Orchard CMS - Cannot access resources from Modules folder - iis-6

I installed Orchard on VPS with using IIS6, the installation was successful but, Orchard couldn't load .css in Modules folders (Error 404 - but it's ok in Themes). I don't know why and really confuse.
Could you please help me? Thank you in advance.

I found the solution for this problem:
Because Orchard Modules was named with dot sign, but IIS6 URL Scan doesn't allow dot sign
.So we have to turn on this feature. I found here:


Nuxtjs Deployment on a server

i have worked on a project and i want to deploy it on my server.i used Nuxtjs(Vuejs) as a Front-end and Drupal 8 as Back-end(Headless CMS).
The issue is i uploaded the cms files on the server, now the CMS files is on
and uploaded the Nuxtjs files on the root
the project is working fine on
and the CMS is working fine, how can i make it work on
i tried alot with ProxyPass but i got the Nuxtjs working but the CMS is not.
can you please help me?
the question is not clear
CMS files is on
and uploaded the Nuxtjs files on the root
are in the same folder???...
why don't you just place your drupal server in a subdomain, like api.misite.com and your nuxt application in the main domain misite.com and make requests to the api subdomain.
almost always using subdomains instead of folders can free you from headaches with colliding apache configurations, you just have to determine if your hosting allows you subdomains (probably yes)...hope this help you

Resolving a sub directory to a Heroku app via .htaccess?

I use a Media Temple Grid Service solution for hosting. I currently have a Heroku app which I serve via blog.domain.com using a CNAME record.
I'm trying to have the sub-directory domain.com/blog resolve to the Heroku app instead. I don't want the header to change, so I'm not looking for a redirect I believe.
I've attempted a couple of snippets for .htaccess files which have not worked for me. Can anyone recommend some tips to have this work?
It seems a proxy pass would work from the research I've done, but I can't figure out where or how to set it up given my GS folder structure.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How to allow dll files uploads in wamp server

I'm using WampServer64 and I'm trying to upload some dll files to
my website without. However I'm not having any luck, they are getting blocked for some reason. Does anyone know why and how to solve this problem?
The solution is to change the settings in php.ini located in
apache folder and not in the one located in the php folder
to check if the changes have been made run phpinfo();

Create New Application of Yii Framework on cPanel

I uploaded Yii Framework to my cpanel and now I dont know how to create new application while I did it on my local host using CMD.
I have not any shell access on cpanel and search this question but I found no related answer for this question.
Please help me out!
You have to deploy your application in another way, eg. with FTP, git or rsync.
Upload your complete application, but make sure to exclude and/or set the correct permissions manually for certain folders eg. assets and protected/runtime.
create your app on a local pc, then upload your app to your host. It's that simple.
you can skip making app using cmd on your host!
then just point to the frameworks location in index.php
if you have other apps which are been used by your YII app make sure to install them from Cpanel install php packages.For instance if your using LDAP authentication run a php5-ldap package. If your not using any packages upload your site and your good to go.

Magento-Varnish best VCL configuration

I have installed Varnish accelerator with Apache webserver for Magento installation.
Can any body suggest the best default.vcl (/etc/varnish/default.vcl) configuration for this ?
Any help appreciated.
Obiously you didn't Google this, atleast look for the solution yourself before you come to SO.
When I googled "Magento Varnish" I came up with this first links that is a FREE extension that contains the default.vcl file that you need:
If google did still guide you here:
Magento does by now offer a default VCL files within the depths of their GIT repository.
for Varnish 4.x
for Varnish 5.x
for Varnish 6.x