(
RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
return null;
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
// This method is called even if VaryByCustom
// returns a duplicate response!
var culture = requestContext.RouteData.Values["culture"].ToString();
var ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
requestContext.HttpContext.RewritePath("~/" + _virtualPath, true);
return _innerServiceRoute.RouteHandler.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
Finally, the relevant portions of the service itself:
RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class DeviceService
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "")]
public IEnumerable<DeviceListItemModel> GetDevices()
// This is called AFTER the first VaryByCustom override is called.
// I'd expect it not to be called unless VaryByCustom changes!
var devices =
from d in _deviceRepository.GetAll()
where d.ReleaseDate < DateTime.Now
orderby d.Id descending
select new DeviceListItemModel(d);
return devices;
UPDATE: My cache profile:
<add name="MyCacheProfile" varyByCustom="XmlDataFreshness"
varyByHeader="accept" varyByParam="*" location="Server"
duration="3600" />

Hmmm seems like a valid approach to me. Is the cache profile configured correctly? Is varyByCustom called multiple times and certain to return the same result when the cache does not need to be updated?


Why isn't InstanceContextMode.Single working?

I'm trying to get the WCF service to run in InstanceContextMode.Single that way all requests can share the same state of the service. However, when I try to start the service with this behavior I can still see that the service's constructor gets called with each request. I couldn't figure out a quick way to update the ServiceBehaviorAttribute so that's why I'm replacing it (the default value for InstanceContextMode is not Single). Seems like there's one instance when we start it up and then another instance for all requests that come in later on. Any ideas what might be going wrong?
/// <summary>Constructor</summary>
//TODO: pull from config
m_Host = gcnew ServiceHost(CAutomation::typeid, gcnew Uri("http://localhost:8001/GettingStarted"));
// add a service endpoint.
m_Host->AddServiceEndpoint(IAutomation::typeid, gcnew WSHttpBinding(), "Automation");
// add behavior
ServiceMetadataBehavior^ smb = gcnew ServiceMetadataBehavior();
smb->HttpGetEnabled = true;
// enforce single instance behavior
ServiceBehaviorAttribute^ sba = gcnew ServiceBehaviorAttribute();
sba->InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single;
/// <summary>Starts the automation service.</summary>
void CAutomation::Start()
Typically you set the ServiceBehaviorAttribute as a real attribute for the class that implements your service. I'm not C++/CLI expert, but I guess that since you're passing CAutomation::typeid to ServiceHost constructor, then CAutomation is your service class. Is that correct?
If so, then it should be enough to set ServiceBehaviorAttribute on the CAutomation class.
Igor Labutin pointed me in the right direction but the true issue here is that the creation of the service host object will create an instance of the class whose type is passed in to its constructor, at least when in [ServiceBehaviorAttribute(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode::Single)]. Basically, the ServiceHost object should not have been the CAutomation class constructor. I moved that object outside of that constructor into another object which was responsible for when the service was supposed to start up and that corrected the issue. I'll paste a sample bit of code which helps to illustrate the better approach.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri address = new Uri
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(TradeService);
Console.WriteLine("Service started: Press Return to exit");
public class TradeService : ITradeService
private Hashtable tickers = new Hashtable();
public Quote GetQuote(string ticker)
lock (tickers)
Quote quote = tickers[ticker] as Quote;
if (quote == null)
// Quote doesn't exist
throw new Exception(
string.Format("No quotes found for ticker '{0}'",
return quote;
public void PublishQuote(Quote quote)
lock (tickers)
Quote storedQuote = tickers[quote.Ticker] as Quote;
if (storedQuote == null)
tickers.Add(quote.Ticker, quote);
tickers[quote.Ticker] = quote;

Wrong Thread.CurrentPrincipal in async WCF end-method

I have a WCF service which has its Thread.CurrentPrincipal set in the ServiceConfiguration.ClaimsAuthorizationManager.
When I implement the service asynchronously like this:
public IAsyncResult BeginMethod1(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
// Audit log call (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
var task = Task<int>.Factory.StartNew(this.WorkerFunction, state);
return task.ContinueWith(res => callback(task));
public string EndMethod1(IAsyncResult ar)
// Audit log result (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
return ar.AsyncState as string;
private int WorkerFunction(object state)
// perform work
I find that the Thread.CurrentPrincipal is set to the correct ClaimsPrincipal in the Begin-method and also in the WorkerFunction, but in the End-method it's set to a GenericPrincipal.
I know I can enable ASP.NET compatibility for the service and use HttpContext.Current.User which has the correct principal in all methods, but I'd rather not do this.
Is there a way to force the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to the correct ClaimsPrincipal without turning on ASP.NET compatibility?
Starting with a summary of WCF extension points, you'll see the one that is expressly designed to solve your problem. It is called a CallContextInitializer. Take a look at this article which gives CallContextInitializer sample code.
If you make an ICallContextInitializer extension, you will be given control over both the BeginXXX thread context AND the EndXXX thread context. You are saying that the ClaimsAuthorizationManager has correctly established the user principal in your BeginXXX(...) method. In that case, you then make for yourself a custom ICallContextInitializer which either assigns or records the CurrentPrincipal, depending on whether it is handling your BeginXXX() or your EndXXX(). Something like:
public object BeforeInvoke(System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext instanceContext, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel, System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request){
object principal = null;
if (request.Properties.TryGetValue("userPrincipal", out principal))
//If we got here, it means we're about to call the EndXXX(...) method.
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = (IPrincipal)principal;
//If we got here, it means we're about to call the BeginXXX(...) method.
request.Properties["userPrincipal"] = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
To clarify further, consider two cases. Suppose you implemented both an ICallContextInitializer and an IParameterInspector. Suppose that these hooks are expected to execute with a synchronous WCF service and with an async WCF service (which is your special case).
Below are the sequence of events and the explanation of what is happening:
Synchronous Case
//...service executes...
Nothing surprising in the above code. But now look below at what happens with asynchronous service operations...
Asynchronous Case
ICallContextInitializer.BeforeInvoke(); //TryGetValue() fails, so this records the UserPrincipal.
//...Your BeginXXX() routine now executes...
//...Now your Task async code executes (or finishes executing)...
ICallContextInitializercut.BeforeInvoke(); //TryGetValue succeeds, so this assigns the UserPrincipal.
//...Your EndXXX() routine now executes...
As you can see, the CallContextInitializer ensures you have opportunity to initialize values such as your CurrentPrincipal just before the EndXXX() routine runs. It therefore doesn't matter that the EndXXX() routine assuredly is executing on a different thread than did the BeginXXX() routine. And yes, the System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message object which is storing your user principal between Begin/End methods, is preserved and properly transmitted by WCF even though the thread changed.
Overall, this approach allows your EndXXX(IAsyncresult) to execute with the correct IPrincipal, without having to explicitly re-establish the CurrentPrincipal in the EndXXX() routine. And as with any WCF behavior, you can decide if this applies to individual operations, all operations on a contract, or all operations on an endpoint.
Not really the answer to my question, but an alternate approach of implementing the WCF service (in .NET 4.5) that does not exhibit the same issues with Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
public async Task<string> Method1()
// Audit log call (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.WorkerFunction());
// Audit log result (uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal)
private string WorkerFunction()
// perform work
return string.Empty;
The valid approach to this is to create an extension:
public class SLOperationContext : IExtension<OperationContext>
private readonly IDictionary<string, object> items;
private static ReaderWriterLockSlim _instanceLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
private SLOperationContext()
items = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public IDictionary<string, object> Items
get { return items; }
public static SLOperationContext Current
SLOperationContext context = OperationContext.Current.Extensions.Find<SLOperationContext>();
if (context == null)
context = new SLOperationContext();
return context;
public void Attach(OperationContext owner) { }
public void Detach(OperationContext owner) { }
Now this extension is used as a container for objects that you want to persist between thread switching as OperationContext.Current will remain the same.
Now you can use this in BeginMethod1 to save current user:
SLOperationContext.Current.Items["Principal"] = OperationContext.Current.ClaimsPrincipal;
And then in EndMethod1 you can get the user by typing:
ClaimsPrincipal principal = SLOperationContext.Current.Items["Principal"];
EDIT (Another approach):
public IAsyncResult BeginMethod1(AsyncCallback callback, object state)
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(this.WorkerFunction, state);
var ec = ExecutionContext.Capture();
return task.ContinueWith(res =>
ExecutionContext.Run(ec, (_) => callback(task), null));

Naming conventions for view pages and setting controller action for view

I am unsure on how I should be naming my View pages, they are all CamelCase.cshtml, that when viewed in the browser look like "http://www.website.com/Home/CamelCase".
When I am building outside of .NET my pages are named like "this-is-not-camel-case.html". How would I go about doing this in my MVC4 project?
If I did go with this then how would I tell the view to look at the relevant controller?
Fake edit: Sorry if this has been asked before, I can't find anything via search or Google. Thanks.
There are a few ways you can do this:
Name all of your views in the style you would like them to show up in the url
This is pretty simple, you just add the ActionName attribute to all of your actions and specify them in the style you would like your url to look like, then rename your CamelCase.cshtml files to camel-case.cshtml files.
Use attribute routing
Along the same lines as above, there is a plugin on nuget to enable attribute routing which lets you specify the full url for each action as an attribute on the action. It has convention attributes to help you out with controller names and such as well. I generally prefer this approach because I like to be very explicit with the routes in my application.
A more framework-y approach
It's probably possible to do something convention based by extending the MVC framework, but it would be a decent amount of work. In order to select the correct action on a controller, you'd need to map the action name on its way in to MVC to its CamelCase equivalent before the framework uses it to locate the action on the controller. The easiest place to do this is in the Route, which is the last thing to happen before the MVC framework takes over the request. You'll also need to convert the other way on the way out so the urls generated look like you want them to.
Since you don't really want to alter the existing method to register routes, it's probably best write a function in application init that loops over all routes after they have been registered and wraps them with your new functionality.
Here is an example route and modifications to application start that achieve what you are trying to do. I'd still go with the route attribute approach however.
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
private void WrapRoutesWithNamingConvention(RouteCollection routes)
var wrappedRoutes = routes.Select(m => new ConventionRoute(m)).ToList();
private class ConventionRoute : Route
private readonly RouteBase baseRoute;
public ConventionRoute(RouteBase baseRoute)
: base(null, null)
this.baseRoute = baseRoute;
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var baseRouteData = baseRoute.GetRouteData(httpContext);
if (baseRouteData == null) return null;
var actionName = baseRouteData.Values["action"] as string;
var convertedActionName = ConvertHyphensToPascalCase(actionName);
baseRouteData.Values["action"] = convertedActionName;
return baseRouteData;
private string ConvertHyphensToPascalCase(string hyphens)
var capitalParts = hyphens.Split('-').Select(m => m.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + m.Substring(1));
var pascalCase = String.Join("", capitalParts);
return pascalCase;
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
var valuesClone = new RouteValueDictionary(values);
var pascalAction = valuesClone["action"] as string;
var hyphens = ConvertPascalCaseToHyphens(pascalAction);
valuesClone["action"] = hyphens;
var baseRouteVirtualPath = baseRoute.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, valuesClone);
return baseRouteVirtualPath;
private string ConvertPascalCaseToHyphens(string pascal)
var pascalParts = new List<string>();
var currentPart = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var character in pascal)
if (char.IsUpper(character) && currentPart.Length > 0)
if (currentPart.Length > 0)
var lowers = pascalParts.Select(m => m.ToLower());
var hyphens = String.Join("-", lowers);
return hyphens;

Find Matching OperationContract Based on URI

...or "How to determine which WCF method will be called based on URI?"
In a WCF service, suppose a method is invoked and I have the URI that was used to invoke it. How can I get information about the WCF end point, method, parameters, etc. that the URI maps to?
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/People/{id}")]
public Person GetPersonByID(int id)
For instance, if the URI is: GET http://localhost/Contacts.svc/People/1, I want to get this information: service name (Service), Method (GetPersonByID), Parameters (PersonID=1). The point is to be able to listen for the request and then extract the details of the request in order to track the API call.
The service is hosted via http. This information is required before the .Net caching can kick in so each call (whether cached or not) can be tracked. This probably means doing this inside HttpApplication.BeginRequest.
FYI I'm hoping to not use reflection. I'd like to make use of the same methods WCF uses to determine this. E.g. MagicEndPointFinder.Resolve(uri)
Here is what I ended up doing, still interested if there is a cleaner way!
private static class OperationContractResolver
private static readonly Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> RegularExpressionsByMethod = null;
static OperationContractResolver()
OperationContractResolver.RegularExpressionsByMethod = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>();
foreach (MethodInfo method in typeof(IREST).GetMethods())
WebGetAttribute attribute = (WebGetAttribute)method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(WebGetAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute != null)
string regex = attribute.UriTemplate;
//Escape question marks. Looks strange but replaces a literal "?" with "\?".
regex = Regex.Replace(regex, #"\?", #"\?");
//Replace all parameters.
regex = Regex.Replace(regex, #"\{[^/$\?]+?}", #"[^/$\?]+?");
//Add it to the dictionary.
OperationContractResolver.RegularExpressionsByMethod.Add(regex, method);
public static string ExtractApiCallInfo(string relativeUri)
foreach (string regex in OperationContractResolver.RegularExpressionsByMethod.Keys)
if (Regex.IsMatch(relativeUri, regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
return OperationContractResolver.RegularExpressionsByMethod[regex].Name;
return null;
private static void TrackSoapApiCallInfo(HttpContext context)
string filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
string title = null;
//Save the request content. (Unfortunately it can't be written to a stream directly.)
context.Request.SaveAs(filePath, false);
//If the title can't be extracted then it's not an API method call, ignore it.
//Read the name of the first element within the SOAP body.
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filePath))
if (!reader.EOF)
XmlNamespaceManager nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(reader.NameTable);
XDocument document = XDocument.Load(reader);
//Need to add the SOAP Envelope namespace to the name table.
nsManager.AddNamespace("s", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
title = document.XPathSelectElement("s:Envelope/s:Body", nsManager).Elements().First().Name.LocalName;
//Delete the temporary file.
catch { }
//Track the page view.

JSON.NET and nHibernate Lazy Loading of Collections

Is anybody using JSON.NET with nHibernate? I notice that I am getting errors when I try to load a class with child collections.
I was facing the same problem so I tried to use #Liedman's code but the GetSerializableMembers() was never get called for the proxied reference.
I found another method to override:
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
if (typeof(NHibernate.Proxy.INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType))
return base.CreateContract(objectType.BaseType);
return base.CreateContract(objectType);
We had this exact problem, which was solved with inspiration from Handcraftsman's response here.
The problem arises from JSON.NET being confused about how to serialize NHibernate's proxy classes. Solution: serialize the proxy instances like their base class.
A simplified version of Handcraftsman's code goes like this:
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver {
protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType) {
if (typeof(INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) {
return base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType.BaseType);
} else {
return base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType);
IMHO, this code has the advantage of still relying on JSON.NET's default behaviour regarding custom attributes, etc. (and the code is a lot shorter!).
It is used like this
var serializer = new JsonSerializer{
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver()
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextWriter(stringWriter);
serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, objectToSerialize);
string serializedObject = stringWriter.ToString();
Note: This code was written for and used with NHibernate 2.1. As some commenters have pointed out, it doesn't work out of the box with later versions of NHibernate, you will have to make some adjustments. I will try to update the code if I ever have to do it with later versions of NHibernate.
I use NHibernate with Json.NET and noticed that I was getting inexplicable "__interceptors" properties in my serialized objects. A google search turned up this excellent solution by Lee Henson which I adapted to work with Json.NET 3.5 Release 5 as follows.
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private static readonly MemberInfo[] NHibernateProxyInterfaceMembers = typeof(INHibernateProxy).GetMembers();
protected override List<MemberInfo> GetSerializableMembers(Type objectType)
var members = base.GetSerializableMembers(objectType);
members.RemoveAll(memberInfo =>
(IsMemberPartOfNHibernateProxyInterface(memberInfo)) ||
(IsMemberDynamicProxyMixin(memberInfo)) ||
(IsMemberMarkedWithIgnoreAttribute(memberInfo, objectType)) ||
(IsMemberInheritedFromProxySuperclass(memberInfo, objectType)));
var actualMemberInfos = new List<MemberInfo>();
foreach (var memberInfo in members)
var infos = memberInfo.DeclaringType.BaseType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name);
actualMemberInfos.Add(infos.Length == 0 ? memberInfo : infos[0]);
return actualMemberInfos;
private static bool IsMemberDynamicProxyMixin(MemberInfo memberInfo)
return memberInfo.Name == "__interceptors";
private static bool IsMemberInheritedFromProxySuperclass(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type objectType)
return memberInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly == typeof(INHibernateProxy).Assembly;
private static bool IsMemberMarkedWithIgnoreAttribute(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type objectType)
var infos = typeof(INHibernateProxy).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)
? objectType.BaseType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name)
: objectType.GetMember(memberInfo.Name);
return infos[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonIgnoreAttribute), true).Length > 0;
private static bool IsMemberPartOfNHibernateProxyInterface(MemberInfo memberInfo)
return Array.Exists(NHibernateProxyInterfaceMembers, mi => memberInfo.Name == mi.Name);
To use it just put an instance in the ContractResolver property of your JsonSerializer. The circular dependency problem noted by jishi can be resolved by setting the ReferenceLoopHandling property to ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore . Here's an extension method that can be used to serialize objects using Json.Net
public static void SerializeToJsonFile<T>(this T itemToSerialize, string filePath)
using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath))
using (JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(streamWriter))
jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver(),
serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, itemToSerialize);
Are you getting a circular dependancy-error? How do you ignore objects from serialization?
Since lazy loading generates a proxy-objects, any attributes your class-members have will be lost. I ran into the same issue with Newtonsoft JSON-serializer, since the proxy-object didn't have the [JsonIgnore] attributes anymore.
You will probably want to eager load most of the object so that it can be serialized:
ICriteria ic = _session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Person));
ic.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Id", id));
if (fetchEager)
ic.SetFetchMode("Person", FetchMode.Eager);
A nice way to do this is to add a bool to the constructor (bool isFetchEager) of your data provider method.
I'd say this is a design problem in my opinion. Because NH makes connections to the database underneath all and has proxies in the middle, it is not good for the transparency of your application to serialize them directly (and as you can see Json.NET does not like them at all).
You should not serialize the entities themselves, but you should convert them into "view" objects or POCO or DTO objects (whatever you want to call them) and then serialize these.
The difference is that while NH entity may have proxies, lazy attributes, etc. View objects are simple objects with only primitives which are serializable by default.
How to manage FKs?
My personal rule is:
Entity level: Person class and with a Gender class associated
View level: Person view with GenderId and GenderName properties.
This means that you need to expand your properties into primitives when converting to view objects. This way also your json objects are simpler and easier to handle.
When you need to push the changes to the DB, in my case I use AutoMapper and do a ValueResolver class which can convert your new Guid to the Gender object.
UPDATE: Check http://blog.andrewawhitaker.com/blog/2014/06/19/queryover-series-part-4-transforming/ for a way to get the view directly (AliasToBean) from NH. This would be a boost in the DB side.
The problem can happen when NHibernate wraps the nested collection properties in a PersistentGenericBag<> type.
The GetSerializableMembers and CreateContract overrides cannot detect that these nested collection properties are "proxied". One way to resolve this is to override the CreateProperty method. The trick is to get the value from the property using reflection and test whether the type is of PersistentGenericBag. This method also has the ability to filter any properties that generated exceptions.
public class NHibernateContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ShouldSerialize = instance =>
PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)member;
if (prop.CanRead)
var value = prop.GetValue(instance, null);
if (value != null && typeof(NHibernate.Collection.Generic.PersistentGenericBag<>).IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(value.GetType()))
return false;
return true;
{ }
return false;
return property;
The IsSubclassOfRawGeneric extension used above:
public static class TypeExtensions
public static bool IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(this Type generic, Type? toCheck)
while (toCheck != null && toCheck != typeof(object))
var cur = toCheck.IsGenericType ? toCheck.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : toCheck;
if (generic == cur)
return true;
toCheck = toCheck?.BaseType;
return false;
If you serialize objects that contain NHibernate proxy classes you might end up downloading the whole database, because once the property is accessed NHibernate would trigger a request to the database.
I've just implemented a Unit of Work for NHibernate: NHUnit that fixes two of the most annoying issues from NHibernate: proxy classes and cartesian product when using fetch.
How would you use this?
var customer = await _dbContext.Customers.Get(customerId) //returns a wrapper to configure the query
.Include(c => c.Addresses.Single().Country, //include Addresses and Country
c => c.PhoneNumbers.Single().PhoneNumberType) //include all PhoneNumbers with PhoneNumberType
.Unproxy() //instructs the framework to strip all the proxy classes when the Value is returned
.Deferred() //instructs the framework to delay execution (future)
.ValueAsync(token); //this is where all deferred queries get executed
The above code is basically configuring a query: return a customer by id with multiple child objects which should be executed with other queries (futures) and the returned result should be stripped of NHibernate proxies. The query gets executed when ValueAsync is called.
NHUnit determines if it should do join with the main query, create new future queries or make use of batch fetch.
There is a simple example project on Github to show you how to use NHUnit package. If others are interested in this project I will invest more time to make it better.
This is what I use:
Have a marker interface and inherit it on your entities, e.g. in my case empty IEntity.
We will use the marker interface to detect NHibernate entity types in the contract resolver.
public class CustomerEntity : IEntity { ... }
Create a custom contract resolver for JSON.NET
public class NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider : IValueProvider {
private readonly IValueProvider _valueProvider;
public NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider(IValueProvider valueProvider)
_valueProvider = valueProvider;
public void SetValue(object target, object value)
_valueProvider.SetValue(target, value);
private static (bool isProxy, bool isInitialized) GetProxy(object proxy)
// this is pretty much what NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized() does.
switch (proxy)
case INHibernateProxy hibernateProxy:
return (true, !hibernateProxy.HibernateLazyInitializer.IsUninitialized);
case ILazyInitializedCollection initializedCollection:
return (true, initializedCollection.WasInitialized);
case IPersistentCollection persistentCollection:
return (true, persistentCollection.WasInitialized);
return (false, false);
public object GetValue(object target)
object value = _valueProvider.GetValue(target);
(bool isProxy, bool isInitialized) = GetProxy(value);
if (isProxy)
if (isInitialized)
return value;
if (value is IEnumerable)
return Enumerable.Empty<object>();
return null;
return value;
public class NHibernateContractResolver : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver {
protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
if (objectType.IsAssignableTo(typeof(IEntity)))
return base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
return base.CreateContract(objectType);
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
property.ValueProvider = new NHibernateProxyJsonValueProvider(property.ValueProvider);
return property;
Normal uninitialized lazy loaded properties will result in null in the json output.
Collection uninitialized lazy loaded properties will result in an [] empty array in json.
So for a lazy loaded property to appear in the json output you need to eagerly load it in the query or in code before serialization.
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entityToSerialize, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver()
Or globally in in ASP.NET Core Startup class
services.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new NHibernateContractResolver();
NET 5.0
NHibernate 5.3.8
JSON.NET latest via ASP.NET Core