how to make WCF service use a specific DataContractSerializer constructor overload? - wcf

DataContractSerializer has many constructor overloads, and I'd like to be able to specify how my WCF service should initialize the DataContractSerializer it uses. How would you go about doing this? Is it easier to configure this in the .config file or in C#?
A WCF service always appears to use this one by default.
If possible, please give an example of how to specify DataContractSerializer using this constructor for KnownTypes.

This MSDN forum post shows how to swap the serializer in WCF with another. You could create your own wrapper with the constructor that you want and swap it in.

I figured out how to do this. See
for guidance. Hope this helps.


Get the JAX-RS application a resource is attached on

I wonder if it's possible to get an instance of the JAX-RS Application a resource is attached on. Ideally a way that isn't dependent to a specific implementation. For example using dependency injection...
Thanks very much for your help,
As stated in The Spec
5.2.1 Application
The instance of the application-supplied Application subclass can be injected into a class field or method parameter using the #Context annotation. Access to the Application subclass instance allows configuration information to be centralized in that class. Note that this cannot be injected into the Application subclass itself since this would create a circular dependency.
but from I've experienced, it will most likely not be the actual instance, but a proxy. Also if you're looking to alter anything on it, I'm not sure it's possible. It might be read-only.

WCF initialization using Bootstrapper for Unity and Automapper

I am using Unity Container and Automapper and I'm looking for a place to call my initialization and bootstrapping code in my WCF Service. My internet searches have recommended one of four approaches as discussed here
1. Global.asax,
2. App_Code\AppInitialize,
3. custom ServiceHost, and
4. ServiceHostBase.InitializeRuntime)
However, I was also wondering if anyone has used the "Bootstrapper" project
with the Unity and Automapper extensions.
So where/how is the best place to call the "Bootstrapper.Run()" code in a WCF Service? Sample code would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can use web activator and call initialize method on your bootstrapper class. see details on

NServiceBus: need to configure channels for my Gateway with code

I'm engaged in building NServiceBus Gateway handler, and I need to avoid config files so that all configuration is defined inside c# classes. As a result I have to convert the following section to c# code
<Channel Address="http://localhost:25899/SiteB/" ChannelType="Http" Default="true"/>
I've found GatewayConfig, ChannelCollection and ChannelConfig in a NServiceBus.Config namespace, but I can not link them together, coz GatewayConfig refers to ChannelCollection, but ChannelCollection has nothing to do with ChannelConfig. Please help
Just create a class implementing IProvideConfiguration of GatewayConfig. That gives you a way to provide your own config. Look at the pubsub sample for the exact details on how to do this.
Well, I've found the way to do it as I installed Reflector and looked into the implementation. There is a ChannelCollection.CreateNewElement() method returning back System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement. NServiceBus overriden the method instantiating ChannelConfig inside it, so all I have to do is to cast ConfigurationElement type to ChannelConfig type which is far from intuitive interface. Looks like this NServiceBus.Config.ChannelCollection is kind of unfinished work, because if you look at other collections like NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMappingCollection you can find there all necessary type-safe methods to work with its child elements NServiceBus.Config.MessageEndpointMapping, so I think NServiceBus team was just lazy to make the same for ChannelCollection.
UPDATE: as CreateNewElement() method is protected, I have to implement my own class inherited from ChannelCollection to make a method adding new ChannelConfig element publicly available

Any references to replacing the XmlSerialiaztioNBehavior for WCF?

I need to hook up my own XmlSerializer (need to do some custom prepataions). They are all "valid" and easy to do when creating an XmlSerializer, but...
...when using WCF using the behavior am not creating the serializer. So I run into a problem.
Anyone has a reference how to replace the XmlSerialiaztionBehavior of WCF and to "inject" a custom prepared XmlSerializer?
You might want to look into custom message formatters, or here on msdn.

Mocking wcf in silverlight

I thought that I could create a WCF in and call it in Silverlight. I would inject an interface to the WCF. Then in my unit test I would mock the wcf....
However when I actually got to do this I notice that the interface does not actually have the methods that I am calling.
How to people typically accomplish this?
I would create a MyWCFService class which would wrap all the work calling out to my generated WCF proxies.
This helps in a few ways:
Gives you a single point to keep all of the code related to calling WCF (which can be quite a bit with proper error handling).
Gives you a class you can mock out for calling.
Gives you an opening to easily replace WCF if you need/want too by not avoiding WCF specific code being sprinkled everywhere (unlikely but you never know).