A constraint that only allows one of two tables to reference a base table - sql

I have 3 tables. A base table, call it Table A, and two tables that reference Table A, Call them Table X and Table Y. Both X and Y have a foreign key contraint that references Table A. The Foreign Key of X and Y is also their own Primary Key.
I'd like to know if it is possible to add a constraint that will only allow one of these tables to contain a recrod that references Table A. So if X has a record that references A then Y can't have one and if Y has a record that references A then X can't have one.
Is this possible?

CHECK constraints with UDFs (which is Oded's answer) don't scale well and have poor concurrency. See these:
Scalar UDFs wrapped in CHECK constraints are very slow and may fail for multirow updates
Tony Rogerson
create a new table, say TableA2XY
this has the PK of TableA and a char(1) column with a CHECK to allow ony X or Y. And a unique constraint on the PK of A too.
tableX and tableY have new char(1) column with a check to allow only X or Y respectively
tableX and tableY have their FK to TableA2XY on both columns
This is the superkey or subtype approach
all DRI based
no triggers
no udfs with table access in CHECK constraints.

Yes, this is possible using CHECK constraints.
Apart from the normal foreign key constraint, you will need to add a CHECK constraint on both referencing tables to ensure that a foreign key is not used in the other referencing table.


SQL sub-types with overlapping child tables

Consider the problem above where the 'CommonChild' entity can be a child of either sub-type A or B, but not C. How would I go about designing the physical model in a relational [SQL] database?
Ideally, the solution would allow...
for an identifying relationship between CommonChild and it's related sub-type.
a 1:N relationship.
Possible Solutions
Add an additional sub-type to the super-type and move sub-type A and B under the new sub-type. The CommonChild can then have a FK constraint on the newly created sub-type. Works for the above, but not if an additional entity is added which can have a relationship with sub-type A and C, but not B.
Add a FK constraint between the CommonChild and SuperType. Use a trigger or check constraint (w/ UDF) against the super-type's discriminator before allowing a new tuple into CommonChild. Seems straight forward, but now CommonChild almost seems like new subtype itself (which it is not).
My model is fundamentally flawed. Remodel and the problem should go away.
I'm looking for other possible solutions or confirmation of one of the above solutions I've already proposed.
I'm going to implement the exclusive foreign key solution provided by Branko Dimitrijevic (see accepted answer).
I am going to make a slight modifications in this case as:
the super-type, sub-type, and "CommonChild" all have the same PKs and;
the PKs are 3 column composites.
The modification is to to create an intermediate table whose sole role is to enforce the exclusive FK constraint between the sub-types and the "CommonChild" (exact model provided by Dimitrijevic minus the "CommonChild's" attributes.). The CommonChild's PK will have a normal FK constraint to the intermediate table.
This will prevent the "CommonChild" from having 2 sets of 3 column composite FKs. Plus, since the identifying relationship is maintained from super-type to "CommonChild", [read] queries can effectively ignore the intermediate table altogether.
Looks like you need a variation of exclusive foreign keys:
CREATE TABLE CommonChild (
SubTypeAId int REFERENCES SubTypeA (SuperId),
SubTypeBId int REFERENCES SubTypeB (SuperId),
Attr6 varchar,
There are couple of thing to note here:
There are two NULL-able FOREIGN KEYs.
There is a CHECK that allows exactly one of these FKs be non-NULL.
There is a computed column Id which equals one of the FKs (whichever is currently non-NULL) which is also a PRIMARY KEY. This ensures that:
One parent cannot have multiple children.
A "grandchild" table can reference the CommonChild.Id directly from its FK. The SuperType.Id is effectively popagated all the way down.
We don't have to mess with NULL-able UNIQUE constraints, which are problematic in MS SQL Server (see below).
A DBMS-agnostic way of of doing something similar would be...
CREATE TABLE CommonChild (
SubTypeAId int UNIQUE REFERENCES SubTypeA (SuperId),
SubTypeBId int UNIQUE REFERENCES SubTypeB (SuperId),
Attr6 varchar,
Unfortunately a UNIQUE column containing more than one NULL is not allowed by MS SQL Server, which is not the case in most DBMSes. However, you can just omit the UNIQUE constraint if you don't want to reference SubTypeAId or SubTypeBId directly.
Wondering what am I missing here?
Admittedly, it is hard without having the wording of the specific problem, but things do feel a bit upside-down.

For all records in a table how to guarantee at least one record on a foreign key related table?

Assume that there are two tables in a database. First one is X, second one is Y. Y table has a foreignkey on X table. So, if there is a record on Y table, it's foreignkey related column value must exist on X table. This is the default behavior.
------- -------
XID <--- Foreignkey to X table.
Now, for all records in X table i want to guarantee that there must be at least one record on Y table. If there isn't, it should add one automatically. How can i do this?
There are two different issues here.
Managing declarative constraints.
Managing inserts, updates, and deletes.
The "normal" way to guarantee a row exists in y for every row in x is to include foreign keys in both tables. Each table references the other.
create table x (
x_id integer primary key,
y_id integer not null
create table y (
y_id integer primary key,
x_id integer not null references x (x_id)
alter table x
add constraint one_to_one
foreign key (y_id)
references y (y_id) deferrable initially deferred;
begin transaction;
insert into x values (1, 100);
insert into y values (100, 1);
Although this guarantees that every "x" has a "y", so to speak, it doesn't guarantee that every "x" has a different "y", or that every "x" has its own "y". I'm not sure whether that's your requirement.
This isn't quite what you're looking for, because you have a 1:N relationship between your two tables. You could make it work, but I think you'd have to write a trigger to manage changes to table "y". For example, if the user deletes from "y" the row that "x" holds a foreign key reference to, you'd need to update "x" to reference a different row in "y".
But this leads to the second issue: managing inserts, updates, and deletes. There are several ways to do that.
The client is responsible for providing all the statements necessary to keep the database consistent. (With the possible exception of that foreign key problem above, which might better be handled in a trigger on "y".)
Clients have no direct access to base tables. All changes are through stored procedures.
Clients have no direct access to base tables. All changes are through updatable views.
Stored procedures and updatable views can give you some degree of automatically adding a row in "y", but you have to write procedural code to do it.
To insert missed records into Y for existing data you can run something like
To prevent such things in the future, write a procedure which inserts data in 2 tables, and prevent everyone from inserting data into tables directly (only through this procedure)

restrict the values by constraint using a lookup table

I have a lookup table
UserTypeID |AllowedValue
1 |x
1 |y
2 |u
3 |a
(This says an user of Type 1 can enter the values of type x and y only and not of type u or a..so on)
I have another table
UserID |userTypeID |value
Now in this table how can I resrtict a user of type 1 to the values as per Tbl_UserType_value_lookup table using CHECK constraint ?
Is there any other way?
Assuming that you have a unique key on Tbl_UserType_value_lookup for UserTypeID, Allowed Value, you could have a composite foreign key on Tbl_Activity that references these columns.
(ie the combination of UserType, Value would have to exist on Tbl_UserType_value_lookup to be insertable.
There's quite a lot of discussion of this here:
Creating a composite foreign key in SQL Server 2008
I think that you can't create a dynamic CHECK constraint.
Use a foreign key to link Tbl_Activity to Tbl_UserType_value_lookup.
What you want is an application rule that can't be easily enforced in the data structure.
FOREIGN KEY allowed_value(userTypeID, Value)
REFERENCES Tbl_UserType_value_lookup (userTypeID, AllowedValue)
(If your SQL platform supports composite foreign keys, otherwise you'll have to hack some ugly triggers and/or use a surrogate key)
BTW: avoid MixedCase in table names and column names. Normally, SQL is not case-sensitive, but if your database has to be moved to a case-sensitive installation, you'll cry bitter tears. Mixing MixedCase and under_scores is considered Bad_Style (by most people).
CHECK constraints enforce domain integrity by limiting the values that are accepted by a column. They are similar to FOREIGN KEY constraints in that they control the values that are put in a column. The difference is in how they determine which values are valid: FOREIGN KEY constraints obtain the list of valid values from another table, and CHECK constraints determine the valid values from a logical expression that is not based on data in another column. For example, the range of values for a salary column can be limited by creating a CHECK constraint that allows for only data that ranges from $15,000 through $100,000. This prevents salaries from being entered beyond the regular salary range.
For more info, check HERE.

How to constraint one column with values from a column from another table?

This isn't a big deal, but my OCD is acting up with the following problem in the database I'm creating. I'm not used to working with databases, but the data has to be stored somewhere...
I have two tables A and B.
One of the datafields is common to both tables - segments. There's a finite number of segments, and I want to write queries that connect values from A to B through their segment values, very much asif the following table structure was used:
However, as you can see the table Segments is empty. There's nothing more I want to put into that table, rather than the ID to give other table as foreign keys. I want my tables to be as simple as possible, and therefore adding another one just seems wrong.
Note also that one of these tables (A, say) is actually master, in the sense that you should be able to put any value for segment into A, but B one should first check with A before inserting.
I tried one of the answers below:
create table A(
id int primary key identity,
segment int not null
create table B(
id integer primary key identity,
segment int not null
--Andomar's suggestion
alter table B add constraint FK_B_SegmentID
foreign key (segment) references A(segment)
This produced the following error.
Maybe I was somehow unclear that segments is not-unique in A or B and can appear many times in both tables.
Msg 1776, Level 16, State 0, Line 11 There are no primary or candidate
keys in the referenced table 'A' that match the referencing column
list in the foreign key 'FK_B_SegmentID'. Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0,
Line 11 Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
You can create a foreign key relationship directly from B.SegmentID to A.SegmentID. There's no need for the extra table.
Update: If the SegmentIDs aren't unique in TableA, then you do need the extra table to store the segment IDs, and create foreign key relationships from both tables to this table. This however is not enough to enforce that all segment IDs in TableB also occur in TableA. You could instead use triggers.
You can ensure the segment exists in A with a foreign key:
alter table B add constraint FK_B_SegmentID
foreign key (SegmentID) references A(SegmentID)
To avoid rows in B without a segment at all, make B.SegmentID not nullable:
alter table B alter column SegmentID int not null
There is no need to create a Segments table unless you want to associate extra data with a SegmentID.
As Andomar and Mark Byers wrote, you don't have to create an extra table.
You can also CASCADE UPDATEs or DELETEs on the master. Be very carefull with ON DELETE CASCADE though!
For queries use a JOIN:
JOIN B ON a.SegmentID = b.SegmentID
You have to add a UNIQUE constraint on segment_id in the "master" table to avoid duplicates there, or else the foreign key is not possible. Like this:
If I've understood correctly, a given segment cannot be inserted into table B unless it has also been inserted into table A. In which case, table A should reference table Segments and table B should reference table A; it would be implicit that table B ultimately references table Segments (indirectly via table A) so an explicit reference is not required. This could be done using foreign keys (e.g. no triggers required).
Because table A has its own key I assume a given segment_ID can appear in table A more than once, therefore for B to be able to reference the segment_ID value in A then a superkey would need to be defined on the compound of A_ID and segment_ID. Here's a quick sketch:
REFERENCES Segments (segment_ID),
UNIQUE (segment_ID, A_ID) -- superkey
FOREIGN KEY (segment_ID, A_ID)
REFERENCES A (segment_ID, A_ID),

SQL Server 2008: The columns in table do not match an existing primary key or unique constraint

I need to make some changes to a SQL Server 2008 database.
This requires the creation of a new table, and inserting a foreign key in the new table that references the Primary key of an already existing table. So I want to set up a relationship between my new tblTwo, which references the primary key of tblOne.
However when I tried to do this (through SQL Server Management Studio) I got the following error:
The columns in table 'tblOne' do not
match an existing primary key or
UNIQUE constraint
I'm not really sure what this means, and I was wondering if there was any way around it?
It means that the primary key in tblOne hasn't been properly declared - you need to go to tblOne and add the PRIMARY KEY constraint back onto it.
If you're sure that tblOne does have a PRIMARY KEY constraint, then maybe there are multiple tblOne tables in your DB, belonging to different schemas, and your references clause in your FK constraint is picking the wrong one.
If there's a composite key (which your comment would indicate), then you have to include both columns in your foreign key reference also. Note that a table can't have multiple primary keys - but if it has a composite key, you'll see a key symbol next to each column that is part of the primary key.
If you have a composite key the order is important when creating a FK, and sometimes the order is not how it is displayed.
What I do is go to the Keys section of the table1 and select script primary key as create to clipboard and then create FK using the order as shown in script
I've had this situation that led me to this topic. Same error but another cause. Maybe it will help someone.
ColA (PK)
ColB (PK)
When trying to create foreign key in Table2 I've choose values from combobox in reverse order
Table1.ColB = Table2.ColB
Table1.ColA = Table2.ColA
This was throwing me an error like in topic name. Creating FK keeping order of columns in Primary key table as they are, made error disappear.
Stupid, but.. :)
If you still get that error after you have followed all advice from the above answers and everything looks right.
One way to fix it is by Removing your Primary keys for both tables, Save, Refresh, and add them again.
Then try to add your relationship again.
This Error happened with me When I tried to add foreign key constraint starting from PrimaryKey Table
Simpy go to other table and and create this foreign key constraint from there (foreign key Table)
This issue caught me out, I was adding the relationship on the wrong table. So if you're trying to add a relationship in table A to table B, try adding the relationship in table B to table A.
That looks like you are trying to create a foreign key in tblTwo that does not match (or participate) with any primary key or unique index in tblOne.
Check this link on MSDN regarding it. Here you have another link with a practical case.
Answwering to your comment, I understand you mean there are 2 fields in the primary key (which makes it a composite). In SQL it is not possible to have 2 primary keys on the same table.
IMHO, a foreign key field should always refer to a single register in the referenced table (i.e. the whole primary key in your case). That means you need to put both fields of the tblOne primary key in tblTwo before creating the foreign key.
Anyway, I have investigated a bit over the Internet and it seems SQL Server 2008 (as some prior versions and other RDBMS) gives you the possibility to reference only part of the primary key as long as this part is a candidate key (Not Null and Unique) and you create an unique constraint on it.
I am not sure you can use that in your case, but check this link for more information on it.
I have found that the column names must match.
So if tblOne has id called categoryId a reference in tblTwo must also be called categoryId.
_tblname, primary key name, foreign key_
tblOne, "categoryId", none
tblTwo, "exampleId", "categoryId"
I noticed this when trying to create foreign key between 2 tables that both had the column name "id" as primary key.
If nothing helps, then this could be the reason:
Considering this case:
Table A:
Column 1 (Primary Key)
Column 2 (Primary Key)
Column 3
Column 4
Table B:
Column a (Primary Key)
Column b
Column c
when you are defining a dependency B to A, then you are forced to respect the order in which the primaries are defined.
That's mean your dependency should look like this:
Table A Table B
Column 1 Column b
Column 2 Column c
Table A Table B
Column 2 Column c
Column 1 Column b
then this will lead to the error you are encountering.
I've found another way to get this error. This can also happen if you are trying to make a recursive foreign key (a foreign key to the primary key in the same table) in design view in SQL Management Studio. If you haven't yet saved the table with the primary key it will return this message. Simply save the table then it will allow you to create the foreign key.
If you have data in your tables this could be the issue.
In my case I had some data in the Account table that I loaded at 3 pm, and some data in Contact table that I loaded at 3:10 pm, so Contact table had some values that weren't in my Account table yet.
I ended up deleting these values from the contact table and then managed to add a key without any problems.
Kindly also see that there are no existing data inside the table where the primary key is defined while setting the foreign key with another table column.
this was the cause of the error in my case.
I had to take backup empty the table set the relationship and then upload the data back.
sharing my experience
Was using ms sql smss