Entity framework transaction error after deleting a row and inserting a new row with same primary key - sql-server-2005

I am using ASP.NET MVC2 in Visual Studio 2008. I believe the SQL Server is 2005. I am using Entity Framework to access the database.
I've got the following table with a composite primary key based upon iRequest and sCode:
iRequest integer
sCode varchar(10)
iCount integer
iRequest is a foreign key to a list of requests.
When a request is updated, I want to clear out the existing RequestbyCounts for that request and then add in the new RequestbyCounts. More than likely, the only difference between the old rows will be the Count.
For my code, I attempt it as follows:
//delete ALL our old requests
var oldEquipList = (from eq in myDB.dbEquipmentRequestedbyCountSet
where eq.iRequestID == oldData.iRequestID
select eq).ToList();
foreach (var oldEquip in oldEquipList)
// myDB.SaveChanges(); <---- adding this line makes it work
//add in our new requests
foreach (var equip in newData.RequestList) //newData.RequestList is a List object
if (equip.iCount > 0)
//add in our actual request items
RequestbyCount reqEquip = new RequestbyCount();
reqEquip.sCodePrefix = equip.sCodePrefix;
reqEquip.UserRequest = newRequest;
reqEquip.iCount = equip.iCount;
myDB.SaveChanges(); //save our results
The issue is when I run it with the intermediate SaveChanges line uncommented, it works as desired. But my understanding is that doing this breaks the transaction apart.
If I leave the intermediate SaveChanges commented out as above, the process fails and I receive a
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint
'PK_RequestbyCount'. Cannot insert
duplicate key in object
'dbo.RequestbyCount'.\r\nThe statement
has been terminated.
Obviously, without doing the intermediate SaveChanges, the old rows are NOT removed as desired.
I do NOT want the results saved unless everything succeeds.
I would rather not take the following approach:
//add in our new requests
foreach (var equip in newData.RequestList)
if (equip.iCount > 0) && (**it isn't in the database**)
//add in our actual request items
RequestbyCount reqEquip = new RequestbyCount();
reqEquip.sCodePrefix = equip.sCodePrefix;
reqEquip.UserRequest = newRequest;
reqEquip.iCount = equip.iCount;
} else if (**it is in the database**) && (equip.iCount == 0) {
**remove from database**
} else {
**edit the value in the database**
Am I stuck doing the above code that basically makes a bunch of little calls to the database to check if an item exists?
Or is there some method that tell the framework to attempt to delete the rows I want but rollback if there is a failure inserting the new rows?

You don't appear to be using transactions at all. You need to wrap all your code in
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
Even better
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
your code
// handle error
Using the try/catch block will ensure that the transaction is not committed if an exception occurs, which is what you stated you wanted.
Lot's more on entity framework transactions at Microsoft's web site. The explanations there are quite good.


Handling concurrency when adding rows to a table with key constraints

I am trying to handle concurrency in an "add-if-not-already-there" operation in .Net Core EF as follows:
internal static Folder GetOrCreateFolder(DbContext dbContext, User user, string folderNature, string folderName)
Folder folder = GetExistingFolder(dbContext, folderNature, folderName);
if (folder == null)
folder = new Folder()
CreatedBy = user,
CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
Nature = folderNature,
Name = folderName
// see if the record has already been created in another call
folder = GetExistingFolder(dbContext, folderNature, folderName);
if (folder == null) // something else is wrong
return folder;
The problem is that the second attempt to get the row when it has already been created also fails, throwing an exception: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Folders' with unique index 'IX_Folders_Name_Nature'. The duplicate key value is...
UPDATE: Here is the GetExistingFolder method:
private static Folder GetExistingFolder(CMSDbContext dbContext, string folderNature, string folderName)
return dbContext.Folders.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Nature == folderNature && f.Name == folderName);
The code seems like it should be able to handle this situation, but why am I still getting that error? Thanks!
So here is the remedy:
First, here is the procedure using one transient dbcontext in each thread:
Get or create a row in parent table - commit if parent row is missing
Create a child row in child table and commit
Now, two concurrent requests needed to create the same parent row. At the beginning, the parent row is not there, so both attempt to create it. Needless to say, only one succeeds when committing due to constraints on the parent table. Knowing that the parent row may have been created in another thread, I accounted for that by re-examining the parent table when this happens to see if the required row is already there -- if yes, we are good, and we can proceed to step 2 without committing.
What I missed once I figured that the parent row has already been created in another thread, was that I should have also removed it from dbcontext change history using:
So its creation would not be attempted during the commit for the child row. So essentially there should be a step 2.5, where an unsuccessful commit to parent table is cleaned up.

RavenDB fails with ConcurrencyException when using new transaction

This code always fails with a ConcurrencyException:
public void EventOrderingCode_Fails_WithConcurrencyException()
Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
using (var scope1 = new TransactionScope())
using (var session = DataAccess.NewOpenSession)
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;
session.Advanced.AllowNonAuthoritativeInformation = false;
var ent1 = new CTEntity
Id = id,
Name = "George"
using (var scope2 = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
var ent2 = session.Load<CTEntity>(id);
ent2.Name = "Gina";
It fails at the last session.SaveChanges. Stating that it is using a NonCurrent etag. If I use Required instead of RequiresNew for scope2 - i.e. using the same Transaction. It works.
Now, since I load the entity (ent2) it should be using the newest Etag unless this is some cached value attached to scope1 that I am using (but I have disabled Caching). So I do not understand why this fails.
I really need this setup. In the production code the outer TransactionScope is created by NServiceBus, and the inner is for controlling an aspect of event ordering. It cannot be the same Transaction.
And I need the optimistic concurrency too - if other threads uses the entity at the same time.
BTW: This is using Raven
Since no one else have answered, I had better give it a go myself.
It turns out this was a human error. Due to a bad configuration of our IOC container the DataAccess.NewOpenSession gave me the same Session all the time (across other tests). In other words Raven works as expected :)
Before I found out about this I also experimented with using TransactionScopeOption.Suppress instead of RequiresNew. That also worked. Then I just had to make sure that whatever I did in the suppressed scope could not fail. Which was a valid option in my case.

Linq to SQL insert - ID not incrementing

I am learning MVC2 and I am trying to create a data request management system. Somewhat like a ticketing system. A quick question, in my mvc controller class I have a post-create
public ActionResult Create(Request request)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
var db = new DB();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(request);
return View(request);
Ok, this is extremely simple enough, well I add my view and once I create a row I get the 0 first in my Primary Key row. Then it will not increment anymore, I goto add another row and the catch returns me to the same view I am on. It seems that the primary key int id is not incrementing.
How do you auto increment the id (type int) here? I am a bit confused why MVC isn't handling this since it is the primary key type int. It will only make the first row with the id = 0 and that's all.
Your ID column needs to be set as an Identity column in the table in SQL server.
Also you should create your DB data context in a using:
using(var db = new DB())
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Otherwise you're spilling connections all over the place; and creating more memory leaks than an early build of windows (well, depending on your traffic ;) )

NHibernate - Handling StaleObjectStateException to always commit client changes - Need advice/recommendation

I am trying to find the perfect way to handle this exception and force client changes to overwrite any other changes that caused the conflict. The approach that I came up with is to wrap the call to Session.Transaction.Commit() in a loop, inside the loop I would do a try-catch block and handle each stale object individually by copying its properties, except row-version property then refreshing the object to get latest DB data then recopying original values to the refreshed object and then doing a merge. Once I loop I will commit and if any other StaleObjectStateException take place then the same applies. The loop keeps looping until all conflicts are resolved.
This method is part of a UnitOfWork class. To make it clearer I'll post my code:
// 'Client-wins' rules, any conflicts found will always cause client changes to
// overwrite anything else.
public void CommitAndRefresh() {
bool saveFailed;
do {
try {
saveFailed = false;
} catch (StaleObjectStateException ex) {
saveFailed = true;
// Get the staled object with client changes
var staleObject = _session.Get(ex.EntityName, ex.Identifier);
// Extract the row-version property name
IClassMetadata meta = _sessionFactory.GetClassMetadata(ex.EntityName);
string rowVersionPropertyName = meta.PropertyNames[meta.VersionProperty] as string;
// Store all property values from client changes
var propertyValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var publicProperties = staleObject.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var p in publicProperties) {
if (p.Name != rowVersionPropertyName) {
propertyValues.Add(p.Name, p.GetValue(staleObject, null));
// Get latest data for staled object from the database
// Update the data with the original client changes except for row-version
foreach (var p in publicProperties) {
if (p.Name != rowVersionPropertyName) {
p.SetValue(staleObject, propertyValues[p.Name], null);
// Merge
} while (saveFailed);
The above code works fine and handle concurrency with the client-wins rule. However, I was wondering if there is any built-in capabilities in NHibernate to do this for me or if there is a better way to handle this.
Thanks in advance,
What you're describing is a lack of concurrency checking. If you don't use a concurrency strategy (optimistic-lock, version or pessimistic), StaleStateObjectException will not be thrown and the update will be issued.
Okay, now I understand your use case. One important point is that the ISession should be discarded after an exception is thrown. You can use ISession.Merge to merge changes between a detached a persistent object rather than doing it yourself. Unfortunately, Merge does not cascade to child objects so you still need to walk the object graph yourself. So the implementation would look something like:
catch (StaleObjectStateException ex)
if (isPowerUser)
var newSession = GetSession();
// Merge will automatically get first

LINQ SQL Attach, Update Check set to Never, but still Concurrency conflicts

In the dbml designer I've set Update Check to Never on all properties. But i still get an exception when doing Attach: "An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported." This approach seems to have worked for others on here, but there must be something I've missed.
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
test.Name = "test2";
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
dc.Members.Attach(test, true);
The error message says exactly what is going wrong: You are trying to attach an object that has been loaded from another DataContext, in your case from another instance of the DataContext. Dont dispose your DataContext (at the end of the using statement it gets disposed) before you change values and submit the changes. This should work (all in one using statement). I just saw you want to attach the object again to the members collection, but it is already in there. No need to do that, this should work just as well:
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
var test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
test.Name = "test2";
Just change the value and submit the changes.
Latest Update:
(Removed all previous 3 updates)
My previous solution (removed it again from this post), found here is dangerous. I just read this on a MSDN article:
"Only call the Attach methods on new
or deserialized entities. The only way
for an entity to be detached from its
original data context is for it to be
serialized. If you try to attach an
undetached entity to a new data
context, and that entity still has
deferred loaders from its previous
data context, LINQ to SQL will thrown
an exception. An entity with deferred
loaders from two different data
contexts could cause unwanted results
when you perform insert, update, and
delete operations on that entity. For
more information about deferred
loaders, see Deferred versus Immediate
Loading (LINQ to SQL)."
Use this instead:
// Get the object the first time by some id
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
test = dc.Members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.fltId == 1);
// Somewhere else in the program
test.Name = "test2";
// Again somewhere else
using(TheDataContext dc = new TheDataContext())
// Get the db row with the id of the 'test' object
Member modifiedMember = new Member()
Id = test.Id,
Name = test.Name,
Field2 = test.Field2,
Field3 = test.Field3,
Field4 = test.Field4
dc.Members.Attach(modifiedMember, true);
After having copied the object, all references are detached, and all event handlers (deferred loading from db) are not connected to the new object. Just the value fields are copied to the new object, that can now be savely attached to the members table. Additionally you do not have to query the db for a second time with this solution.
It is possible to attach entities from another datacontext.
The only thing that needs to be added to code in the first post is this:
dc.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false
But this is a drawback since deferred loading is very useful. I read somewhere on this page that another solution would be to set the Update Check on all properties to Never. This text says the same: http://complexitykills.blogspot.com/2008/03/disconnected-linq-to-sql-tips-part-1.html
But I can't get it to work even after setting the Update Check to Never.
This is a function in my Repository class which I use to update entities
protected void Attach(TEntity entity)
_dataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, entity);
catch (DuplicateKeyException ex) //Data context knows about this entity so just update values
_dataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, entity);
Where TEntity is your DB Class and depending on you setup you might just want to do