How to hanlde list data that doesn't belong to a model an isn't a model by its own in rails? - ruby-on-rails-3

In my rails project I have diferent list of data that I have to mantain with CRUD operations and each list doesn't deserve a model or an entire scaffolding to maitain it, what's the best way to handle this on rails?
Now I'm using a List model with name:string content:text to save each list as a list record and do some parsing when I need some list in my app. Here is my actual list model:
class NoListException < Exception
class List < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, uniqueness: true
def self.container_types
get_list('container_types').collect do |b|
b.split(',').collect {|c| c.split(':').last }
end.collect {|p| "#{p.last} - #{p.first}" }
def self.location_categories
def self.services_types
def self.get_id_value_list(name)
get_list(name).collect do |b|
(b.split(',').collect {|c| c.split(':').last }).rotate
def self.get_list(name)
list = List.find_by_name(name)
raise NoListException if list.nil?
I think is a very common problem, because of that I ask if there are a better way to handle those lists?

Its not bad to have a model with no scaffolding to support it. I often do this with category or tag like models which are often created and managed by the models they act upon. So don't feel pressured to build out a whole scaffolding for a simple model.
If you don't need to persist the data to the database then you can always use ActiveModel, or if you do need to persist and can find another model to piggy back ontop of, look into serialization, its a good way to store loose data


Why is Model.associations an Array, but still supports sql queries? [duplicate]

In Rails, I have created a Model that retrieves users from an LDAP database rather than from ActiveRecord. Now I am attempting to integrate my ActiveRecord models with the LDAP-based models, so I am writing methods in my models that emulate some common ActiveRecord methods.
One of the methods I am trying to emulate is one that is normally created by the has_many through relationship on ActiveRecord. In ActiveRecord, this relationship would allow the following:
user = User.first
groups = user.groups # == Array of Groups
groups << Group.create(name: "Test") # How does Rails allow this?
How exactly does Rails allow this? I've tried dynamically assigning methods to the array instance returned by user.groups, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make those methods aware of which user record the array was created from. (So they can assign user_id on the new relationship record.) What am I missing?
Though user.groups appears to be an array of groups, it's actually an entirely separate class -- a Rails internal class that you usually don't know much about called an association proxy. The proxy responds to methods like <<, create, new and so on by proxying requests to the target class and then setting the association appropriately.
If you want similar functionality you'll have to implement your own kind of proxy associations. Doing so will be pretty complicated, but this might get you started.
module LDAP
class Association
attr_accessor :source, :target
def initialize(source, target)
#source = source
#target = target
def <<(obj)
#source.group_ids = [group_ids + obj].flatten.uniq
class User
def groups, Group)
This is not even particularly close to how ActiveRecord implements association proxies. However, this is quite a bit simpler than ActiveRecord's solution and should be enough to duplicate some basic ActiveRecord functionality.
I would go about doing this by peeking into the Rails Source Code, e.g. the code for the
Group.create example above can be found in
def create(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block)
if attributes.is_a?(Array)
attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr, options, &block) }
object = new(attributes, options, &block)

Rails: create lots of almost-duplicate records

I want to write a method that creates a bunch of almost-duplicate records, just with one or two parameters changed. I'll make a form to control those parameters, I'm just wondering about how best to write the method, and where do keep it.
Presently in my document.rb I've written this:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create(:component_ids => components, :message => 'Message.', :template_id =>, :user_id =>
It doesn't feel right though. Is there a better way to do this?
This code is fine if your security model allows all these fields to be bulk assignable by mention in attr_accessible in the model. If it doesn't then you're better off using the block form of create. Also, if Document, Template and User are ActiveRecord instances, you should let Rails manage the details of ids.
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.component_ids = components,
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
One final note is that component_ids must be serialized to store a list. This is probably a flaw in your model design. The better way is (probably) to specify Component belongs_to User and also User has_many Components. I.e. Component contains a foreign key to User. If it's necessary for a Component to belong also to many users, then you'll need either has_and_belongs_to_many or has_many ... through. The Rails guide on relations describes all this in more detail.
With the right relations set up, the code will become:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.components = components, # Components is now a list of active records.
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
The resulting SQL will get all the foreign keys and (if necessary) relation tables filled in correctly.

What's a reliable why to create a custom id for an associated item in rails

I have a nested resource like this
resources :projects do
resources :tasks
The tasks have a field named number. Whenever I create a task I would like to give it a squential number within the parent project.
This is my model class
class Task < ActiveRecord :: Base
belongs_to :project
validate_presence_of :title
before_create :generate_number
def generate_number
if project.tasks.nil? || project.tasks.count < 1
self.number = 1
self.number = list.topics.count+1
I am not sure about certain things:
Does this logic belongs in my Task Model or in my Project model or in a seperate class/module?
What is the best before filter. (before_create, before_validation, validation)?
Because there are many ways how to create a task. With a list, in a list, alone and then attach it to a list...
And which filter would work in my tests so that I could setup some Fakes for example with factory girl... Because right now FactoryGirl does not always executes generate number...
This is my factory
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :project do
name "Hello world"
trait :with_tasks do
ignore do
number_of_tasks 3
after :create do |project,evaluator|
#project.Factory.create_list :taks, evaluator.number_of_tasks, :project => project
What would be the best. reliable way to generate a sequential custom taks number depending on the project which works in my specs as well as in production?
Any best practise tips would be appreciated.
I would keep the before_create callback in the Task model, which would call the generate_number function. This should work in Factory girl where it would add the number if you use Factory.create, but not when you use

avoiding code duplication in Rails 3 models

I'm working on a Rails 3.1 application where there are a number of different enum-like models that are stored in the database. There is a lot of identical code in these models, as well as in the associated controllers and views. I've solved the code duplication for the controllers and views via a shared parent controller class and the new view/layout inheritance that's part of Rails 3.
Now I'm trying to solve the code duplication in the models, and I'm stuck. An example of one of my enum models is as follows:
class Format < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :videos
attr_accessible :name
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
before_destroy :verify_no_linked_videos
def verify_no_linked_videos
unless self.videos.empty?
self.errors[:base] << "Couldn't delete format with associated videos."
raise self
I have four or five other classes with nearly identical code (the association declaration being the only difference). I've tried creating a module with the shared code that they all include (which seems like the Ruby Way), but much of the duplicate code relies on ActiveRecord, so the methods I'm trying to use in the module (validate, attr_accessible, etc.) aren't available. I know about ActiveModel, but that doesn't get me all the way there.
I've also tried creating a common, non-persistent parent class that subclasses ActiveRecord::Base, but all of the code I've seen to accomplish this assumes that you won't have subclasses of your non-persistent class that do persist.
Any suggestions for how best to avoid duplicating these identical lines of code across many different enum models?
I found a solution to the code sharing for Rails 3 models, so thought I'd share it with others. It turns out ActiveModel does have everything I need (so far, at least). I created an Enum module using ActiveSupport::Concern, ActiveModel::Validations, and ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity, and I include the module in each of my enum models:
module Enum
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include ActiveModel::Validations
include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity
included do
attr_accessible :name
validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 20 }
before_destroy :verify_no_linked_videos
def verify_no_linked_videos
unless self.videos.empty?
self.errors[:base] << "Couldn't delete object with associated videos."
raise self
The way the Rails 3 team pulled out the non-database code from ActiveRecord into ActiveModel really is pretty slick! The following links helped solidify my understanding of how to use this stuff:

multiple image upload with dragonfly

i was trying for multiple image upload with dragonfly in rails3. i searched for some tutorials, but couldn't find any. i found a tutorial for multiple image upload with Carrierwave, but couldnt find luck with dragonfly .. any help please :)
Dragonfly itself can be used to manage media for your project in general, similar to paperclip. The question itself boils down to the multiple file upload within a rails application. The some tutorials on this topic available, which can easily be adapted to models using Dragonfly for storing specific files on them. I would suggest you look into those and try to adapt them for your project.
However, I can present a minimum example which i built for a rails 3.2 app currently in development, which isn't perfect (validation handling for example), but can give you some starting points.
Just for reference, the essential idea is taken from here. This example is done with Rails 3.2.x.
Let's say you have a vacation database, where users may create trip reports on vacations they took. They may leave a small description, as well as some pictures.
Start out by building a simple ActiveRecord based model for the trips, lets just call it Trip for now:
class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :trip_images
attr_accessible :description, :trip_images
As you can see, the model has trip images attached to it via a has_many association. Lets have a quick look at the TripImage model, which uses dragonfly for having the file stored in the content field:
class TripImage < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :content, :trip_id
belongs_to :trip_id
image_accessor :content
The trip image it self stores the file attachment. You may place any restrains within this model, e.g. file size or mime type.
Let's create a TripController which has a new and create action (you can generate this via scaffolding if you like, it is by far nothing fancy):
class TripController < ApplicationController
def new
#trip =
def create
#trip =[:template])
#create the images from the params
unless params[:images].nil?
params[:images].each do |image|
#trip.trip_images << TripImages.create(:content => image)
Nothing special here, with the exception of creating the images from another entry than the params hash. this makes sense when looking at the the file upload field within the new.html.erb template file (or in the partial you use for the fields on the Trip model):
<%= f.file_field :trip_images, :name => 'images[]', :multiple => true %>
This should work for the moment, however, there are no limitations for the images on this right now. You can restrict the number of images on the server side via a custom validator on the Trip model:
class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :trip_images
attr_accessible :description, :trip_images
validate :image_count_in_bounds, :on => :create
def image_count_in_bounds
return if trip_images.blank?
errors.add("Only 10 images are allowed!") if trip_images.length > 10
I leave this up to you, but you could also use client side validations on the file field, the general idea would be to check the files upon changing the file field (in CoffeeScript):
jQuery ->
$('#file_field_id').change () ->
#disable the form
for file in this.files
#check each file
#enable the form
You can build a lot out of existing tutorials, as dragonfly does not behave that differently to other solutions when it comes to just to uploading files. However, if you'd like something fancier, I'd suggest jQuery Fileupload, as many others have before me.
Anyways, I hope I could provide some insight.