Using Bazaar to handle Website Versioning - bazaar

I imagine this is a pretty basic question but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.
I develop websites. In the past I've handled all the live files manually and it stinks, of course. I've been hoping Bazaar could add some power and organization to the way we work.
Right now, I work with a local server on my laptop and want to gracefully push data onto the live server. Currently, I'm doing the following:
Local machine:
bzr push sftp://user#server/path/to/project/BZR/live
On server:
rm -r /path/to/project/live
bzr branch /path/to/project/BZR/live
Is there anyway to get the Local files live from the push?
Otherwise, is a branch to the live path correct?
Is there anyway to get Bazaar to just update changed files in the live path so that I don't have to delete /live each time?
Right now I have to manually edit .htaccess with each upload. If I didn't have to delete /live, I imagine I could tell bzr to ignore it and all would take care of itself.
Thanks for your help!

Check bzr-upload plugin, and also push-and-update plugin.


Is it possible to work with an editor remotly?

I want to edit files on my server, but don't want to always upload the files, is there a way on to edit the files remotly?
I tryed to make an bash script which should upload the files, but its not realy good :/ and sometimes didn't worked
You can use Atom with the
Retome FTP edit
If you have got an SSH (SFTP enabled) access to your server, an option would be use use SSHFS to mount a remote directory on your local working path.
In this way you can use any editor (or even something else) to change your files and they will always be synchronised.
Just keep in mind that, in this way, files are actually located on your server, you won't have a real copy on your local machine.

can't open fossil repo over web

I've been strugling for a couple of days with this problem, but can't seem to fix it, I think I'm almost there.... but... not quite :(
This is where I am at.
I'm on a headless debian server, running virtualmin / webmin for creating my domains / users etc. I don't know if this will mess things up, but I'm happy to modify the config files manually (via webmin or via ssh/vim).
I am attempting to run fossil as a cgi service over apache.
its an internal site, named as I can reach the default pages just fine, and add in and create links etc as I want to.
Please note that the solution to my problem is at the end of the question.
so the files are located on disk at, which tallys up with my apache document root
I would like to run fossil to have both the internal site, and later on and dev work that I practice on in separate files. So I created a new directory for these repositories.
/home/homeserver/repos/dev/ [no repository yet!]
reading the instructions on the fossil page I have inserted a short cgi file called 'fos_repo.cgi' that reads as.
directory: /home/homeserver/repos
when I open the link to
I get redirected to the 404 page that I have written. So the script is clearly being read and working.
From reading the fossil pages I understand that I should be able to use the following link to open/access the repo.
I'm not sure why this isn't working...
so far I have tried the following.
I opened the repository from the cli, and had the server run in the background
fossil server site.fossil &
I though maybee the file should have been inside the main repo directory, not inside a sub directory, so I moved it... it now lives in
I tried creating an alias to the file in apache
Alias /home/homeserver/repos/web/site.fossil /home/homeserver/www/repos
When I browse to
I get nothing, but going to
will attempt to downloaded the file (which is a binary)
so I think I'm getting somewhere, but I'm not sure what I'm missing.
I've used fossil before, but I ran it as a local server, and started it up as and when I needed it.
I'm running it like this so as I can eventually push the site out to a live VPS (maybe even finish up hosting the fossil site on the VPS also).
ps I really liked fossil when I used it before, and loved the whole integrated wiki and bug tracker, and the fact I could simply copy the file to my external drive to do a backup. Personally don't really want to change to something else, but if I have to....
thanks in advance.
Edit: trying other options.
So I thought I would try the single repository method shown on the fossil page, so adjusted my cgi script accordingly.
Now when I navitage to : I get the following message returned
SQLITE_CANTOPEN: cannot open file at line 30276 of [f5b5a13f73]
SQLITE_CANTOPEN: os_unix.c:30276: (21) open(/home/homeserver/repos)
however if I ssh to the server an start it manually with
fossil server site.fossil
I can get to the server with
So I either have a problem with my SQLite usage in apache or something else wrong. Plesse help
So for reasons of simplicity I've decided that using a single cgi file for each repo is what I am going to go with.
My initial directory structure was as follows:
/home/homeserver/www/repos/web # for web site development
/home/homeserver/www/repos/dev # for other development
I think part of my problem was that I was hoping that having the directory: pont to my repos/ location fossil would find the site.fossil file (located in repos/web) and the dev.fossil file (located in repos/deb).
Obviously this didn't work.
The reason I wanted it too look like this was for separation of the information on my system.
For some reason I had decided that pointing fossil as repos/ would give me a nice fossil style front page and links to my repositories automatically. However After having used the directory: version and getting the following error message
Unable to find or open the project repository
I realised that I was still going to need to write my front page to the repositories, and that my expectation was a little too much.
So I've decided to run with a single cgi file pointing to each repo that i need to make.
Instead of
Reading your ( very long ) question again, I suggest trying

Where to find logs for SVN and access them without root permission?

Seems like the current svn repo is locked. When I do svn up svn just stays there as if its hanged or something and no option from there except to kill it. Would help looking at the logs to see what's going on.
So where does SVN store it's logs and how to find where their location is configured?
Update 1: Found from the answer to a similar question that the logs are at /var/log/httpd but only root has access to that folder.
Is there an alternative to update the location of logs to go to a more accessible location?
If I have permission to use svn should hopefully have access to svn logs or atleast via .htaccess redirect for my folder to somewhere else.
I think you may find it at /var/log/httpd
Is there an alternative to update the location of logs to go to a more
accessible location?
No I dont think you can do that. You can perhaps create a seperate log file.
Check this:-
By activating an “operational logging” feature, you can ask
mod_dav_svn to create a separate log file describing what sort of
high-level operations your clients are performing.

Rails and Git push, Git pull: logs return same commit, changes aren't made

I've got a local branch (master), a GitHub repo (origin), and another remote repo (server). I've set up my remote so locally I can type git push server master and push the changes to server/master.
When I type git log -1 locally and on the server they return the same commit, but none of the changes I made locally are visible on the server.
I deployed my app with Capistrano so redeploying it makes the changes visible immediately, but I don't want to have to redeploy every time I make a change.
Any idea what's going on here? I'm rather new to Git. Hopefully it's something easy to fix.
It sounds to me that you maybe looking at a different directory than your web server is pointed to.
When I setup capistrano:
cap deploy:setup
cap deploy
it creates a directory structure similar to:
/releases (each deploy gets its own randome number directory)
/current (a sym-link to the latest release)
None of these folder are tied to git. Which makes me think your webserver may not be pointed to the same directory that you're using with git.
You may find cap deploy is preferable as you'll be able to see the output if there are any issues.
I'm not a huge expert but the above is how I've setup rails with Capistrano.
Normally origin is the name used for the GitHub remote and not master. You can check what remotes you have by doing git remote show. If you want even more detail on the remote use git remote show origin (or whatever your remote is called, if it is not origin). This will give you a list. I suspect that what you have is actually two local branches (master and server). Try doing a git push server origin. This will take your server branch and put it on GitHub.
If you are trying to combine the changes in your server branch with your master branch then use checkout master and then git merge server. This will merge your changes from the server branch into your master branch and you can then upload to GitHub via git push master origin.

Is is possible to do this with Subversion/SVN?

I'm using subversion to develop a website with a designer and I'm using a remote server to the Subversion database storage.
Now I need to make visible on the Apache(same machine that Subversion server) all the changes/commits that we make to the repository.
This is possible to do?
I have searched inside the repository files but nothing looks like the name of the files of the project(PHP Project).
Can someone give me a clue on how can I make visible the changes to the repository in a website? Is there a way to connect the changes that I do the the repository to the website?
Best Regards,
Assuming you can already browse the repository using HTTP, simply add something like Repos Style for a nice layout and folder/file history features.
You could shell out to svnadmin.