Rails3 - Is there a way to do NOTLIKE? - ruby-on-rails-3

I previously asked a question regarding pulling specific items out of a database if they contained a specific word in their string, someone kindly offered the following which did just the job:
def SomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :contains_city,
lambda { |city| where("some_models.address LIKE ?","%"+city+"%" ) }
However, I have some instances where I would like to do the opposite, i.e. pull out all the items which do not have the specified word in their string. Is there a way to do a NOT LIKE function? I have prevously seen people use '!=' for a NOT EQUALS, but have had no success along these lines for the LIKE function. Is there an equivalent or is it best to iterate through the database putting items in 2 separate databases based on whether they satisfy the LIKE condition?

You could try NOT LIKE in your query; MySQL supports this.


How to send a table names as parameters to a function which performs a join on them?

Currently I used the following code for joining tables.
Booking.joins(:table1, :table2, :table3, :table4).other_queries
However, the number of tables to be joined with depends on certain conditions. The other_queries also form a very large chain. So, I am duplicating a lot of code just because I need to perform joins differently.
So, I want to implement something like this
def method(params)
How can this be done?
Maybe just Booking.joins(*params).other_queries is what you need?
Operator * transforms array into list of params, for example:
arr = [1,2,3]
any_method(*arr) # is equal to any_method(1,2,3)
However, if params is smth came from user I recommend you not to trust it, it probably could be security issue. But if you trust it or filter it - why not.
SAFE_JOINS = [:table1, :table2, :table3]
def method(params)
booking = Booking.scoped # or Booking.all if you are rails 5
(params[:joins] & SAFE_JOINS.map(&:to_s)).each do |j|
booking = booking.joins(j.intern)

read all document by using particular category name using alfresco search.luceneSearch or search.lib.js

Category Name
Geograpy (8)
Study Db (18)
i am implement my own advance search in alfresco. i need to read all files which related with particular category.
if there is 20 file under geograpy, lucene query should read particular document under search key word "banana".
Further explanation -
I am using search.lib.js to search. I would like to analyze the result to find out to which category the documents belong to. For example I would like to know how many documents belong to the category under Languages and the subcategories. I experimented with the Classification API but I don't get the result I want. Any Idea how to go through the result to get the category name of each document?
is there any simple method like node.properties["cm:creator"]?
I think you should specify more your question:
Are you using cm:content or a customized content?
Are you going to search the keyword inside the content of the file? or are you going to search the keyword in a specific metadata(s)?
Do you want to create a webscript (java or javascript)?
One thing to take in consideration:
if you use +PATH:"cm:generalclassifiable/...." for the categorization in your lucene queries, the performance will be slow (following my experince)
You can use for example the next query to find all nodes at any depth below /cm:Languages:
var results = search.luceneSearch("+PATH:\"cm:generalclassifiable/cm:Languages//*\");
Take a look to this url: https://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Search#Path_Queries
Once you have all the elements, you can loop all, and get to which category below. Of course you need to create some counter per each category/subcategory:
for(i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
var node = results[i];
var categoryNodeRef = node.properties["cm:categories"];
var categoryDesc = categoryNodeRef.properties["cm:description"];
var categoryName = categoryNodeRef.properties["cm:name"];
This is not exactly the solution, but can be a useful idea to start.
Sorry if it's not what you're asking for, I have just arrived from my holidays.

Endeca UrlENEQuery java API search

I'm currently trying to create an Endeca query using the Java API for a URLENEQuery. The current query is:
collection()/record[CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" and SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
I need it to be:
collection()/record[(CONTACT_ID = "xxxxx" or CONTACT_ID = "zzzzz") and
SALES_OFFICE = "yyyy"]
Currently this is being done with an ERecSearchList with CONTACT_ID and the string I'm trying to match in an ERecSearch object, but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the UrlENEQuery to generate the or in the correct fashion as I have above. Does anyone know how I can do this?
One of us is confused on multiple levels:
Let me try to explain why I am confused:
If Contact_ID and Sales_Office are different dimensions, where Contact_ID is a multi-or dimension, then you don't need to use EQL (the xpath like language) to do anything. Just select the appropriate dimension values and your navigation state will reflect the query you are trying to build with XPATH. IE CONTACT_IDs "ORed together" with SALES_OFFICE "ANDed".
If you do have to use EQL, then the only way to modify it (provided that you have to modify it from the returned results) is via string manipulation.
ERecSearchList gives you ability to use "Search Within" functionality which functions completely different from the EQL filtering, though you can achieve similar results by using tricks like searching only specified field (which would be separate from the generic search interface") I am still not sure what's the connection between ERecSearchList and the EQL expression above?
Having expressed my confusion, I think what you need to do is to use String manipulation to dynamically build the EQL expression and add it to the Query.
A code example of what you are doing would be extremely helpful as well.

How to use query.filter and .filter_by in SQLAlchemy?

With Django it is possible to find models using the filter method with keyword-arguments like so:
giving all models with a serial number greater than 10.
Is it possibly to use a similar query language with sql-alchemy? I know that one can write something like MyModel.seriealNO < 10, but with that the code that uses this construct need to import MyModel and I want to create the keywords/query parameters externally without importing MyModel (for a facade-pattern).
the concept of "<attributename>_<operatorname>=<value>" is not built in to SQLAlchemy's Query, however the effect is very easy to reproduce. Here's a quick example done by the author of Flask: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/sqlalchemy-django-query/blob/master/sqlalchemy_django_query.py

Rails 3 selecting only values

In rails 3, I would like to do the following:
SomeModel.where(:some_connection_id => anArrayOfIds).select("some_other_connection_id")
This works, but i get the following from the DB:
Now, those id-s are the ones I need, but I am uncapable of making a query that only gives me the ids. I do not want to have to itterate over the resulst, only to get those numbers out. Are there any way for me to do this with something like :
SomeModel.where(:some_connection_id => anArrayOfIds).select("some_other_connection_id").values()
Or something of that nautre?
I have been trying with the ".select_values()" found at Git-hub, but it only returns "some_other_connection_id".
I am not an expert in rails, so this info might be helpful also:
The "SomeModel" is a connecting table, for a many-to-many relation in one of my other models. So, accually what I am trying to do is to, from the array of IDs, get all the entries from the other side of the connection. Basicly I have the source ids, and i want to get the data from the models with all the target ids. If there is a magic way of getting these without me having to do all the sql myself (with some help from active record) it would be really nice!
Thanks :)
Try pluck method
SomeModel.where(:some => condition).pluck("some_field")
it works like
SomeModel.where(:some => condition).select("some_field").map(&:some_field)
SomeModel.where(:some_connection_id => anArrayOfIds).select("some_other_connection_id").map &:some_other_connection_id
This is essentially a shorthand for:
results = SomeModel.where(:some_connection_id => anArrayOfIds).select("some_other_connection_id")
results.map {|row| row.some_other_connection_id}
Look at Array#map for details on map method.
Beware that there is no lazy loading here, as it iterates over the results, but it shouldn't be a problem, unless you want to add more constructs to you query or retrieve some associated objects(which should not be the case as you haven't got the ids for loading the associated objects).