How to find max value and its associated field values in SQL? - sql

Say I have a list of student names and their marks. I want to find out the highest mark and the student, how can I write one select statement to do that?

Assuming you mean marks rather than remarks, use:
select name, mark
from students
where mark = (
select max(mark)
from students
This will generally result in a fairly efficient query. The subquery should be executed once only (unless your DBMS is brain-dead) and the result fed into the second query. You may want to ensure that you have an index on the mark column.

If you don't want to use a subquery:
SELECT name, remark
FROM students

select name, remarks
from student
where remarks =(select max(remarks) from student)

If you are using a database that supports windowing,
SELECT name, mark FROM
(SELECT name, mark, rank() AS rk
FROM student_marks OVER (ORDER BY mark DESC)
) AS subqry
WHERE subqry.rk=1;
This probably does not run as fast as the mark=(SELECT MAX(mark)... style query, but it would be worth checking out.

In SQL Server:
FROM Students
This will return all the students that have the highest mark, whether there is just one of them or more than one. If you want only one row, drop the WITH TIES specifier. (But the actual row is not guaranteed to be always the same then.)

You can create view and join it with original table:
select id , Max(columName)
from t1
group by id
select * from t1
where = and t1.columName = V1.columName
this is right if you need Max Values with related info

I recently had a need for something "kind of similar" to this post and wanted to share a technique. Say you have an Order and OrderDetail table, and you want to return info from the Order table along with the product name associated with the highest priced detail row. Here's a way to pull that off without subtables, RANK, etc.. The key is to create and aggregate that combined the key and value from the detailed table and then just max on that and substring out the value you want.
create table CustOrder(ID int)
create table CustOrderDetail(OrderID int, Price money, ProdName varchar(20))
insert into CustOrder(ID) values(1)
insert into CustOrderDetail(OrderID,Price,ProdName) values(1,10,'AAA')
insert into CustOrderDetail(OrderID,Price,ProdName) values(1,50,'BBB')
insert into CustOrderDetail(OrderID,Price,ProdName) values(1,10,'CCC')
CustOrder o
inner join CustOrderDetail od on od.orderID = o.ID
group by


Count() how many times a name shows up in a table with the rest of info

I have read in various websites about the count() function but I still cannot make this work.
I made a small table with (id, name, last name, age) and I need to retrieve all columns plus a new one. In this new column I want to display how many times a name shows up or repeats itself in the table.
I have made test and can retrieve but only COLUMN NAME with the count column, but I haven't been able to retrieve all data from the table.
Currently I have this
select a.n_showsup, p.*
from [test1].[dbo].[person] p,
(select count(*) n_showsup
from [test1].[dbo].[person])a
This gives me all data on output but on the column n_showsup it gives me just the number of rows, now I know this is because I'm missing a GROUP BY but then when I write group by NAME it shows me a lot of records. This is an example of what I need:
You can use window functions, if you RDBMS supports them:
select t.*, count(*) over(partition by name) n_showsup
from mytable t
Alternatively, you can join the table with an aggregation query that counts the number of occurences of each name:
select t.*, x.n_showsup
from mytable t
inner join (select name, count(*) n_showsup from mytable group by name) x
on =
While the window function approach (#GMB's answer) is the right way to go, thinking through this from a subquery approach (like you were headed towards) would look something like:
select p.*, a.n_showsup
from [test1].[dbo].[person] p
select name, count(*) n_showsup
from [test1].[dbo].[person]
) a ON =
This is VERY close to what you had, the difference is that we are grouping that subquery by name (so we get a count by name) and we can use that in the join criteria which we do with the ON clause on that INNER JOIN.
You should really never ever use a comma in your FROM clause. Instead use a JOIN.

SQL: find most common values for specific members in column 1

I have the following SQL related question:
Let us assume I have the following simple data table:
I would like to identify the most common street address and place it in column 3:
I think this should be fairly straight-forward using COUNT? Not quite sure how to go about it though. Any help is greatly appreciated
This is a very long method that I just wrote. It only lists the most frequent address. You have to get these values and insert them into the table. See if it works for you:
select * from
(select, count(d.address) as final, c.maxcount,d.address
from dbo.test d inner join
(select,max(a.add_count) as maxcount from
(select company,address,count(address) as add_count from dbo.test group by company,address)a
group by c
on ( =
group by,c.maxcount,d.address)e
Here is a query in standard SQL. It first counts records per company and address, then ranks them per company giving the most often occurring address rank #1. Then it only keeps those best ranked address records, joins with the table again and shows the results.
ranked.address as most_common_address
from mytable
row_number() over (partition by company oder by cnt desc) as rn
count(*) over (partition by company, address) as cnt
from mytable
) counted
) ranked on ranked.rn = 1
and =
and ranked.address = mytable.address;
This select statement will give you the most frequent occurrence. Let us call this A.
SELECT `value`,
COUNT(`value`) AS `value_occurrence`
FROM `my_table`
GROUP BY `value`
ORDER BY `value_occurrence` DESC
To INSERT this into your table,
INSERT INTO db (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (val1, val2, A)
Note that you want that whole select statment for A!
You don't mention your DBMS. Here is a solution for Oracle.
select stats_mode(address)
from mytable this_company_only
where =
) as most_common_address
from mytable;
This looks a bit clumsy, because STATS_MODE is only available as an aggregate function, not as an analytic window function.

SQL: Get the first value

I have two tables:
patients(ID, Firstname, Lastname, ...)
records(ID, Date, Time, Version)
I want to (inner) join these tables, so I have the records with patient data, but in the column for Version I want always the first value that was recorded for the patient (so with the minimum of date and time dependent on the patient (id)). I tried with subquery but HANA doesn't allow ORDER-BY or LIMIT clause in subqueries.
How can I implement this with SQL? (HANA SQL)
Kind regards and thanks in advance.
HANA supports window functions, so you can join against a derived table that picks the first version:
select p.*,,, r.time, r.version
from patients p
join (
select id, date, time, version, patient_id,
row_number() over (partition by patient_id order by version) as rn
from records
) r on = r.patient_id and r.rn = 1
The above assumes that the records table has a column patient_id that contains the id of the patients table to which that record belongs to.

How to group by so duplicates are not counted

I have this query :
select resorti.resort_id
from resorti
inner join
hoteli on resorti.resort_id = hoteli.resort_id
How do I change this query so that the name of the resort is listed only once if there are many resorts with the same name ?
Edit: I altered the query. Here are the actual results :
Here are the desired results:
You can group by the resort info but you'll lose the detail you want on the hotels.
Truly you are better suppressing the "duplicate" resort entry in you application layer.
You could generate row number within each group in a derived table and then query that suppressing the resort when row number <> 1, but the syntax would depend on your rdbms.
against my better judgement, here's how you could do it in sql sever. same is possible without tsql's row_number or a cte, it's just more concise.
create table resorti (resort_id INT, resort VARCHAR(50))
create table hoteli (hotel_id INT, resort_id INT, hotel VARCHAR(50))
insert into resorti values (1,'resort_1'),(2,'resort_2')
insert into hoteli values (1,1,'hotel_1a'),(2,1,'hotel_1b'), (3,2,'hotel_2a'),(4,2,'hotel_2b')
;with cte as (
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY resort_id ORDER BY hotel_id) rn
FROM hoteli
select case when rn=1 then resorti.resort_id end resort_id
,case when rn=1 then resorti.resort end resort
from resorti
inner join
cte on resorti.resort_id = cte.resort_id
Please give more information of your database... If you group by resort and there are two rows with same name but different resort_id then a group is only possible if you don't select the resort_id. Or your second selected column of table resorti is calculated by one of these functions: SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, and COUNT
Try something like this
FROM resorti
INNER JOIN hoteli ON resorti.resort_id = hoteli.resort_id
GROUP BY resorti.resort

Implement FIRST() in select and not in WHERE

I want to get first value in a field in Oracle when another corresponding field has max value.
Normally, we would do this using a query and a subquery. The subquery ordering by a field and the outer query with where rownum<=1.
But, I cannot do this because the table aliases persist only one level deep and this query is a part of another big query and I need to use some aliases from the outermost query.
Here's the query structure
select a --This should get first value of a after b's are sorted desc
select a,b from table1 where table1.ID=t2.ID order by b desc
where rownum<=1
) as "A",
table2 t2
Now this is not gonna work because alias t2 wont be available at innermost query.
Real world analogy that comes to my mind is I have a table containing records for all employees of a company, their salaries(including past salaries) and the date from which the salary was effective. So, for each employee, there will multiple records. Now, I want to get latest salaries for all the employees.
With SQL server, I could have used SELECT TOP. But that's not available with Oracle and since where clauses execute before order by, I cannot use where rownum<=1 and order by in same query and expect correct results.
How do I do this?
Using your analogy of employees and their salaries, if I understand what you are trying to do, you could do something like this (haven't tested):
SELECT employee_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY employee_id ORDER BY effective_date DESC) rowno
FROM employees
WHERE rowno=1
I would much rather see you connect the subquery up with a JOIN instead of embedding it in the SELECT. Cleaner SQL. Then you can use the windowing function that roartechs suggests.
Select t2.whatever, t1.a
From table2 t2
Inner Join (
Select tfirst.ID, tfirst.a
From (
Select ID, a,
ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition BY ID ORDER BY b DESC) rownumber
FROM table1
) tfirst
WHERE tfirst.rownumber=1
) t1 on t2.ID=t1.ID