SOAP with WS-Security UsernameToken for Cocoa (Touch) [closed] - cocoa-touch

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for a library / code generator that supports the UsernameToken profile of WS-Security for using a SOAP webservice.
I looked at wsdl2objc and WSClient++, but neither of them seem to support it. It would of course be possible to add it to the code, but then I'd have to do it all over again when I generate the code anew after a change to the webservice.

I have not found any libraries that really solve the issue, but I found out that it is rather easy to patch the necessary functionality into wsdl2objc, which is open source and works a lot better than WSClient++. I will submit a patch to them as soon as I have cleaned up my patch a little.
This is a strong warning against WSClient++. It's bad code quality and not open source. Do not buy the license. It will cause you only headaches.


Documenting a Spring HATEOAS API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any plugins out there (similar to Swagger) which provide the ability to document HATEOAS APIs?
The Swagger interface is quite good but it doesn't have level 3 REST support.
I use spring-restdocs in combination with the HAL-browser.
You don't necessarily need HAL for restdocs though, although it is recommended.
Restdocs will generate code samples and link & field descriptors in the asciidoc format. You can then link to these asciidocs from inside the HAL-browser.
To see the result in action (although this is hardcoded), check this out: foxycart. Click on the little doc links next to the rels.
After further investigation I discovered HAL-browser ( which is quite good. Although, your API must return content-type of HAL for it.
You don't need to configure anything on the server for this tool. Just open it in a browser and point to your API.

SOAP libraries for iOS application develop in Objective-C [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to develop an iOS application that uses SOAP to send messages to the server.
I've been searching, the results that always comes up are the Sudzc and wsdl2objc and both of them are not what I need. Then I saw csoap, is it a counterpart of ksoap for iOS?
If not, is there any other SOAP libraries for iOS that I can use?
I am in the search of the same thing. Till now I found this:
I check it and see if it helps, I am a very beginner for objective-c though
A bit late, but try this:

Dropbox API for Erlang [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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is there a good dropbox API for erlang ?
It is possible to use REST to work with dropbox.
Is there a good REST helper library for erlang ?
Thank you.
Erlang definately has its own HTTP client, but I haven't come across a client REST library, but it shouldn't be too hard to roll your own on top of the client. There isn't an SDK for Erlang but AFAIK all the dropbox API SDK's revolve around wrapping the REST API anyway.
If you still interested, I've been working on it, and here is result —

Tool to get a list of WCF Service Operations at an endpoint [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a documentation tool for a WCF endpoint out there?
We are trying to setup governance of our WCF Services and it would be really nice to auto document the list of service operations on a given endpoint.
For example: http://MyService:8080/Client.svc has the SaveClient, UpdateClient, GetClientById etc. If I was auto generating documents then when a DeleteClient service gets added it is really easy to flag that for my SOA Governance Board to look at.
I know I could write my own using the code generation tools provided by Microsoft, but I was hoping that someone else already got this idea and coded it up for me.
(Basically I am looking for a WSDL to MS Word tool.)
I just need to google a bit differently.
Generating HTML documentation from WSDL
That question pointed me to WSDL Viewer, which seems to do what I need.

Detailed Valgrind internals documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking of making a D interface to Valgrind's client request API. By mucking around in the header files and de-compiling stuff, I could eventually figure out what it's doing but I'm wondering if their is a authoritative document on how things work? (BTW I already found this document but it doesn't have enough info)
What I'm looking for would answer questions like: How do I generate the macros to wrap/call a function that returns a 32bit machine word and takes a 64bit float?
In the valgrand manual, it describes the existing client request prototypes at the bottom of but none of these support passing 64bit floats. You could split it into two longs and pass it that way. It does look pretty hairy.
The authoritative document on how it works is the source code. If the tech docs are incomplete, then use the source.
I would also suggest looking at the sources of libraries that use the client request mechanism.