How to get ICMP port unreachable packet on UDP socket on Windows - udp

I have an application that uses sendto() with UDP to check resources on different ports. How can I get the ICMP port unreachable packet using recvfrom()?
My recvfrom() is like this:
int nFromLen = sizeof( SOCKADDR_STORAGE );
nReceived = recvfrom ( Socket, Buffer, BufferSize, 0, ( struct sockaddr * ) &saFrom, (socklen_t *)&nFromLen );
When an ICMP port unreachable occurs, nReceived = -1, and WSAGetLastError() returns WSAECONNRESET(10054).
But since I'm checking on different ports, I'd like a way of determining which port triggered the ICMP port unreachable message. How can I determine that? (Maybe I can set some socket options?)
As per Len's suggestion(use ICMP only), I tried to create a socket by socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP), then call recvfrom() on it. recvfrom() returns 10022(WSAEINVAL) error because the socket is not bound. How should I fix that?

You can't, see my blog posting on the subject here:
If you're on XP, then you can use SIO_UDP_CONNRESET with WSAIoctl to control if you get ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE reported rather than WSAECONNRESET but even with that set (or on an OS where this is the default) you still do not get the address of the remote port where the ICMP port unreachable happened.
I suggest you use one socket per port you're checking, that way you'll be able to determine where the error came from. Or use ICMP directly.


When receiving on UDP socket listening on ANY/ address, to which local IP was the packet sent?

On my system I have multiple IP addressed. A UDP socket is listening to them all by binding to
Call recvfrom to wait for data.
In the response a sockaddr is filled with the address of the remote sender.
But how do I get to know which of my local IP the packet was sent to?
Is the a way to know?
Or do I need to explicitly open a socket for each IP address on the system?

What happens when two clients send UDP packets to a Socket

Lets assume Host X has a UDP Socket running on Port 1337.
Now Host Y and Z both send a UDP Packet to port 1337 of Host X.
Are the packets going to be de-muxed?
UDP is a transfer protocol with no guarantees of delivery and doesn't have much of an implementation.
When both host Y an Z send a UDP packet to port 1337, and assuming both packets arrive, the application listening on port 1337 decides what happens with those packages. The application can choose which packet to demux, to demux both or to demux neither.
Hope this clears things up

Sniff remote IP port for outgoing data VB

I am trying to monitor a remote IP port for outgoing data.
At the minute I have a TCP port connected which is stuck in a deliberate (almost) infinite loop.
This works, until the tcp connection is broken for any reason.
It just feels better to monitor the remote port for outgoing data, but all the classes/functions I find are for receiving data on a particular port.
Any ideas?

UDP port

I have a system that is running on windows.
I have in that system a process that waits for another process on the same machine for a udp message. The message itself is not important (garbage), but the important thing is that I got the event of the message itself.
The problem is that it seems that I get from another local program a UDP message and I don't know from where. I added information about the sender in the recieved UDP message. I see that I get message from valid local port but also from the addres .
I can't understand the . Does anyone has an idea ?
A computer without an assigned IP address could send such packet, even across the network - see e.g. a similar mechanism in DHCP, where the DHCP discovery packet is sent with source address of
On a local computer, could this be that the packet is sent (and received) on an interface that is up but without an IP address?
Also, this can mean "broadcast" - if this article on e2 is correct, it is a deprecated method of making a broadcast packet, but apparently it was never removed.
Because it is a udp message and using async type, when reading messages that arrive from the other program I can't know when stop reading, when I get reading the message and I get it means I read everything from the UDP buffer from OS.

Is it possible to send udp packet via a v6 socket to a v4 dst?

when I use linux's "sendto(....)" to send some udp packet, I got "invalid argument" error from system.
After some check, I found that I try to send a udp packet via a v6 socekt to a ipv4 destination
, I'm not sure whether it is the reason why "invalid argument" comes from system, so want to raise my question here.
Yes, a PF_INET6 socket can send to IPv4 destination addresses with sendto() - as long as you haven't bound it to an IPv6 local address, anyway.